Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves

  • Honestly don't know what to say that I haven't posted already years ago. I uninstalled the moment the Plunder Pass came out and have always wanted to get back into this game since. It was my bread and butter to work towards cool shipsets and time limited cosmetics from the events. Then Pirate Emporium came out and it existing was already a huge red flag, but it was limited to other IP stuff, pets, and emotes at the time so I didn't care too much. Fast forward a year later and there's already no reason for you to be bothered with the Shrouded Ghost, the rarest creature in the entire game, because all you get from it is a title while Captain Preschool can ask mommy to buy a shipset, costume, and weapons all centered around the mythical meg. And it just kept getting worse from there. Halloween 2019 we got a whole new raid. Halloween 2020 we got a new Ghost set locked behind a paywall and only its costume and weapons are earnable. Then the Plunder Pass came out and locked even more cosmetics behind paywalls. Content updates became less meaningful as what's the point in all this gold if there's nothing to spend it on. Holidays and events became about bringing out your wallet. Heck, the Hunter's Call is so ignored that they literally went "welp Merrick's dead now... anyways, here's this new Hunter's Call wrecker set available only at the Pirate Emporium." And now to top it off, the one update I was looking forward to for 4 years, the only thing that I hoped would get me back into the game AAAANNNDDD $5 to change your ship's name and name plaques from previously existing sets only in the Pirate Emporium.

    The Emporium has been nothing less than a stain on what this game used to be.

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  • I'm with you there, £5 to add and remove "the" from the name of my ship is a rip off, someone will say "oh but you can dismantle the ship and make a new one, for another quarter mil and you lose all the progress.

  • and everything we did the last years for nothing too lol... wanna spend 100 hours on fire to get a nice frame? wanna spend 100 hours in the storm to get a nice frame? whaaaat lollll even a 10 years old wont have the time to do that lol yesterday i still wanted to play for years to come, today i started the game, i was about the do some of those milestone, closed the game when i saw i need 3 years of my life just to get 2 or 3 frame for my ship

  • Don’t like the store. Don’t go shopping there.
    Move on. Let it go.

  • @burnbacon That's called complacency. There's literally no point in the game as a whole if the literal mounds of gold and thousands of hours spent on it mean absolutely nothing compared pulling out a credit card. Hunter's Call was an entire content update. You have to fish up hundreds of thousands of fish to even come close to 100% completing it and some people who have played the game since it's launch still haven't even seen a Shrouded Ghost in their own game. You can't tell me with a straight face it is even remotely fair that you only get a single HEAVILY outdated shipset from it and a handful of titles while the microtransaction whales get costumes, shipsets, weapons, emotes, pets, and more having never even touched the content to begin with. Microtransactions in any form are inherently predatory especially in games like this where the ONLY progression besides a meaningless number ticking up is making your pirate and their belongings look good.

  • the updates have all been free and popular or not popular they have all largely been pretty massive updates, many of which have kept people pretty entertained

    gotta keep the lights on somehow

  • Sorry but you can’t expect a game that cost like 30$ on steam special to give you free content 4 times a year and survive without any other sources of revenue. The emporium and the plunder pass are part of that. I hate pretty much every ship set that ever released with the paid version of the plunder pass but i always take it anyway just to keep the game going. I will start disagreeing with the emporium if they start selling stuff that gives you a big advantage over others in a fight. The emporium is not ruining SoT, it helps keeping it alive.

  • @wolfmanbush
    but changing the ship name requires real money
    what were they thinking
    some cool crests behind paywall is alright, we also have other crests at shipwright's shop. But changing the name seems insane for it to be behind a paywall. For many new players joining the game this season, they will think it's a total rip off that even they cannot change their ship's name or be a captain.
    New seasons have new bugs, and twitch drops are here.
    I hope the drops won't have a problem or rare will need to do something.
    Don't they earn already as much with players buying the game?
    And even earning off the charities and donations on streams?
    And even with PE, they are still making money.
    Don't get me wrong, i just don't even buy anything with ancient coins sometimes because i know that it is just a cosmetic and i will be crazy about it and end up wasting my money.
    Also, the ship naming deed must have been free for all.
    You should have changed everytime from the shipwright for free.
    Also, saving loadouts to ships and buying captained ships ARE INSANE AS HELL.
    HELL NO!!

  • That's Capitalism

  • @lafrules I very much can expect that because A: it quite literally has run off of that before as did all games before the introduction of microtransactions and B: its a Microsoft owned game. This isn't something like Bloodborne where it's exclusive but Sony doesn't own it or some small indie developer, Microsoft quite literally owns this game and this company. Y'know, the same Microsoft that is in second place for being the richest megacorporation on the planet. Rare isn't hurting by any means and never was. This is just corporate greed.

  • @timedsatyr79799 said in Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves:

    Also, saving loadouts to ships and buying captained ships ARE INSANE AS HELL.
    HELL NO!!

    Hard disagree on that. I would personally have put the gally in the millions. Make it feel like it is something special that not any noob can get in a day or two. But i respect their choice. Im fine with the 7k save loadout as well. It is pocket change for many pirates anyway and it is not like we have to pay it every session. It is a one time deal.

  • @ishotyournuts seeing the fact that I have to redo everything I already did from 2018-2021 to unlock certain things turned me off to this game. It's a huge gut punch to us that did the grind for commodations. I'm not doing again. I loved this game and now I can't stand it.

  • @lafrules
    If the ship sinks will all your progress be gone ow will you have to pay again?

  • @timedsatyr79799 no

  • @ninja-naranja
    oh in that case
    is adventure and this different?
    I doubt you can customise and name your ship and whatever you can do in adventure.
    Can you do this in adventure, without buying a ship?

  • @timedsatyr79799 said in Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves:

    If the ship sinks will all your progress be gone ow will you have to pay again?

    no your ship is a one time purchase. you keep your progress when you sink. you can even progress by sinking. you only lose progress if you dismantle the ship. I can see now how you would think 500k is expensive if you thought you had to pay that every time you sink.

  • @stellarbus46862 the PE hasn’t ruined SoT. It’s not been super fun that the PE gets more high quality cosmetics then the main game does but there’s a lot more than just cosmetics that make the game great.

    But sure, if you don’t have anything to contribute to the conversation just insult people I guess.

  • @timedsatyr79799 all the new captaincy features for for captained boats only. And there’s only the one “Adventure” mode.

  • @ninja-naranja I just thought it's funny how he appears in every single post right on queue.

  • @wolfmanbush Sea of Thieves is a one of a kind nothing else like it game so they already have the fact that other than Ubisoft they have literally no competitors. They most certainly can keep the lights on with the game sales alone. Even then, most people aren't even saying remove the Pirate Emporium itself. This is only a problem because 90% of the emporium content can and should be rewards for the endless amount of grinding the game already demands you to do with no reward. The "massive" updates mean nothing if there's no point in doing them.

  • @stellarbus46862 Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @pixlisreal Skull and Bones isn’t even a competitor. Rare’s got this market on lock.

  • @triheadedmonkey humble apologies. I've taken note of my error. No need to run me off the plank.

  • @pixlisreal said in Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves:

    @wolfmanbush Sea of Thieves is a one of a kind nothing else like it game so they already have the fact that other than Ubisoft they have literally no competitors. They most certainly can keep the lights on with the game sales alone. Even then, most people aren't even saying remove the Pirate Emporium itself. This is only a problem because 90% of the emporium content can and should be rewards for the endless amount of grinding the game already demands you to do with no reward. The "massive" updates mean nothing if there's no point in doing them.

    based on what? we dunno their books

    I'm not a fan of the collector version sales strategy but overall it it seems pretty reasonable to me, there has obviously been a lot of effort put towards trying to not let it interfere in the experience.

  • @burnbacon It’s not that simple. The real problem of the matter is that every single great looking cosmetic goes into the emporium. A perfect example is that rare put all the great looking ship name plates in the emporium and the ones you can earn are not even close to as well made. If the best cosmetics are able to just be purchased, what’s the point of grinding for anything else?

  • @jaxycafe I would disagree there though. What we’ve seen so far of the Emissary sets is amazing quality and what I’d argue to be some of the best looking sets. My favorite cosmetics in this game aren’t EP, although there are some fire ship sets in there and I may even pick up the newest one because it’s something I could see myself using.

  • @TimedSatyr79799 Sometimes a reminder from mods is necessary to remind me to act as though in public. There's nothing wrong with that.

  • @stellarbus46862 well good
    no problem

  • I remember having to buy the game and then also pay a monthly sub to play. Not only that, but the best access you had was 28.8kbps if you were lucky. The dev teams were much smaller back then.

    High speeds and server rack space isn't cheap, not to mention paying your staff and office overhead.

  • The imbalance between PE and nonPE coametic additions is the only thing that frustrates me, really.

    The Emporium gets a new costume and shipset each month without fail, usually along with matching weaponry; while all we can hope to get is a year's old recolor added to the shop (which we did not even get with Season Seven... sigh).
    The only means by which we get interesting cosmetics is via drops or season passes, other than those, it's an endless torrent of goofy costumes.

    I would say the emporium has definitely hurt the cosmetic situation, though it hasn't ruined the game

  • @pixlisreal you are aware that this game is out for over 4 years and we get consistently updates FOR FREE!!!
    So a one time pay (70 Euro I payed, now it's about 40 Euro) and then you expect getting everything for free?!?
    Rare is a company that needs to make money to survive and still give us content...
    Get over it!

  • @schwammlgott Read literally any of my replies in this thread and if that still doesn't convince you as to why that phenomenally wrong then I don't know what else to tell you.

  • @pixlisreal didn't read all of your posts, but enough...especially the one about Bloodbourne made me laugh hard...comparing a Singleplayer game with an online-multiplayer-service game like SoT is just ridiculous

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