Weapons and Their Tactics

  • Ashen Winds Skull

    Flamethrower-style heavy weapon powered by unknown fuel source. Can only be obtained by [redacted]. Once obtained, can be sold for an amount of gold that is dependent upon its amount of fuel remaining. If used, emits a jet of flame a decent distance in an outward-facing cone of fiery death that can be sustained for a good bit of time before becoming completely exhausted and inert. The amount of fuel remaining can be determined by its fiery glow - the less fuel it has, the dimmer it gets. Ignites all land-based creatures, and ships. Best used to terrorize your foes into submission.


    Miniature explosive device. Can be thrown or fired from a cannon, and has knockback. Does up to 50% damage on a direct hit. If thrown, can be used to knock opponents off ships or cliffs, or move them closer or further away from you. If fired from a cannon, its blast radius is larger, and can be used to move ships closer or further away from you or into potentially dangerous hazards, such as islands, rocks, floating gunpowder barrels, or even other ships. Up to 5 can be carried.


    High-powered, close-range firearm. Carries 5 rounds before depleted, has knockback, and can kill at close-range in 1-shot. Up to 100% damage, with each of its 10-pellet spread doing 10 damage each. Ideal for close-quarters engagements, such as on a ship. Pellet spread is tighter and therefore more accurate at longer ranges, if aimed. Must be refilled at ammo crates or ammo boxes.


    Versatile cannon ammo-type. Ideal for sinking ships or hitting groups of enemies. Instantly kills with a direct hit, and causes splash damage and knockback. Strategic and consistently accurate fire results in more success - for example, hitting holes to make them larger (so more water floods in and so it takes longer to repair; also makes repairmen easy targets for follow-up shots). Can disable a ship's mast, wheel, or capstan in 3-shots. Up to 10 can be carried.


    Technical cannon ammo-type. Used primarily for disabling ships. Creates smaller holes and does less damage than regular cannonballs, but has a wider to-hit area and is ideally used for breaking masts, wheels, and capstans - making a ship harder to use until repaired. Range and height are limited compared to other cannonball types due to its additional weight. Up to 5 can be carried.

    Cursed Cannonballs (Green)

    Status-effect cannonballs. Used against pirates/skeletons to impose a status effect of some kind. Examples include, but are not limited to: slower movement, drunk, poisoned, sleep, etc. Ideal for making things harder or outright impossible for a short period of time. Lasts ~5 seconds and does no damage (sans poison). Up to 10 can be carried. For more detailed information on Green CCBs, check out @LimbicFanatic's guide which can be found here.

    Cursed Cannonballs (Purple)

    Status-effect cannonballs. Used against ships to impose a status effect of some kind. Examples include, but are not limited to: stopped movement, faster sinking, supply denial, attack denial, etc. Ideal for making things harder or outright impossible to do on ships for a short period of time. Lasts ~5 seconds and does no damage. Up to 10 can be carried. For more detailed information on Purple CCBs, check out @LimbicFanatic's guide which can be found here.


    Versatile and mobile melee weapon. Requires no ammo or reload, but has a slight delay on a missed attack and after a combo. Capable of a 3-strike slashing combo, an unblockable charging stab, and a block that opens up opportunities. The 3-strike combo only works on a successful hit, does 25% damage per hit, can be canceled at any time mid-swing, and causes knockback on the final hit, regardless of whether it successfully hits or is blocked. Attacking with the cutlass is temporarily disabled if you are struck with an opponent's cutlass first, but the block is still available. The unblockable charge takes longer and reduces movement, but does more damage at 60% per hit; there is a 1-second cool down period on a miss that momentarily prevents follow-up movement and attacks, and it is automatically canceled if damage is received from any source. The block only works from the front and is used for numerous defensive opportunities. It blocks cutlass strikes. If used in conjunction with movement and a jump, it can be used to perform an omnidirectional dodge that can be used offensively to pass through or around opponents, or defensively to get away from them - the former is particularly useful if an opponent is blocking a doorway, or if you are cornered or outnumbered. If block is used in conjunction with a charge, it opens up faster and longer movement opportunities during the hold-portion of the charge, as well as a jump during the beginning of the charge itself - this increases the distance and versatility of the charge significantly. If block is used in conjunction with movement and a striking attack, it can be used to perform an omnidirectional strike that can combo and has slightly increased speed and range during the initial strike - useful for flanking around a blocking opponent.

    Eye of Reach

    High-powered long-range firearm. Carries 5 rounds, and is very accurate at long-range when aimed. Does 70% damage per shot. Ideal for underwater. Has semi-slow aim and reload times, and next-to-no accuracy when hip-fired. Must be refilled at ammo crates and ammo boxes.


    Incendiary device. Can be thrown or fired from a cannon and does damage slowly over time to both enemies and ships. Creates hazards that can only be removed with prodigious use of water buckets or rain. Ideal for distractions. Spreads in a radius from origin every minute if thrown or every 30 seconds if fired from a cannon. Particularly effective against all standard skeleton types. Up to 5 can be carried.


    Mid-range jack-of-all trades firearm. Carries 5 rounds and does 50% damage per shot. Best in class-reload and aim-speed, but with a lower bullet velocity than other firearms. Accurate both while aimed or hip-fired. Ideal for use on islands. Can be used as a makeshift flare gun if fired into the air due to its lower bullet velocity, which allows for the bullet to be seen in the air for longer than other firearms. Must be refilled at ammo crates or ammo boxes.

    Ghost Cannonballs

    Long-range cannon ammo-type. Comes in 3 varieties: phantom, fire phantom, and wraith. Phantom mirrors regular cannonballs (see cannonball entry above), but can be shot further. Fire phantoms mirror firebombs (see in-cannon firebomb entry above), but can be shot further. Wraith mirrors flying gunpowder barrels (see entry below), but is slower and harder to aim compared to other cannonball types. Up to 10 can be carried.

    Gunpowder Barrels

    High-powered explosive device. Comes in several varieties; can be carried and ignited to detonate after a short time with a fuse (5 seconds), or detonated immediately upon taking damage from virtually any attack. Massive blast radius that kills instantly at close-range, csuses knockback, can damage ships, and sets fires. The fuse can be defused once lit, and reset, if desired. Can float in water and detonates on contact with any moving ship or boat. Traditionally found at forts. Only 1 can be carried.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Feel free to mention any omissions or mistakes that will help me in improving this guide. GG, from GG![link text](link url)

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  • Great! thanks @Galactic-Geek

  • @Galactic-Geek you know classified and top secret are two different levels of clearance right? This article is great. Maybe people will start using sword right/ stop saying it takes no skill to use seeing as that's the longest section because there is more to it

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Weapons and Their Tactics:

    @Galactic-Geek you know classified and top secret are two different levels of clearance right?

    Are they really!? Classic movie mistake then, because that's how I often remember it from numerous films. Oh well, it won't last long, as I'll be updating this guide as more info is provided.

    This article is great. Maybe people will start using sword right/ stop saying it takes no skill to use seeing as that's the longest section because there is more to it.


  • @galactic-geek the way I understand it it goes classified, secret, top secret

  • @galactic-geek lol I like the last one the most you cheeky devil lol

  • @galactic-geek Nice job with all the info. They should really add this sort of thing in-game in some sort of codex. We old or day one players take for granted we were able to learn and master the various systems, cannon types, ect as they came out while new players are inundated with everything all at once. Making info like this easily accessible and easy to understand as you have done would go along way. I applaud you.

  • @ronin20 I appreciate your response but disagree with the info being completely accessible as you suggest. The developers don't want everything delivered on a silver platter, and neither do I; doing so would shorten the lifespan of the game. My goal here is only to educate just enough to stoke the fires of curiosity, regrow interest, reduce ignorance, and raise the skill ceiling.

  • @galactic-geek OFF TOPIC ---- I actually work with clearance stuff IRL. "Classified" is not considered a clearance level, however "Confidential" is... Top Secret is the highest you can go realistically. This post is completely useless tbh, but the more ya know ;p

  • Not sure why everyone is targeting that "Classified - Top Secret" as incorrect. Unless those posts are in response to something that has been edited prior to my own...

    "Classified" in and of itself may not be one of the standard security levels, but it is an indicator that one is in place.

    Being "Classified - Top Secret" reads to me that the information itself is Classified with a security level, and that security level is "Top Secret". If it were a lower level of "Confidential", I could see it written similarly as "Classified - Confidential".

  • @its-alpa said in Weapons and Their Tactics:

    @galactic-geek OFF TOPIC ---- I actually work with clearance stuff IRL. "Classified" is not considered a clearance level, however "Confidential" is... Top Secret is the highest you can go realistically. This post is completely useless tbh, but the more ya know ;p

    Right. In the U.S. "Classified" means the information is sensitive and requires a clearance to access. The levels of classification, in order from least sensitive to most sensitive, are Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. In practice there are degrees of sensitivity even within classifications. For example, just because you have a Top Secret clearance doesn't necessarily mean you can access any information you want. Classified information is all "need to know," regardless of your clearance.

    I worked at the Pentagon many years ago. :)

  • @galactic-geek

    This is a very nice guide!

    I made a similar guide around 3 weeks ago (found here). I focused exclusively on cannon ammo, so it more exhaustively covers each type of cursed cannonball, but yours covers a wider breadth of combat (such as hand-held weapons) which probably makes it friendlier to readers.

    Do you have any plans to update it to include your own advice and tips, or are you happy with it as-is?

  • @limbicfanatic said:
    Do you have any plans to update it to include your own advice and tips, or are you happy with it as-is?

    I will certainly update it as gameplay changes, but I had not considered making it more personalized. I had considered adding CCBs in depth, but I wanted to leave at least some mystery for pirates to figure out. Thanks to your wonderful efforts though... 😅

    You have a nice guide too, BTW. Thanks for bring it to my attention! Added to main post under CCB headings. 😁

  • I find it interesting that so many comments here are about the accuracy of my Top Secret comment - it's not going to be top shelf forever, you know! Others will come in here after more is revealed and wonder what in the heck all of you were talking about! 😂

  • @galactic-geek said in Weapons and Their Tactics:

    I find it interesting that so many comments here are about the accuracy of my Top Secret comment - it's not going to be top shelf forever, you know! Others will come in here after more is revealed and wonder what in the heck all of you were talking about! 😂

    All this back and forth discussion over something that could be solved with a quick google search!

  • @galactic-geek said in Weapons and Their Tactics:

    I find it interesting that so many comments here are about the accuracy of my Top Secret comment - it's not going to be top shelf forever, you know! Others will come in here after more is revealed and wonder what in the heck all of you were talking about! 😂

    LOL! It's just one of those odd tangents that strikes the interest of some folks, especially those who've worked with classified documents. Carry on!

    PS: For the record, I know nothing about anything. I haven't been anywhere near a classified document in the last 25 years. So don't ask. ;)

  • @limbicfanatic ...and yet your source is Wikipedia? LOL!

  • @galactic-geek said in Weapons and Their Tactics:

    @limbicfanatic ...and yet your source is Wikipedia? LOL!

    lol, yup!

    Seriously, though; Wikipedia has become a surprisingly reliable information source over the last decade thanks to its increasingly strict editing policy. You probably shouldn't cite it directly for anything important, but it works great to settle internet disputes! Besides, you can always check the citation list at the bottom to go directly to the information's source.

    ... and I just realized we've derailed your thread again- Oops!

  • Updating the Skull of the Ashen Winds (still a WIP)! 😄

  • Hey @Galactic-Geek, I just noticed that you mentioned phantom (and fire phantom) cannonballs have a longer range than regular cannonballs; were you able to verify this yourself, or did you get this information second-hand?

    The reason I'm asking is because I haven't been able to find much information about these new cannonballs, and I have limited opportunities to play SoT at the moment (so I can't verify this myself).

    I hope it's true; it would be nice if the phantom cannonballs had something else going for them besides simply being reskinned regular cannonballs...

  • @limbicfanatic Hard to say right now actually. I noticed that they appeared to travel further than regular cannonballs prior to release, but that didn't seem to be the case in the live build after a single test. In other words, more testing to truly confirm is needed. Velocity of the shot is also something to consider as well. I will make any necessary changes here as more info is verified.

  • Edited the name of the Ashen Winds Skull, from Skull of the Ashen Winds in order to be more accurate; also moved to the top of the list to maintain alphabetical accuracy.

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