Suggestion hear me out

  • Hear me out devil fruits great for forcing exploration if u want to get one u explore islands no buying them just items and for marketing use ancient coins for A lower level Devil Fruit U can change the name to avoid copyright

  • 14
  • @deviiii8317 what?

  • and...what would these "Devil Fruits" do? why explore for them on islands?

    • and dont tell me they grant you powers due to ANIME!
  • @burnbacon Its a part of an anime called one-piece and they give you supernatural powers like rubber man etc look up Devil Fruit one-piece for more information

  • @burnbacon oops

  • I think the dev's have idea's in the pipeline for all sorts of items and non-conventional weapons that won't require skirting round copyright laws or crossovers. Just because One Piece is pirate themed doesn't necessarily mean it'll "fit" into Sea of Thieves. A referential item here or there would be fine but a crossover or anything is incredibly unlikely.

  • Lol, no super powers. Even I have to say no.

  • No. that is not good for the game, plus i dont think that Rare can code that without breaking the game xd

  • @deviiii8317 you know, there are One Piece games out there...

  • "Hey i know that this is a lateral progression, cosmetic upgrade only progression game but could you add anime superpowers?"

  • The complete and utter lack of being able to swim in this game would be detrimental. I get that they get by in the show, but no programmer can give something that much freedom of use.

    That and I think super powers in this game is just unbefitting.

  • I know alot of u are saying it would be unbenifitial for the game because u wouldn't be able to swim but taking out features like no swimming, overpowered strength, more range would make it a little bit more balanced and even taking out more features of it like you could be able to only eat one and if u eat it there's no turning back until you buy a in shop cosmetic called something like change Devil Fruit like the change character but instead of picking u would be able to delete the Devil Fruit you have equipped and eat another one by finding it.

  • ...To be frank, suggesting we should be able to build spaceships and go to the moon would be a more grounded, realistic, and practical suggestion. The OP should probably take some cues from the Nagi Nagi no Mi regarding this concept, if you catch my drift.

9 out of 14