
  • I find this skelleton on the islands way to hard to fight. They never miss, sword launch like no one can and cause of this fights take to long..especially the skelletons keep spawning. Can someone tell me do you really need to do this to us.

  • 13
  • @kill-c0r0na they miss often, pistol skellies are just dangerous in a crew of 4+...
    When you struggle doing them, use firebombs

  • @kill-c0r0na Well, I don't think that they are too hard.
    Even on the Insider-Account, where I could do OoS of lvl 59 or something it was well possible.

    Some tips:

    1. Try to dispatch as many skeletons as possible by shooting from your ship. These are basically free kills, as they will be mostly out of range to shoot back.
      Also if some other pirate wants to attack you, you can get out of this situation pretty fast.

    2. Use the ship cannon balls if a large group of skeletons is standing near each other.
      You know, these gold skeletons you'd otherwise need like 150 shots for, as example.
      You can bait them into doing this by getting close to them and luring them all together to the beach before going back to your ship.

    3. Kill chickens/pigs/snakes, cook and eat them. You'll get health regeneration when being hurt which can come in handy quite well so you can focus on fighting more than eating.
      Also very useful in combat against skeleton ships when cannonballs damage your health. This way you can continue shooting or repairing your ship without wasting time eating bananas.

    4. If you find an ammo crate on an island, don't sell it.
      They don't give much money anyways and they're pretty useful here.
      Take them to the skeleton island so you don't run out of ammo soon.
      Also useful if you want to kill them by sniping from your ship, as you can stay in your sniper spot and don't have to run back to your ship's ammo crate all the time.

    You can refill the mobile ammo crates any time by going to your ship's crate and pressing F.

    1. Gunpowder kegs are useful too. If you find these, don't sell them as they are not worth much gold as well. Place them at the shore, lure the skeletons to your position until they don't follow you into the water anymore and then shoot the keg from a safe distance. You can also fuse a keg with left click while holding it. Just don't forget to drop it to the ground in time.

    2. You might use firebombs or thunderbombs as well, though they really aren't needed most of the time if you follow the steps above.

    3. Also, really important: Don't forget to fill up your ship's supplies when visiting a skeleton island. You'll need those cannon balls, bombs and food items. Also it won't hurt to have more gunpowder kegs.
      Normally you don't waste too much cannon balls on skeleton waves, but you really shouldn't run out of them for ship combat.
      Don't forget, skeleton sloops might emerge from the surface later to avenge their fallen comrades! These guys will even follow you to outposts until your or their ship is sunk.

    It's even useful to collect and place 2 ammo crates on the island, as you can circle around while shooting and refilling your pistol/shotgun ammo, as melee and range skeletons happen to get too close to your first crate sometimes, so trying to refill your ammo there could cost you too much health.

    1. Weapon tactics: When in front of a pistol wielding skeleton and you want to shoot back with your pistol, either use cover or bunny-hop from side to side, as there's a high chance that they'll miss their shots.

    Use the pistol or eye of reach against ranged skeletons because of the reason above.
    Only get close if you want to hit them with your cutlass to stagger them with the 3-hit-combo. Or if there's cover between you that allows you to dance around.

    Blunderbuss only against gold skeletons or maybe fast melee skeletons.

    Against a group of melee skeletons: Run away, make a cutlass lunge and repeat.
    do normal cutlass attacks against skeletons that are staggered by the lunge, if there aren't too many around.
    Else just repeat the lunge as often as necessary to kill most of them.
    Also very effective against melee skeleton bosses. Just stunlock them.

  • As a new player I've been intimidated by the skeletons, but I've started developing tactics that help in dealing with them.
    Firstly, I use primarily:
    Eye of reach

    Secondly, strategic positions.
    I'm all about retreating just out of range (in the water) and quickly assessing the numbers/situation first. If there are Skellies with firearms I snipe them off first. The others are easier to just creep up to while still out of range and quickly move forward and slaughter by cutlass.

    The last Skelly Capt challenge I did, I found a defensible spot on the shore between rocks where they were forced to approach me from the front only. Was much easier to handle them in this fashion.

  • @kill-c0r0na

    The above advice by @Schwammlgott, @TRlALON, and @TK-theTerror are all excellent. Firebombs in particular are more useful than you'd think for getting rid of skeletons; most skeletons (even the metal ones) will die from a single firebomb.

    The only advice I can give you that hasn't already been mentioned is to stay mobile. It won't throw off the aim of skeletons with guns, but it will keep you away from the melee skeletons.

  • @limbicfanatic Indeed, it's probably better to spend firebombs instead of cannonballs on the skeletons, as firebombs can also be thrown and I don't really use them as cannon ammo in ship combat. Cannonballs on the other hand can run low after attacking 2 roaming skeleton sloops and later being attacked by another two emergent skelly sloops lol

  • I just find them annoying. I wish that islands had a finite amount of them (like animals or supplies) and when you had cleared an island they would stop spawning.

  • @trlalon said in Skelly,s:

    @limbicfanatic Indeed, it's probably better to spend firebombs instead of cannonballs on the skeletons, as firebombs can also be thrown and I don't really use them as cannon ammo in ship combat.

    I agree that I probably use firebombs more on skeletons than during ship combat, but they're still quite useful during the latter. I made a detailed guide on when to use each type of cannon ammo, if you're interested in this sort of thing.

  • @limbicfanatic I have already seen that one. Still, against players I see it as normally pointless to use fire if you can use more anti-ship ammo in that time you try to set the helmsmann area ablaze.

    I sometimes use them against skeleton sloops so when I punch holes and then burn some skeletons, there will be a delay until they start to fix holes again, which then again makes it possible to defeat that skeleton sloop without spending so much cannonballs on it.

  • @trlalon said in Skelly,s:

    You can refill the mobile ammo crates any time by going to your ship's crate and pressing F.

    I had no idea this was true. I just assumed when a crate was empty, it was just something you stack on top of your capstain.

  • Wait for the splodey bois to spawn.

    Snipe the gpb or kamikaze right into the middle of the group.



  • Thanks for all these tips but Just wanted your opinion about it. you can’t denie that the skellys are overpowered.

  • And don't forget, there's actually a title you can get by firebombing skeletons. Just hit skellies in groups of 3 or more with firebombs, I think it's 100 times per skellie type?

3 out of 13