How to get ship to legendary status?

  • everyone keeps talking about needing to get a ship to "legendary" before being able to buy another, im wondering what getting a ship to legendary actually entails

  • 17
  • I honestly think its gonna take months to get one ship to legendary status

  • @spaff101 sagte in How to get ship to legendary status?:

    I honestly think its gonna take months to get one ship to legendary status

    That's good! Not like PL, which can be achieved within a few days

  • yeah i imagine it will be hard, but has anyone heard what it actually means to get to legendary status?

    is it like 50 milestones in each group or something?

  • @schwammlgott said in How to get ship to legendary status?:

    @spaff101 sagte in How to get ship to legendary status?:

    I honestly think its gonna take months to get one ship to legendary status

    That's good! Not like PL, which can be achieved within a few days

    Agreed, yet on the way to PL all the crew carried together, this new title will be many milestones of solitary effort. Unless one can trick players to join a crew.

  • @metal-ravage I agree with you but I still think you should dial down how much time it takes to get some trinkets
    2500 of the same exact fish caught by one player for only a trinket
    100 hours of sleeping that trinket is actually impossible same goes for 100 hours of being on fire.
    100 crested queens killed???? I am a PL and have 300 hours on SoT and never seen a single megaladon and crested queens are the rarest of them.
    I really like how you have to work hard and long to get some of the items, but I still think Rare needs to redo some of the limits for the milestones.

  • @spaff101 Instead of new reasons to play the game with our friends, we got old reasons to play alone.

  • And I know these milestones are supposed to spread out the game so that way people dont get bored and quit, but honestly they have made me get more bored of this game and made me kinda want to quit I have unlocked most things in this game and I was really hoping that this update would provide a nice couple of months to grind out the perfect ship loadout, but I was definitely not thinking I would have to grind out 10 years of these milestones. Because lets face it, it is going to take 10-20 years to get 100 hours of being on fire.

  • @metal-ravage I dont care what you say 100 HOURS of sleeping or being on fire???????????? THAT IS INSANE
    THINK ABOUT IT 100 hours of sleeping where you have a BLACK SCREEN UR TELLING ME A BLACK SCREEN FOR 100 HOURS IS AN ACHIEVEMENT??????!!!!

  • @metal-ravage Now I know you are probably going to say some scripted BS and end the conversation but please at least make it 10 hours instead of 100 because I like the look of the ashen dragon trinket and it is such a shame to see it being so unobtainable.

  • @metal-ravage perfectly said.

  • @metal-ravage i Love playing alone not a single friend is playing SoT! So this Update is for ppl like me. And at Mr Spliff whatever, I love long grinds because that makes Items/Trinkets special! When u don’t like it don’t do it

  • If you want to speed run a catagory or all some best examples are:
    Gold Seeker: Sell as an emissary.
    Voyager: Sail to islands and do tall tales
    Emissary: Sell as an emissary.
    Hunter: Cook and Eat Food at Forts and Outposts.
    Feared: Do Forts and shoot cannons with the bois.
    Rogue: Go afk for 50 hours or drink grog for 11 hours.
    Ill-Fated: Bucket

    50 in all will maybe take like 10 sessions if you multitask.

  • @rougual idk about being afk for 50 hours
    unless there is a glitch to keep you from getting kicked or sunk

  • @spaff101 it is called a macro

    dude i really don't know why you cry that much about this update, it has finally captured a way to NOT bore all the players that have every boring pirate commendation, you finally can safe and track the stats of your sessions, what is "bad" about it? i don't understand how a person can cry that much because "it takes so long"??!!?!? stop crying, start playing, maybe it takes less time for legendary, just a hint

  • @Spaff101 and emotes in the hide and seek pack will block the timeout, btw

  • @rougual I got my rogue by mostly playing shanties while sailing ^^ I think it's the most reasonable and entertaining part of the rogue one

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