Request for low-level trinkets

  • Ahoy there! Long-time player coming back from hiatus for the captaincy update here. Had a small suggestion/request for the team as they're assessing how milestones work if they plan on making changes:

    Could we loosen the requirements for the lower-tier trinkets? I understand that milestones are meant to take a long time and be a sort of end-game grind for high-end players, but right now it feels like large parts of Captaincy are locked out to more casual players. I was looking over a portrait to commemorate a strangely docile snake that we brought aboard years ago that turned traitor on us at the worst possible moment, and I was dismayed to realize I'd have to turn in 100 merchant voyages to unlock even the most basic version of this trinket. I get two, maybe three voyages of any kind done per night, so this requirement feels pretty out of reach for me, and there's a lot of similar requirements for other trinkets, so it ends up feeling like I'm only going to have default trinkets available... basically indefinitely, which is disappointing, especially given that I not only have history with this game, I've got genuine stories that I want to commemorate on the boat and trinkets I can see that actually do that job.

    So, my proposal: I don't need the overall grind to be easier, I just want to be able to tell the story of my boat with the most modest version of a trinket more easily. Rather than needing to reach "class 10" in a given milestone, which I'm taking to mean I need to accomplish it 10 times, I'd like to see the lowest-end version of a bunch of trinkets unlock when you reach "class 1" in a milestone instead. I think we'd see a lot more variety in captained vessels and it would allow me and many others to enjoy one of the meatier parts of the captaincy update much sooner.

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  • the direction I would go with this is similar to titles and events/seasonal stuff

    just flood the game with them and make it to where they aren't all tied to significant grind

    some of the more fun titles weren't really tied to any significant grind, they can do that with trinkets, just have cute/cool stuff to snag through events

    sky is ultimately the limit on captaincy related cosmetics

  • If this is a petition, I'm signing up.

  • I think the thing they are meant to do is that you start with basic ornaments like plants, books etc. and upgrade them while you go with special trinkets.

    Some class milestones aren't that hard. I did a few sessions this week and already unlocked a few things. My voyager class is level 26 and the feared is 11. All by just solo slooping in the evening, not targeted grinding but just playing.

  • @licenturion I get that, but like… it’s honestly discouraging me from even trying- Me, a “completionist” will likely never get ANY of these gilded trinkets. Looking at fish trinkets- class 10 is the minimum bar. Each class is 25 fish. I need to catch 250 splashtails myself to get the loser version of it. That’s more splashtails than needed in total to complete the splashtail category altogether in the hunter’s call, which adds up to 210. And Class 100 for the highest version? 2500 splashtails. Repeat for all 9 other fish types.

    I need to catch 25000 fish solo. How will I do that while I’m busy Sitting for 100 hours, oh, but before that, I need to sleep for 100 hours. Just after I burn myself for 100 hours, which, fire only lasts 10 seconds.

    I think 90% of these goals need to be slashed to 25% of what they are honestly

  • @klutchxking518 The completionists that I know are mostly aiming at the base trinket for the more difficult ones. It's the same model anyways.
    One of them spent 10 hours sitting on a stool on top of a campfire just to be efficient (I'll never truly understand the completionist mindset I'm affraid). x)

  • I've managed to get my beloved sloop Bojangles up to level 27 Voyager and I've unlocked a couple of trinkets and decorations.

    I think there is definitely room for a set of trinkets at Level 5.

    Those first few nights were demoralizing. Lots of pop ups telling me I'd levelled up this or that, but nothing that I could buy beyond the basic beach trinkets. It made it feel like actually unlocking a meaningful trinket was out of reach.

    I think a small trinket at Level 5 would help things feel a little less overwhelming.

    We also need to talk about the cost of the decorations. Has anyone noticed that the curtains cost nearly as much as an entire Sloop?

    I mean I have the money, that's not it, but what are they making those curtains out of recycled gold hoarders?

  • The sad thing about Alignments and Milestones is that they really don't showcase the style of the player or crew. They just showcase how much you've done a particular task, regardless of the context of said task. Like, so what if I fired 500 cannonballs? What was the context there?

    The Captaincy update has really been met with a sort of apathy. Yes, players dig naming their ships, and discovering other ships through the spyglass is cool. But, the whole trinket, trophy, alignment and milestone system have many complaints. I don't necessarily care about legacy stats but I certainly was hoping for a way to uniquely display my playstyle quickly.

    I think they ran into problems trying to actually define play-styles and we ended up with these very broad metrics.

  • I'm inclined to agree - to an extent. I don't have any issue with the milestones as-is, I think they are there for the long term of the game and shouldn't be viewed as "grindable".

    However, we could probably do with a few more steps along the way with some minor trinkets and decorations to unlock. I think this is the first iteration of Captaincy and will see eventually see far more stuff added to unlock through normal play.

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