Merchant Voyages DESPERATLY needs fixed!

  • There is not enough time in the world to tell you how much I DESPISE Cargo Runs. Literally 99% of the time I want to do a Merchant Animal Run, it is always Cargo Runs. Even though I swap servers, or buy them out, or wait till 6am Cargo runs for days, but never Animal Runs. There should be an option to buy both. Like the Order of Souls, you can buy Captain Voyages, or the Ghost Ship Battle. Its VERY hard to work on Animals if you force us to do Cargos.

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  • A simple way to fix this would be to allow players to pay trading company representatives a bit of gold to immediately refresh voyage options.

  • @shotgunoverdose I think this is a valid complaint. There’s no practical reason you shouldn’t be able to choose between animal voyages and cargo runs. The same applies to ashen and normal Athena voyages. Let us pick the one we want, rather than “hope” it’s available.

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