look at me. I am the captain now

  • I want to officiate marriages lol

    I know I can't legally (without getting ordained or Justice of the Peace or something) but perpetuating the trope would be fun.

    Imagine, the bride and groom sail to say like the sea dogs tavern or a Gally. Ceremony. Magpies' Glory cosmetics involved. Bride in Carefre Summer dress lol.

    Silly and pointless yes. Absolutely.
    But 'twould be fun. 😁

    Course, without custom servers it'll be more like this lol

  • 12
  • With all the Wedding emotes and such, I think that would be grand! What would be the best island for a ceremony? And which would be the best for the Honeymoon?

  • @maximusarael020

    Sea Dogs Tavern (open it!) For the land ceremony.

    I would say on a Gally with the Magpies' Glory set. Or whatever set the couple wanted lol.

    Honeymoon? Tribute Peak. Gonna need some privacy yeah? 😋

    It could even be a mini TT lol.

  • Can I be the wedding singer?

  • @wolfmanbush

    Not with that song

  • @pithyrumble said in look at me. I am the captain now:


    Not with that song

    so hoist up the John B's sail
    see how the mainsail sets
    call for the captain ashore
    let me go home
    I wanna go home

  • @wolfmanbush said in look at me. I am the captain now:

    @pithyrumble said in look at me. I am the captain now:


    Not with that song

    so hoist up the John B's sail
    see how the mainsail sets
    call for the captain ashore
    let me go home
    I wanna go home

    My 3rd sloop's name 😆

  • "Look at me. I am the captain now"
    Thats what my wife told me in our wedding 🤣

  • @faceyourdemon said in look at me. I am the captain now:

    "Look at me. I am the captain now"
    Thats what my wife told me in our wedding 🤣

    Marry her...


  • Can we get a version of this as a shanty 😆

  • I love the picture. I think that it would a cool idea to do that. I wish weddings were more fun like your idea. It would definitely be something I would do if I get married: AKA sailing boat wedding because that would be so fun.

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