The sunked ship during shrine problem must be solved

  • When you are doing a Shrine, you have to let your ship alone.
    And most of the time, your ship will get sunk without you knowing it.
    It creates a loose/loose situation where the attacket have nothing to gain sinking the ship and the defender lost his ressources and need to travel back to the shrine.

    But how to avoid this lack of interaction ?
    My Idea would be to have the loot sirens pulsing red with a specific sound when your ship is being under attack.
    This way, you could go back to your ship trying to defend it and have a real PvP battle, not just cannons VS unanimated ship.

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  • If pvpers sink ships with nothing on them either they only care about sinking ships or they aren't skilled with strategy and that is their problem to figure out

    If pvers pull their loot out before they secure they vessel and surrounding that's their issue to figure out

    Content is designed fine imo. It's not an event. It's not built around high risk or high reward. It's not built on epic combat battles.

    Not everything should be treated like a world event. It's pve content with a little risk and a little reward.

    It's variety and that's really all it needs to be.

  • @rakan-le-rouge said in The sunked ship during shrine problem must be solved:

    When you are doing a Shrine, you have to let your ship alone.
    And most of the time, your ship will get sunk without you knowing it.
    It creates a loose/loose situation where the attacket have nothing to gain sinking the ship and the defender lost his ressources and need to travel back to the shrine. […]

    The attacker could have taken the resources of the defender, so its not really loose/loose.
    Not my cup of tea to sink a helpless ship without anything to gain; but if it has an emissary flag or I think it would come after me because I have taken their loot or supplies then sinking them is the best strategy IMO.

  • creates a loose/loose situation where the attacket have nothing to gain sinking the ship and the defender lost his ressources and need to travel back to the shrine.

    Resources are so easy to come by. You can actually buy them now.
    It really isn’t that bad as you think. With the mermaid treasure statues. Your safe to loot and store. And come back to retrieve them.

  • @rakan-le-rouge As you likely know, it is to always scout the area and make sure there is nobody around when the shrine/treasury is started, but just takes a bit of tactic planning and finding other ways to deal with the risk involved and some ways to deal with it:

    • Sail with a team mate that can watch the ship while it is down there.

    • Let it get sunk, but then don't collect the loot you stored in the mermaid until you get back on another ship.

    • Park your ship somewhere on an island where it could stay relatively hidden (or at a nearby fort where ships can blend in easier) and row to the shrine so the ship may still be up when you get back.

  • @rakan-le-rouge Sunken kingdom is pretty much dead content for anyone who has all the commendations for the reason you mentioned. No one wants to sit on the ship and if you're solo you can't reasonably do the shrines/vaults. I had a guy leave the crew in a fit because we asked him to watch the ship since he didn't even know how to do the shrines. We even said we would take turns.

    To be honest even if sirens alert you, its pretty hard to recover if your masts are down, your anchor is dropped, holes are in your ship, and pirates are on your boat.

  • @darkechoes6494 it’s actually pretty good for OOS rep. That’s why my crew and I still do them even after we’ve gotten all the coms.

    But yeah, most people won’t bother with them after they’ve finishing everything.

  • @ninja-naranja The same can probably be said for the other emmisaries, but its probably more worthwhile to just do emmisary voyages the the NPC sells. I didn't even consider this since i'm maxed.

  • @darkechoes6494 I meant Emissary rep for the seasonal rewards. And I think we mostly do it because the areas are really cool and it’s a nice mix up from doing the normal quests.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I agree with what you said.
    However, the thing that bother me the most is the lack of player interatcion : It's like killing an AFK.

    At least you should know when your ship is getting attacked so you can chose to defend it or to leave it.

  • @wyvernkraehe Loosing my loot or my ship isn't the biggest problem.
    What I dislike is the lack of player interraction. The attacker just sink an empty ship and the defender just get sunk without noticing it until it get out of the shrine.

  • I just thought about something : what if you could dive into the shrines with your ship using the sirens chains we see in the Tall tales.

    That way, your ship does't get sunk by ships on the surface.
    But other crew could dive in the deeps and detatch your ship.
    This way, it would force attackers to stop by and look for attached ships rather than firing every ship they see on the horizon.

    After finishing the shrine, you would be able to detatch your ship and emerge with it in a big splach of water.

  • @rakan-le-rouge unfortunately this is the problem with the game. people just sink to sink..i was doing a shrine solo…had an alliance flag up…some ship came by and joined the alliance then sunk my ship…they sat there doing the shrine after i finished…only to get sank by a storm lol it wasnt really thought out imo for solo players and if you have a crew no one wants to sit on a ship and do nothing waiting…its cool and all but sucks for solo people

  • So what you're asking for is a warning system so you can stop what you're doing just in time to get back to your ship that's already taken fire and probably has its mast(s) down and is boarded and anchored.

    Yeah..that sounds great.

    The current mechanics are fine. As long as you've got nothing on your ship when you go down to a shrine, then you've got nothing to who cares?

  • i did the srines this week for the first time

    i enjoyed this more than the pirates life tales.but i think also its not good designed yes the game isnt meant for playing solo but a lot people like me playing it solo.even if it a crew and they doin it for the first time no one wants to wait on the ship till the crew solved the srine. searching books for a commendation and cosmetic gettin old,the puzzles could be also better rare had so nice ideas for the first tall tales set but potc and srines are just lever puzzles . the last voyage for the curse is a mess got sunk 3 times.the srine raids ,no one need this and i will not do it for a title....

  • @da-german420

    I feel like the more I read these types of comments, I really feel like Rare should have done a better job explaining to the community how they should approach doing the shrines.

    Yes, it's a sandbox game and you're supposed to carve your own path and strategies...but I don't understand why we're still having players approach shrines with the security of their ship front and center.

    The mechanics for shrines are perfect. Unless you're speed running them with the intent of stacking loot as an emissary, there's absolutely no reason to keep anyone on your ship to protect it.

  • @sweetsandman I will be honest with you :
    Last time I did a shrine, I hidded my ship behind a rock but managed to get sunk by a random skelly sloop...

  • I've already said this on the forums and the subject was already brought up.
    But there's no downside to shrines if your ship stays perfectly safe upon the waves.
    Loot can be stored, you've got resources as you please, all the time in the world you want, you can go back and forth, it's really chill.
    Having all this safety down there and wanting more safety? What's the fun in this if you risk absolutely nothing? Where's the open minded adventure of scouring danger and takings risks that Sea of Thieves is well known for? It's not there.

    If I get one more person to ask about this I'll simply end up copy pasting the answer over and over again mark my words -_-

  • @rakan-le-rouge

    Why even bother hiding it, though? If you're approaching Shrines the correct way, it shouldn't matter if your ship is there or not when you complete it.

    Treasuries are maybe slightly different if you don't want other crews to know you're doing it. But it still shouldn't matter if your ship is still floating when you finish it.

  • @rakan-le-rouge get a rowboat, park your ship behind the rocks near those shrines and row over...I've never been sunk when I did that...
    About your player interactions...I had a nice one there, maybe you would like it...brig was at a shrine, we parked at the near skellie fort, took a rowboat with 2 kegs, rowed over, destroyed our rowboat with blunder bombs, hid one keg under deck and took one with us up to the crows nest, as soon as they came up, we waited for them to get the loot from the mermaid, BOOM, profit 😎
    I don't know, those are fun interactions imo...unless it happens to yourself

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