• Please nerf the swords

  • 23
  • @teloszip23 said in NERF SWORDS:

    Please nerf the swords

    please learn to distance yourself from the sword

    blunder or blunder bombs will help with this

    please equip proper weapons for every encounter

    long range and medium range does bad against close ranged

    please be mindful of your positioning during boarding combat spacing and knowing your exits and quick getaways are vital

  • @jollyolsteamed no they’re just broken

  • @teloszip23 sword is fine, finally a viable option, not only double guns anymore

  • @teloszip23 PLZ MAKE topics supported by logical arguments instead maxims

  • @avecrux said in NERF SWORDS:

    @teloszip23 PLZ MAKE topics supported by logical arguments instead maxims

    ...and don't use emotional assumptions either!

  • Haha! You just know whenever you get a thread "Please nerf the ......" somebody just come a cropper to it and rage quit! Priceless!

  • @teloszip23 I don't think that it needs to be nerfed. The problem with the sword is becuase if how broken it is, it requires no skill to use. It somebody replies to me and says something like 'what do you mean of course the sword takes skill' then this is what I say. It does not take skill to know how to spam right trigger or left click.

  • @teloszip23 sagte in NERF SWORDS:

    @jollyolsteamed no they’re just broken

    works just fine for me, what's the problem.

    Maybe an Arena player only?

  • @jctc758 sagte in NERF SWORDS:

    @teloszip23 I don't think that it needs to be nerfed. The problem with the sword is becuase if how broken it is, it requires no skill to use. It somebody replies to me and says something like 'what do you mean of course the sword takes skill' then this is what I say. It does not take skill to know how to spam right trigger or left click.

    what skill does it take to press m1 to shoot? Is this more skillfull, because you need to aim?
    But with the cutlass you need to dodge shots and you need to get close.
    The "it takes no skill and is only spam" is a bad argument.
    If someone runs up to you spamming M1 i bet you can easily:
    a) stay at distance, because he is "blindly" spamming M1 and easily outmaneuvered and shot or slashed by yourself
    b) block, because of the "blindly spam" it should be very easy to counter.
    So if someone has skill it schould be easy to counter someone spamming M1 with the cutlass.

    i asked you this many times: 2 swaschbucklers duel, the one who won the duel had
    a) luck based on RNG or
    b) more skill using the cutlass?

    From your assumption it need to be a) because there is no skill involved right?
    I say this is wrong!

    Is it more easy to swing the cutlass than to aim and hit a shot?
    Maybe, but all players have same tools. when DG was the meta we mostly all DG'd, now the meta has changed to more variants than DG only.
    An easy to use CQC weapon is also per design in the game!
    remember: balanced for everyone in a shared world (without any MM).
    Skilled players can easily make usage of their skill using the provided tools.
    And weapons that need less skill to use utilized by someone with some skill with it will allway beat someone with less skill.

    If i duell others and i win, then this is based on what if i can use the cutlass more efficient? Luck or skill or what?

    Stop beeing biased to FPS and aiming skill, the game is not an FPS!

  • @bugaboo-bill To be fair, double gun is still meta if you have good aim but for most people sword spamming is the meta becuase that are not bothered to grow the skill of good aim.

  • @jctc758

    and? fine or not, i also dont bother to improve my aim, no need to, i'm doing fine.

    recently got spawnkilled and owned by DG'ers - happens rarily and i can deal with it.

  • The cutlass takes skill to use effectively. Anyone can use it, but to use it effectively, the difference is in how it is used - if you are slashing mindlessly away, then you are not a good swordsman, and any pirate worth their salt will put you 6 leagues under.

  • @teloszip23 said in NERF SWORDS:

    @jollyolsteamed no they’re just broken

    i can 100% tell you its not broken

    otherwise i'd agree with you i do just fine against sword users

  • @jctc758

    This is not a shooter, just because a game has first person view and guns doesn't make it a competitive shooter? This is a fantasy, adventure, open world pirate game... Cutlass is a typical fantasy pirate weapon, also aim skill in this game isn't really all that high... no regional damage, no recoil, no high-end gun play at all? Sorry to bring it to you, but guns in this game aren't very high-skill at all either... go play Valorant, CS, even Fortnite has a higher skill requirements when it comes to gun-play than this game.

    Guns still are stronger than swords in a 1v1, because if you can kite you will never be in range for them to kill you. If you fail to kite they can kill you now they just need 4 swipes instead of 5, before that change you could literally tank the hits, reload and get an additional shot off.

    You claim that it just is spam swings, well yeah if you are holding two guns there is no need for sword users to block, other than maybe a sword dodge move... they cannot block your attack but neither can you.

    The difference between sword users in skill becomes apparent when they meet each other, not when they meet gun users where the fight is about: Who can keep their preferred distance of combat? At that point it is just can you kite them around or can they cover the distance...

  • @cotu42 First of all, I never said this game is an FPS and I do not intend for it to be a FPS. Also, yes if you are a double gunner there is no need for them to block. But even in proper sword fights, most people just mindlessly spam becuase they are too stupid to learn what the block is. I don't know how much PvP you do, but PvP is litteraly the only thing that I do in this game and I have lots of experience with what lots of people use. It has been weeks since I last saw someone use the block or the sword dash. I am not evem exaggerating. Finally, so you are saying knowing how to aim does not take skill. Unless the person is litteraly AFK or just standing still, it 100% takes skill. If you manage to hit someone while they are running and jumping around and so are you. That is skill right there. Think about it.

  • @jctc758

    I specify exactly why the skill cap on guns isn't high in this game, don't act like this is some high end gun play game... no regional damage, means your aim doesn't need to be that spot on. I didn't say it is NO skill just not that impressive high either. Unlike you I don't make extreme statements... just point out reality.

    You don't see people block, because you don't use a sword. Have you played with a sword since the last patch? You know that you can not spam back anymore... you cannot attack when hit, you can only block and they will complete their 3 swing combo otherwise.

    Have you ever been in a high skilled sword duel ever? They are rare, I will give you that... usually weeks apart from my point of view. People that use the whole range of abilities from sword lunge, block, dodge jumps and even swapping to guns. Though feel free to spam swings, I love winning... because yes I do pvp in this game, I don't care about loot at all anymore and have been holding a sword since day one - though I dabbled and tried out double gunning.

    If you are good at sword fighting and meet me, you will see blocks, dodge jumps, lunges and I might even pull out my flintlock to shoot you in the face if the distance becomes large enough.

    Just because many people that aren't good at using a weapon doesn't mean the weapon has no skill element. A skilled sword fighter will slaughter and clap non-skilled users all day long, that is the point of skilled based combat. If you have skill you will win the majority of times, if you make a mistake... you might lose, if they out number you... you might lose and if they are lucky they might one shot you with a blunderbuss... and you will lose. (The blunder is fine btw. it doesn't need a nerf in my view, but it is frustrating)

    Double guns are still better in 1v1 situations, if dealing with skilled people. As a sword user I am not going to deny this and as it currently stands I don't even mind it. As a skilled sword user I can overcome and play around it when they make a mistake or are just not that good at kiting - do you stand still while aiming? I can acknowledge when I am being out played. Still I will lose more than I win in those cases, I could swap to double guns and stand a better chance, but I like sword duels and refining my sword skills... and to have those you need to wear a sword. You cannot expect to win 100% of your battles versus other setups, if you do it isn't balanced.

    Btw. I don't think any of the weapons is that complicated to begin with, most of fighting is just positioning based. At least swords have an array of actions they can do and I always liked melee combat in games.

  • @cotu42 I know about the sword tweaks. I read the patch notes. However, I have not used the sword since the update. Becuase it is a sort of spray and pray bot weapon for people with trash aim. It is broken and garbage. You say hitting shots with a gun is not impressive. (Well with a blunderbuss fair enought). You think that sword spamming someone IS impressive!?!? How do I know that people don't use the block or sword dash? Becuase either if I am dead the camera angle shows, if I third party a fight or I can just hear the sound effects I can tell nobody uses the block or sword dash.

  • @teloszip23 If you use the sword properly, it can be a dangerous weapon. However, the majority of the "the sword is broken!" posters got too close to an opponent that they died.

    The sword takes skill to use. You have to dodge enemy shots/swings, and get close to them.

    Also, you can also block with the sword. There are many scenarios that the sword wouldn't work, but equally the same where it would work.

  • @JCTC758

    Sword spamming is not impressive:

    • A blunderbuss can one shot them or knock them back for distance, making sure they cannot hit you. In combination with another gun and some kiting should be able to do the other 50 or 30 damage required to kill them off, if they haven't done that damage already or use a sword to follow up with your own 3 swipe combo or the more advanced move of dodge jumping and sword lunge to finish it off while they mindlessly swipe run forward to meet you or in panic try to run, which is easily countered with a simple jump lunge.
    • Flintlock and Eye of Reach have superior range and should be able to kill them before they are near, if you have the aim and kite skills this shouldn't be an issue. Combine with blunderbombs if you aren't good enough at kiting to help with the distance. This is literally a glass cannon build, don't get caught out in close quarter combat. It is most likely the strongest 1v1 build in the game, but it does require kiting skills when facing swords as you can no longer just tank through the damage.
    • Sword can simply raise their block and negate all their damage. Wait for the little knock-back on the third strike or jump while blocking to move and counter. Blocking can then be countered by sword lunging, creating the great dynamic of sword duels.

    The fact is mindlessly swiping isn't impressive and tends to be countered hard by anyone with the skills to handle the situation, yet if you are being owned by it... is it really the weapon that is causing you to fail or your own aim skills or your kiting ability? Ever considered that their positioning skills might be superior to yours?

    We have 2 weapons that are good in close range: Sword and Blunderbuss, if you choose to use neither... than don't let your enemy enter close range and make sure they drop dead by landing 2 shots before they land 4 strikes on you.

    If you now start with, but boarding them puts me in close range... then maybe pick a weapon combination like Blunder and Eye of Reach if you want to use guns when putting yourself in a close quarter combat situation?

  • JCTC78 you are 100% correct

  • @rec-greenrang3r said in NERF SWORDS:

    JCTC78 you are 100% correct

    hes not and this post is going to be deleted as it is necro'd and 4 months old

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