The Mystery Begins!

  • @fiver-march
    The notes on Reaper's were always there, but were hidden when the hideout was created. They're drawings that the Masked Stranger made.

  • @foxywiththemoxy

    Ah yes the motive. THat is something we haven't really discussed on here has it? I do like where you're going, however I'm not sure Amaranta nor the Pirate Lord would have done something like this.

    First off I dunno if hating someone would be a good enough reason to kill someone. I mean there could be a few people I hate but I wouldn't go off killing them just because. There has to be a real reason why than just pure hate. Least in my opinion...

    Second I'm not sure if the Pirate Lord would do something like this. I mean he could have needed his help and all, but then wouldn't he had gone to his daughter Lesedi and tell her what he needed to do? I don't think she'd be on the island drinking and mourning the loss of her brother if that was the case. Also wouldn't Demarco be turned into a spirit too and tell Lesedi himself what Ramsay needed to do?

    EDIT: Just looked at the Merfolk's Lullaby site and looked that they added a few things:

    First I noticed they have added a map that was found at Imperial Crown Fortress that shows lil' toy pirates on Wanderer's Refuge. SOMETHING about that island has to be important, seeing that it's showed again along with the two daggers on that island back at Sea Dog's Tavern. What it is? I have no clue.

    Second thing is they added the clue about the music box with the MMM clue, but they added the symbol that's also with those Ms which... looks like wind? Not too sure what that means about the wind or something. Anyone have any thoughts on what that could mean?

  • Has anyone found any clues in the "Who's Who" webpage Rare tweeted out a little while ago? I found it interesting how they included Graymarrow, Briggsy, the Siren Queen, Duke, and Stitcher Jim. (considering they are all either dead or missing).

    All of the rest make sense as they are either relevant to the current story or are protagonists/fan favorite characters that we all encounter on a daily basis.

  • Just noticed it’s Lesedi who’s wearing Demarco’s jacket. So we know where that is at least.

    I’ll need to look at the who’s who page when I get back from work. Does look rather interesting

  • Sea of thieves has posted a video with about with the old MM marking that meant 2000 retweets there is a new one with MMM on it which presumably means that the new post (The one that says are we hearing things not the one that says are we seeing things) has to be retweeted 3000 times

  • there are many notes hidden on tombstones visible with the lantern there is one on wanderers refuge, shark bait cove and lone cove

    the note of lone cove :

  • I just remembered did someone mention on the France site that Lesedi had an announcement to make today? Has anything popped up?

  • I'm not sure if this is related to the Mystery or if it is old content, however in Athena's Fortune hideout, there is in the bar area, near the ghost band, a half of a plate on the bench. When inspected, it says "There is a rune carved here that resembles the numeral 5..."

    Is this a clue or something I should have noticed a long time ago?

  • @maximusarael020 I think this is a clue as 5 has been a recurring thing.

  • @courtingnose1 No that was a hint leading up towards the Pirates Life update, there were many runes with things inscribed on them appearing around the world

  • @courtingnose1
    Where is this wiki page? I cannot find it.

  • @unsungtoaster86
    Type in "Murder Mystery".

  • @maximusarael020
    The symbol is the rune for "song" I think. It was a lead up to Season 2, with Duke travelling the world, placing rune tablets he found everywhere. Here's a rundown:

  • @capt-brookes @FoxyWithTheMoxy
    The main clue that I'm looking at for suspects is the fact that death isn't forever in Sea of Thieves. It doesn't matter if DeMarco died, the Ferryman should have returned him to the seas. This leads me to believe that the killer had to have Pendragon/Graymarrow's curse, the Ferryman is unable to find/get DeMarco, or DeMarco doesn't want to come back.
    This doesn't narrow our suspects down by much, but it does clue us into the sorts of things we should be looking for. Both the Dark Brethren and Flameheart have pull in the Sea of the Damned. And I don't know who has Pendragon/Graymarrow's curse at the moment.
    But, I think we can at least rule out Lesedi...

  • @grumpyw01f Thanks. I was excited for a moment! Oh well. Back to the seas.

    In other news, a good-quality image of the Music Box post on Twitter has shown that the symbol next to the 3 M's (the ones that appeared after the 2000 retweets) is the Sea of Thieves "symbol" for wind, appearing in Commendation art as the wind behind sails, as well as one of Umbra's tattoos.

    Some are speculating that it means it needs 3,000 comments (as the "wind" looks kind of like a cloud/speech bubble), but as of yes I believe it is still unclear.

  • @maximusarael020
    That's what I thought as well, but considering how far away we are, it might be 3000 retweets and the wind is a tease. That's unlikely, but I don't know what the cloud could mean.

  • How goes the Twitter hookin'?

  • @grumpyw01f I assumed it was likes, hopefully whatever hits 3,000 first they just give it to us cause man this is taking a while.

    Twitter engagement for this is not at all how they should be doing it, I feel more like a marketing team then a detective discovering things

  • Created a map of the lantern phrases, however, I've yet to look for them. There might be deeper clues at the fallen lantern sites.

    Connecting the lines in the order it makes sense, it doesn't really amount to anything. But maybe there's a further hidden order?

  • @arcaneasylum636

    In a way it almost looks like the Reaper's symbol with the hourglass.

  • I think the Ferryman is the murderer. Who is capable of keeping pirates dead? Why would pirates get buried in The Sea Of Thieves?

  • We just need to find out who owns this t-shirt from the Rare store, and it will be case closed!

    alt text

    I am of course joking, but there are several new WHO KILLED DEMARCO? tees on the store now and has anyone (smarter than me) looked there for possible clues?

  • @realstyli Judging from the shirt next to that one seems that gravity killed DeMarco.

  • @peony7185 Yes but new runes have appeared such as the posts with them saying blow up FIVE kegs then the Snakes Nice post with the FIVE carved on the wood then a new carving in the legend hideout with it saying looks like FIVE.
    Although the number five looks like the rune for song.

  • @courtingnose1

    then a new carving in the legend hideout with it saying looks like FIVE.

    Problem is, it's not new, it's over a year old.

    Other than that, it's still possible that Rare is hinting towards it with their tweets about five, or, hinting towards the symbol it has, which means "song", IIRC.

  • @limend Ok, sorry might mistake!😅
    Sorry if came across a bit aggressive. I just firmly believe there are clues out of the seas not just on social media.

  • Can't we all agree that Lesedi did it? Mystery solved!!!

    Evidence?!? Who needs evidence! We're pirates, not batman!!!

  • The gust of wind image is the same as on the main screen of the game, except it is blowing into the sails of a ship. I firmly believe we need to sail 3000 nautical miles as a community for the next step to be revealed.

  • @clingingtick660
    Wouldn't that take no time at all though? I mean there's how many players sailing around all over. If there were a thousand players playing all they'd need to do is sale 3 nautical miles, wouldn't they? I'd assume the next clue would have been revealed by now if that be the case right?

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Wouldn't that take no time at all though? I mean there's how many players sailing around all over. If there were a thousand players playing all they'd need to do is sale 3 nautical miles, wouldn't they? I'd assume the next clue would have been revealed by now if that be the case right?

    Agreed. I'm also following the very random theories on discord and I think some of those guys have put in 3k miles just rechecking islands with the FSDL.

  • Here's a silly thought but what if the new hint is that T-Shirt they put up in their store? I mean again it's a silly thought, but what would we even get out of that?

    Maybe we were the real murderers all along D:

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Here's a silly thought but what if the new hint is that T-Shirt they put up in their store? I mean again it's a silly thought, but what would we even get out of that?

    Maybe we were the real murderers all along D:

    Another wild theory... What if the "I" actually isn't us but stands for something? Only name I can think of from lore that begins with an I is Isidro though.

  • @capt-brookes

    as far as i can see she is wearing her own sea dog jacket... o.O

  • @capt-brookes
    Could "I killed Demarco" be an anagram?

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