Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) Best 'Pirate Selfie' Screenshot

  • @mansafishcuz539 said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) Best 'Pirate Selfie' Screenshot:

    @Taaaamas Funny photo, hope you win :D

    And everyone doing the PL hideout underwater bubble glitch, shame on you xD

    Haha, yeah. It's a stunning place for photos, but very overdone now unfortunately. I found it randomly the other week, then turns out everyone was doing it, darn it! Hahaha

  • Pirate selfie at its best

  • She's a little shy :D

  • @jack-henrei, thanks mate! I just thought “who has an angry face?” And was like.... right, perfect!

  • capstan for me
    six pack for DEADSNIPER#9922

  • six pack for me
    capstan for RusLev

  • Capstan for me - Lokoona

    Obsidian Six Pack for the runner up picture picked by lizalaroo, as me and my partner already have the six pack and some of these shots are stunning 😁👌

  • I am strong and I don`t scared anything !!!!

  • Beware of the Hitchhiking Ghosts.......Pirates.

  • Six Pack for me, the Capstan I would like to give to @Pungspark-xD

    Capstan for me,
    six pack for @Mathemoto

  • I want my prize to go to @TheJoker571

  • I know I already made a post, this is for my friend who was having technically difficulties and can't log in to reply, their name is Astralselachian.

    if this doesn't apply with the rules that's ok, we just figured we'd give it a shot

  • alt text

    Capstan for me
    Six-pack for @YukonGA

  • Wanted to just take a selfie w/ my new boat cosmetics but caught a creeper starring at me w/ his gf annoyed.

    Reminds me of this...

    Capstan for me. 6 pack for @YukonGA

  • "One Skull to rule them all"

  • ![替换文字]

    Ghost set is the best!

  • Capstan to me and sixpack to: Ducky5827
    Good luck to everyone :)

  • @lizalaroo next time you do this could you please specify the time of day you will release the results? Thankyou.

  • Howdy!

  • @rockaceyt if you’ve checked the other competition threads you will see that the thread is locked around 4pm UK time on the Monday. Winning results and a new mission is posted on the Tuesday around the same time. :)

  • Well done everyone! Cracking screenshots again.

    Now to drop anchor and take another look through your pics.

    Thank you for participating ❤️❤️ And remember to pop back tomorrow for the winning screenshot and another mission..... should you choose to accept it!

197 out of 205