The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible

  • The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible because you either had to go to an event across the country or even planet to get it or spend $100+ on a game drive that wasn't fully accessible to everywhere on the planet. I call for the Sea of Thieves team release the Midnight Blunderbuss for a 1 day twitch drop so the people who didn't have the money to get it. It also gets rid of the problem with resellers on eBay selling the code for a lucrative amount of money.

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  • They're never going to do that

  • @oldmangames1216 Get in line dude, many of us are still waiting on the obsidian capstan.

  • Banjo too.

  • @oldmangames1216 said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    I call for the Sea of Thieves team release the Midnight Blunderbuss for a 1 day twitch drop so the people who didn't have the money to get it.

    And then the people who miss this 'one day Twitch drop', will complain they weren't there to get it! 🤣🤣

  • No thanks. Some items should remain rare for those that were fortunate enough to procure a hard-drive, or have won it in a contest. What next? Asking for the Ferryman set to be twitch drops?

    Personally, I had to buy two hard drives, because I was a dumb-dumb and put the code on the wrong xbox account.

  • Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

  • not every skin in the game needs to be accessible. let rare items exist, especially for people dedicated enough to go to events or buy custom hard drives.

  • I understand that there must be items that you can only get by buying something physical, but the fact that these products are only sold in a few countries and impossible to export makes things really unfair.

  • @captncarmichael Or in my clown case, two hard drives, haha.

  • @targasbr Life isn't always fair, mate. Not every product is going to be available everywhere, that's unfortunately just how it is. I don't mean to sound brash, but I don't think Rare needs specifically re-release these products, simply because they weren't easily accessible in the first place.

  • @valor-omega said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @targasbr Life isn't always fair, mate. Not every product is going to be available everywhere, that's unfortunately just how it is. I don't mean to sound brash, but I don't think Rare needs specifically re-release these products, simply because they weren't easily accessible in the first place.

    For a game meant to be played by everyone around the world, releasing a product that isn't accessible to a large portion of the world doesn't make much sense. They don't need to be released again, but they should provide another ways to get these items, even if they are in-game items, for all players.

  • @targasbr I'm going to respectfully disagree, especially for items such as Ferryman, Black Dog, etc. I do know that the Midnight Blunderbuss has in-fact been a reward for a few different contests, which is fine imho.

    Recolors, I am fine with. But preserving the original cosmetics, for those that were lucky enough, or paid the hefty price to obtain them should remain unique.

  • @valor-omega said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @targasbr I'm going to respectfully disagree, especially for items such as Ferryman, Black Dog, etc. I do know that the Midnight Blunderbuss has in-fact been a reward for a few different contests, which is fine imho.

    Recolors, I am fine with. But preserving the original cosmetics, for those that were lucky enough, or paid the hefty price to obtain them should remain unique.

    "Be lucky to be born in Europe, otherwise, I really don't care if you have an item from a pirate game with plasticine graphics."

  • @targasbr Sorry? Are you trying to guilt me or something, based on where I live? Bit of a reach, but okay.

    Is it unfair when a car company makes a limited run of a certain model, and only a select few get it? No, it's not.

    Is it unfair when a video game company makes limited edition versions of a game, and only a select few get them? Nope, not unfair either.

    Is it unfair when a movie theater shows a limited, advanced screening of a new movie before anywhere else, and only a select few are able to see it? Nope.

    I'm sorry, mate, not trying to sound rude or anything, but that's just how it goes. Not everything is going to be available to everyone at every given point in time. Limited nature is by far not exclusive to the video game world.

  • @valor-omega said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @targasbr Sorry? Are you trying to guilt me or something, based on where I live?

    Is it unfair when a car company makes a limited run of a certain model, and only a select few get it? No, it's not.

    If it can be imported and brought to my country, no.

    Is it unfair when a video game company makes limited edition versions of a game, and only a select few get them? Nope, not unfair either.

    If those who took it only got it because the company made something available in a single country, yes, it's unfair

    Is it unfair when a movie theater shows a limited, advanced screening of a new movie before anywhere else, and only a select few are able to see it? Nope.

    In this case everyone could watch it after it's released, even if this mode is using the game's theme, if you know what I mean.

    I'm sorry, mate, not trying to sound rude or anything, but that's just how it goes. Not everything is going to be available to everyone at every given point in time. Limited nature is by far not exclusive to the video game world.

    When you sell a product that is consumed all over the world and make based products available in only a few regions of the world, yes, it is unfair.
    It wasn't for lack of money, they just don't deliver to my country.

  • @targasbr Well, I'm sorry to say, but that's a bit of a selfish mindset to have. Again, not everything is going to be available to you at every given moment, and I think that's something you're going to have to learn to accept. If every aspect of life was fair, there'd be nothing wrong with the world.

  • @valor-omega said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @targasbr Well, I'm sorry to say, but that's a bit of a selfish mindset to have. Again, not everything is going to be available to you at every given moment, and I think that's something you're going to have to learn to accept. If every aspect of life was fair, there'd be nothing wrong with the world.

    I already see it as a selfish mindset not to accept that everyone who has access to the game should have access to all of its items.

  • @targasbr I think at this point, we should agree to disagree.

  • The RARE employee sails should be a one day twitch drop too! And the banana outfit and sails. We should also give the brave vanguard title to everyone every 4th Thursday of every second month and twice every full moon…

  • @satanicnemesis While they're at it, give away the Deckhand sails, the Quartermaster sails, the Rare Legend sails, and the solid gold, 24 karat bananas.

  • @papatankers2041 sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

    Then why are they defending it making them unavailable forever? If it's just pixels does it really matter?

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @papatankers2041 sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

    Then why are they defending it making them unavailable forever? If it's just pixels does it really matter?

    The good ol' "if its just pixels that you have it shouldn't matter to you that I have then.."

    It's a game where there's a handful of rare now unobtainable cosmetics. They had to be earned or gained through certain participations or promotions. Rare want to maintain the rarity of those items. Everyone has to deal.

    Since it is just pixels after all.. there are significantly more pixels currently in game you can work towards, unlock, or buy in game than there are exclusive pixels you can't get anymore. You've got tons to work with. Enjoy.

  • @tre-oni sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @papatankers2041 sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

    Then why are they defending it making them unavailable forever? If it's just pixels does it really matter?

    The good ol' "if its just pixels that you have it shouldn't matter to you that I have then.."

    It's a game where there's a handful of rare now unobtainable cosmetics. They had to be earned or gained through certain participations or promotions. Rare want to maintain the rarity of those items. Everyone has to deal.

    Since it is just pixels after all.. there are significantly more pixels currently in game you can work towards, unlock, or buy in game than there are exclusive pixels you can't get anymore. You've got tons to work with. Enjoy.

    I unlocked everything there is. Guess i have to wait till S7.

  • @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @tre-oni sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @shenlongkazama said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @papatankers2041 sagte in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    Obsidian capstan, ferryman,mightnight blunderbuss, time limited cosmetics.

    How do people get so obsessed over some pixels is beyond me.

    Then why are they defending it making them unavailable forever? If it's just pixels does it really matter?

    The good ol' "if its just pixels that you have it shouldn't matter to you that I have then.."

    It's a game where there's a handful of rare now unobtainable cosmetics. They had to be earned or gained through certain participations or promotions. Rare want to maintain the rarity of those items. Everyone has to deal.

    Since it is just pixels after all.. there are significantly more pixels currently in game you can work towards, unlock, or buy in game than there are exclusive pixels you can't get anymore. You've got tons to work with. Enjoy.

    I unlocked everything there is. Guess i have to wait till S7.

    Guess so.

    That's the beauty. There'll always be more

  • I understand the appeal of having rare items in the game that not everyone can have but in my opinion, if it's part of a set that has other items that are easily obtainable or are more accessible I don't see why some items of said set should be locked away to the majority of people who may already have most the set, the blunderbuss and capstan are a little ridiculous to acquire compared to the other items in the same set so personally I feel like they could provide alternative methods to earning them (not giveaways but some in-game challenges would be neat). I saw an argument that the banana sails should also be obtainable since they are so limited, but items like those are not part of a full set, so there's less of an incomplete feeling when you miss out on those types of items.

    Also, let's all be grown ups here, these are just cosmetic items at the end of the day and not worth getting super worked up over.

  • but then it wouldn't be a rare cosmetic would it, if we did the same thing and made the kraken blunder buss rare instead of the midnight it wouldn't be as worth getting, besides its looks of course.

  • @oldmangames1216 nooooooooooooo thanks

  • @valor-omega here here

  • I wonder how many of the posters who are against OP's idea want the PL curse to come back. I really don't understand the forum's double standard on this subject.

    Personally I am fine with either direction, as long as it applies consistently to all currently time limited cosmetics.

  • @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    I wonder how many of the posters who are against OP's idea want the PL curse to come back. I really don't understand the forum's double standard on this subject.

    Personally I am fine with either direction, as long as it applies consistently to all currently time limited cosmetics.

    PL curse IS coming back.. and it was never intended to be gone permanently, unlike a select few things in the past.

  • @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    I wonder how many of the posters who are against OP's idea want the PL curse to come back. I really don't understand the forum's double standard on this subject.

    Personally I am fine with either direction, as long as it applies consistently to all currently time limited cosmetics.

    PL curse IS coming back.. and it was never intended to be gone permanently, unlike a select few things in the past.

    How do you know for sure that its coming back? Has Rare ever made a statement specifically confirming this?

    So far I've only seen deckhands speculating that it will because of a statement that said some seasonal cosmetics will return.

    However, even if you are right, my point is that, in my opinion, it should only come back if other time limited cosmetics make a return as well. Isnt that fair?

  • @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    I wonder how many of the posters who are against OP's idea want the PL curse to come back. I really don't understand the forum's double standard on this subject.

    Personally I am fine with either direction, as long as it applies consistently to all currently time limited cosmetics.

    PL curse IS coming back.. and it was never intended to be gone permanently, unlike a select few things in the past.

    How do you know for sure that its coming back? Has Rare ever made a statement specifically confirming this?

    Yes, and then constantly re-confirmed by deckhands. Rare are just idle on it saying they want to figure out how they want to reintroduce it.

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    However, even if you are right, my point is that, in my opinion, it should only come back if other time limited cosmetics make a return as well. Isnt that fair?

    No. They're just not the same at this point. Anything old and currently "exclusive" was for it's time. It's being maintained that way. Rare want to keep it that way.

    Everything else released since they were open about maintaining the rarity of old cosmetics has been pretty clear cut, and they've been straightforward about it.

    Going forward the only truly time limited exclusives are by Rare's own words anything themed from the seasons, like each seasons themed particular scar or tattoo, and more recently, the adventure rewards for participating.

  • @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @tre-oni said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    I wonder how many of the posters who are against OP's idea want the PL curse to come back. I really don't understand the forum's double standard on this subject.

    Personally I am fine with either direction, as long as it applies consistently to all currently time limited cosmetics.

    PL curse IS coming back.. and it was never intended to be gone permanently, unlike a select few things in the past.

    How do you know for sure that its coming back? Has Rare ever made a statement specifically confirming this?

    Yes, and then constantly re-confirmed by deckhands. Rare are just idle on it saying they want to figure out how they want to reintroduce it.

    @alienmagi said in The Midnight Blunderbuss should have been more accessible:

    However, even if you are right, my point is that, in my opinion, it should only come back if other time limited cosmetics make a return as well. Isnt that fair?

    No. They're just not the same at this point. Anything old and currently "exclusive" was for it's time. It's being maintained that way. Rare want to keep it that way.

    Everything else released since they were open about maintaining the rarity of old cosmetics has been pretty clear cut, and they've been straightforward about it.

    Going forward the only truly time limited exclusives are by Rare's own words anything themed from the seasons, like each seasons themed particular scar or tattoo, and more recently, the adventure rewards for participating.

    Could you please show me Rare's official statement on this? I havent seen or found it anywhere myself and I follow sea of thieves news pretty actively.

  • @alienmagi

    @Meroviel said in [Bring back Pirate legend Curse]:

    As already stated by @sshteeve we have mentioned multiple times that we are looking into bringing back seasonal rewards but we have yet finalised what those plans might look like. Once we have a plan in place on how best to deliver these cosmetics we will likely do an announcement on one or multiple channels so keep an eye out.

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