the tale of my fastest galleon sink

  • on the sea of thieves me and miss. @ShirleyMcDavish where on a galleon with two other people one was in the brig and we sunk another galleon pretty quickly and they ran into a rock when they sunk and then we went after a sloop but that sloop was better than us

  • 6
  • Well played!

  • @jetorchidee97 said in the tale of my fastest galleon sink:

    Well played!

    why thank ye mate

  • @Clumsy-George how do you like this tale?

  • @closinghare208

    Sorry young Sir , i must have missed this one...Another Tale of your own original and typical making. It may be told very short and quickly but if one reads slower , you can find that there was a lot of adventures and shipbattles going on in this short tale...

    Only you , has that power and wits to shorten , hours and hours of adventures in two lines ... i'm pretty sure that some people would wish i had the same talent , alas , i was born without talent , and with the inability to learn anything....Hihihiiiii.... Great story , keep 'em coming...

  • @clumsy-george said in the tale of my fastest galleon sink:


    Sorry young Sir , i must have missed this one...Another Tale of your own original and typical making. It may be told very short and quickly but if one reads slower , you can find that there was a lot of adventures and shipbattles going on in this short tale...

    Only you , has that power and wits to shorten , hours and hours of adventures in two lines ... i'm pretty sure that some people would wish i had the same talent , alas , i was born without talent , and with the inability to learn anything....Hihihiiiii.... Great story , keep 'em coming...

    I hope to make more

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