Pets and wildlife

  • hi i would like to suggest adding more pets and animals to the game to make it more vibrant and fun. I would love to see a rat, seagull, or dolphin that follows your boat as pets! For wildlife it would be neat to add more aquatic fish to make downtime less boring rare dolphins or sea turtles, jelly fish at night , coral reef, sea stars, shells underwater , and wild monkeys would make the game more vibrant ! i also think a whirlpool in an area of the map near the edge would be cool

  • 8
  • @kore4383 Yes to all of these ideas. The game needs more wildlife. The oceans and islands feel very dead.

  • @mferr11 yes

  • I thought for a second you wanted a pet seagull! Haha.

  • @daringclarky I mean, I wouldn't mind one. Maybe they could a few one off pets, ones that don't have the typical 3 model variations. I can see a Seagull, Crab, and Rat working like this.

  • @daringclarky i did say that lol

  • @mferr11 ooooh a crab and rat would be cute

  • @kore4383 said in Pets and wildlife:

    @daringclarky i did say that lol

    That would be hilarious
    You have pirates with monkeys, exotic birds of paradise, cats, dogs.
    Then theres me with a seagull haha

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