Hello everyone once again

  • I know i was going on everyones nerve about the skullface paint and just wanted to say i found a way .
    Since my country ia kinda poor and mostly illegal. Someone close to me found a doctor that does transpants and i read that u could live with one liver and there is an acc for sale for 2k with other items aswell that i dont rly care that much but it does have the skullface i guess i wont be spam posting anymore only when there is smth of the interest that doesnt have anything to do with time limited stuff gl and hf everyone much respect to sot community ❤❤

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  • You only have one liver though, this is a bit risky? Less grog can be consumed.

  • @musicmee lol i love the game but I cant consume alcohol cuz of my religion weed on the other hand can be done sometimes

  • @musicmee You only have one liver, i presume OP meant Kidney, of which you CAN live with one, but better to have two!

    @muarembossi My friend, i understand you desperately (and i mean desperately) want the Skullface facepaint but do not, EVER donate organs for money. Unsafe, illegal, and all around really not worth it. It's unfortunate when there's a cosmetic you want but can't get, but really, this is obsessive. There is the Soulflame facepaints in the Emporium that are similar, and available. No organ donation required.

  • @silentkiller646 ye srry kidney its kalled mushkni in my country and couldnt find in the translate and i just thought its xalled liver ... i know its obssesive and i now illegal and not worth it but i had some kinda of brain infection and it kinda makes me obssesive and ive not been this happy for a long time after i heard u can do that. Ppl dont care about illegal stuff in my country that much as long as it doesmt have anything to do eith politics

  • @silentkiller646 and i have the emporium ones but meh theyre green and black not rly what im looking for but thank u for caring my dude ❤❤

  • Ignoring the fact this guy wants to donate his organs to get face paint, a while back wasn't there someone looking for him?

    Bro someone was trying to call you...if I find them I'll link them here

    But you scared us all a bit with your last post.

    But please don't sell your kidneys

    Also greetings from England

  • Sorry, not buying it.

    If you were really stupid enough - I really don’t want to be offensive in any way but, in all honesty, „stupidity“ or maybe „insanity“ would be the correct term in this case - to sell one of your kidneys for some pixels in a videogame, why would you want us all to know?

    I consider this post a tasteless try to change developers minds on bringing back certain items.

  • @ottyman8687 thank u for caring my dude i yalked to him hes a close friend of mine but when im in dark places which i dont want to mention here i dont even talk to my family and he understood it thankfully when i explained it.and i thanked him for staying uptodate with my acc while i was away i didnt ask taht from him but he did it for me and im going to repay him in another way .But im already signin things my dude so it is kinda decided i have time like 10 days and they dozze u off so guess it doesnt hurt thank u for caring me matey ❤❤ greetings from kosovo

  • 🧐mmmmmm, Give me your other kisney as well and you got yourself a deal 🤣🤣

    Friendly banter man hahaha
    Now, just how far you are willing to go is SUS and It dosent look serious to say the least but ill put it aside.
    Think about the alternatives, like the Chrismass skeleton or the Emporium shop Warsmith skeleton.

    Maybe you can use the explosive face paint from the costume and mix it with the legendary curse?
    Lets try to find other options..

  • @fred-fisheye thank u my dude .
    Not ry trying to change anyones mind since rare already said they wont bring them back 1st.
    2nd u dont have to believe it my dude its np maybe im stupid or insane u can call me what ever u want i guess for me here in this country this is kinda normal not trying to be cool or cringe
    But ppl on my circle did this for other things and im doing it for smth i love to have .
    But still respect to u my dude even tho im dumb i wont gett offended maybe in ur country things run differently hf in life 💋

  • @faceyourdemon lol tried everything doesnt work ... big sadge ... does look very SUS ikr but ppl can or cant believe it and btw love ur joke ahahaha it was kinda my style love dark jokes and all out off everyone here i respect u the most cuz u agreed with me on some subjects and i love ur jokes have a nice day my man

  • @muarembossi hahahaa Thank you for being cool.
    If you wish, add me and I can try to look for other options.

    Im sure that many people played during the Halloween update with the gamepass, there must be bunch of em who completely abandoned SoT and even gaming. So even for 700$ they would jump from the roof. Post everywhere that you are looking to buy an account with it, but dont be impulsive with insane prices.

    Or just find ways to earn 2K, you are obviously persistant so there must be ways (without scamming people, I mean come on, never go that low) that you can earn it without hurting yourself.

    Health is no joke and you should respect yourself above all else, dont spend a fortune on something stupid! Youll find a way, the skullface is not even that rare.
    But dont let it consume away your physical and mental health.

    Wish you all the best and again, we can scratch our heads to find another option. Ive played since early alpha so ive got almost every cosmetic so I can mix& match something that might work for you.

  • @faceyourdemon thank u very much my dude im watching everyday on reddit if someone has ann account since u said that im scrolling on both sea of thieeves and sea of fashion to look for ppl who have an acc that dont play anymore

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