Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA)

  • Just an idea for the Arena Island (Middle of the map) (Adventure mode)

    (Obviously, this is just a "core" idea and is just for people to think about the possibility if it even is a good/worthy thing for the game)

    I was thinking about, how cool it would be if there was a reason to go to the Arena island and maybe be able to defend it from others? (in Adventure mode)

    Maybe if you could capture the place by holding an Area on top of the island for a while? (or just a vote table)
    If the horns on top of the island would make a noise that people in the world would hear when it is captured?
    (Fun king of the hill without any stakes?)

    The use of capturing the Area?

    The first thought was just that it would be fun. But how would we get people there?
    Gold? Hmm..

    Or maybe people would just see the Crew's name who has captured it on the map, where the Arena island is located?
    (Like Tall Tales when zoomed in?) (Crew Banner?) (Ship name?) (Possible to name ships!?)

    People would just want to capture it to let people see their own Crew/Ship name on the map!
    To know who has captured it! To know who owns the Island or the whole Sea! Right!? .. (Just a visual joy)

    (Then if Rare wants, they could maybe throw some couple of cosmetics or titles there?) (A ledger?) (nah?)
    So.. any other ideas? Or maybe the place is good as it is..
    Thought if it is just a small visual reward, wouldn't mind having it?



    Summary :
    Idea 1.
    -You raise your flag in the area.
    -Your Crew Banner (Ship Name or Player Status) will be shown on the map for everybody, where the island is located.
    -Other players might want to have theirs instead and have a fun battle at the island, without any stakes.

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  • @jumli7

    Interesting idea!

    Perhaps it could be player activated similar to FOTD....and would require something that would actually attract other crews, such as an Athena chest, or some other valuable piece of loot...?

    Lots of possibilities here....

  • You can already use it to visit the shops, or parkour, or spy on other ships.

  • @galactic-geek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    You can already use it to visit the shops, or parkour, or spy on other ships.

    Yes, very true! But I personally wouldn't mind a new feature in it.
    I mean it isn't like the already existing features go away, they're still there! :)
    Now we would just see a Ship Name / Crew Banner on the island?..

    If we just had a place which was cool looking, vertically big and we could defend it.. a new place?
    It is a cool island but people aren't having any interactions on it.

  • Yes! Love this idea. I've long wanted a reason for island combat. All the islands just kind of sit there, wasting their potential, not using the chokepoints, cannons, or terrain features Rare so clearly designed with combat in mind. Let's start with Arena island and go from there!

    I like the idea of a king of the hill / tower defense scenario that's tied to a larger quest. Maybe crews have to climb to the top and hold it for several minutes to complete a ritual, at the end of which they get... what? A new, powerful weapon? The ability to see all ships on the map for thirty seconds? An ancient (single-use) artifact that lets them teleport their ship? Their own pirate stronghold? Lots of potential.

  • @jumli7 said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    @galactic-geek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    You can already use it to visit the shops, or parkour, or spy on other ships.

    Yes, very true! But I personally wouldn't mind a new feature in it.
    I mean it isn't like the already existing features go away, they're still there! :)
    Now we would just see a Ship Name hovering on top of it?..

    If we just had a place which was cool looking, vertically big and we could defend it.. a new place?
    It is a cool island but people aren't having any interactions on it.

    What you're asking for is an unnecessary distraction from whatever everyone is already doing.

  • @galactic-geek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    @jumli7 said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    @galactic-geek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    You can already use it to visit the shops, or parkour, or spy on other ships.

    Yes, very true! But I personally wouldn't mind a new feature in it.
    I mean it isn't like the already existing features go away, they're still there! :)
    Now we would just see a Ship Name hovering on top of it?..

    If we just had a place which was cool looking, vertically big and we could defend it.. a new place?
    It is a cool island but people aren't having any interactions on it.

    What you're asking for is an unnecessary distraction from whatever everyone is already doing.

    Isn't anything not related to what you are doing in that session an "unnecessary distraction"? Reaper's Chest? Well I'm not going for it so it's a distraction. Shipwrecks? No thanks, it's a distraction. World Events? Sorry, I'm doing voyages and they're distracting.

  • That's where I say Howdy Ahoy! (trademarked no piracy please) to the new players.

    Personally I don't want it active I like it being mostly a ghost town where once in a while I see a little sloop over there parked and I know it's gonna be someone more than likely confused about where to sell their items.

    Nice little quiet town to have a short little interaction that rarely results in any sort of hostility

  • Give the player the choice to become an Emissary for the Sea Dogs, have a rivalry between the Reapers and the Dogs.
    Might think of a few ideas for how this would work.

  • @mferr11 Somehow I knew that wasn't going to work... 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  • @sailorkek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    Give the player the choice to become an Emissary for the Sea Dogs, have a rivalry between the Reapers and the Dogs.
    Might think of a few ideas for how this would work.

    Oh, please do tell!

  • @sailorkek said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    Give the player the choice to become an Emissary for the Sea Dogs, have a rivalry between the Reapers and the Dogs.
    Might think of a few ideas for how this would work.

    This would actually work pretty well lore wise, given the two factions have different ideas on what piracy is in SoT. People running a Sea Dog emissary would gain rep and em. value from sinking Reapers, but nothing or very little from sinking other non-reaper ships.

    Tangential idea: Why not have arena battles as world events? Have a group of 4 or islands be the "arena" and have that silver chest from the Arena mode spawn on one of those islands, with a Sea Dogs representative on the island the furthest away. First crew to hand in the chest wins, with the reward increasing the more ships were involved.

    Or, to keep it on the Sea Dogs Tavern, use the current Arena points system, but with randomly spawning in structures that can be used to hide behind or use for "shore" combat, with chests to hand in for bigger score boosts. First crew to reach a set score or highest score after 15/30 minutes wins.

    (Although, with those last two ideas, I feel like Rare may have thought of those before they went with the current Arena mode)

  • This sounds like an amazing idea! In my personal opinion, best one yet!

  • Most people who disagree with this idea disagree because they don't want to have fights happening in their adventure mode, because otherwise they may lose their loot!

  • @jumli7 said:

    Maybe if you could capture the place by holding an Area on top of the island for a while? (or just a vote table)... (Fun king of the hill?)... But how would we get people there? Gold? Hmm.. People would just want to capture it to let people see their own Crew/Ship name on the map!

    The reason Arena works out is because everyone who enters it does so with the intent to PvP.

    Adventure mode isn't like that. Not every server is full of people who want to PvP. So, you may activate this event and see only one or two ships for the entire play session. Sometimes you might not see any. What would you do during the long periods of downtime? Is it a contest if no one is there to compete with?

    One way this could work is if other players who activate the event on their server are somehow able to merge in. But I'm sure that would come with it's own set of issues. Unless of course all players who activate it are merged into their own separate server. But at that point... just play Arena. Lol.

  • @theblackbellamy You understood wrong.. or sorry, I might of explained it poorly.

    So, it wouldn't be an "Event". You just go there and activate/"capture" the area (idk),
    and people would see your Ship Name on the middle of the map.

    And what's the use of that? Well, people might want to have their own Ship name there instead and fight them off.
    It could be a lure for PvP.
    Kind of like the reapers flag?
    Just an optional PvP mechanic without any stakes if you don't want to.
    (Reminds of Apex Legends, you know MVP banners on the map)

    (Edit: I mean it could be an event? Idk. Just throwing a "core" idea out there. Kind of like the parkour course on the island, it's just there, no biggie, just a fun little addition)

  • @jumli7 I guess I misunderstood when you referred to it as a sort of King of the Hill type of game. The ones that I'm familiar with usually involve active fights for control of an area.

    It could be a lure for PvP.

    Kind of like the reapers flag?

    Just an optional PvP mechanic without any stakes if you don't want to.

    I think I understand this better. Something like, you sail over; hoist your crew's flag; either camp the spot or go about your business & wait to see if anyone comes to replace yours.

    This isn't a bad idea. Though you're still faced with the issue that, as long as it is a lure for PvP, some folks just won't partake.

    What would you say is an adequate reward for control of the area, particularly on inactive or quiet servers?

  • My idea for that island is to spend 24 hours of just gathering explosive barrels and spread them all over that useless place and blow it up to remove it permanently from the game so the devs could add something useful to the game! That place is a waste of space and data . Rare just give me the green light and I'll get rid o that place for yeeee!

  • @theblackbellamy Yes, you are right. Very true..
    Well, I don't know. Maybe the "reward" would be just to have their own Ship Name / Crew Banner / Player Status on the map?
    But that would only make the competitive players want to take apart.. though that's pretty much what all the events are for..

    I can think couple of ideas, but they most likely wouldn't be great ideas.
    One would be a "leader board" for how long you've had the flag raised. Then throw 3 rewards there, just like currently in the ledger. Idk.

  • @galactic-geek I think it’s a good idea! This island is totally useless without it. Perhaps turn it to an outpost? It needs something other than the same parkour park and shops. That’s really all the island is. It’s quite useless otherwise.

    Each island has a purpose. This one seems like a bargain bin outpost at the moment.

  • @grilledcheese10 said in Use for the Arena island? (Adventure mode) (IDEA):

    @galactic-geek I think it’s a good idea! This island is totally useless without it. Perhaps turn it to an outpost? It needs something other than the same parkour park and shops. That’s really all the island is. It’s quite useless otherwise.

    Each island has a purpose. This one seems like a bargain bin outpost at the moment.

    Its central location would make it the easiest outpost to reach if it was given that status, which is why I think that it's not an outpost (and also why Daggertooth is so spread out).

    What baffles me is why it doesn't show up on any map table...

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