Friendly sea (amazed me)

  • I logged in yesterday solo and before I could grab supplies a sloop was on me.
    I took off full sail, got the advantage of position. At the last moment I decided not to shoot. Not sure why. but somehow I thought I should take it easy on them. After not firing on them they rammed and boarded me. They managed to kill me, and I scuttled.
    I decided, no matter. I am after ruby spashtail today. Went fishing when low and behold in the distance I saw the sloop.
    I snuck up on them and sunk them while they anchored.
    Then I decided to go fishing again. I scuttled and sat at the sea post. While fishing I started catching ashen keys. I hide them, and while fishing a sloop anchored to sell fish. I walked up to the ship playing music. When the crewed joined in, I gave them a key. They were shocked, and gave me several chest and crates.
    When they left, I resumed fishing. Eventually another sloop rolled in. I gave him some chest and a key. they gave me fish and bait. After another ship wanted to trade rather than fight I got the idea to play the friendly roaming trader roll. If you pull into a sea post and find me fishing, I may just have a gift for you as well.
    Fair winds,

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  • I think the fishing is getting super boring (I have the figurehead, 7 trophy fish to go...), but I love the community vibe around this event. So many people are peacefully fishing together and forming alliances.

    I got annoyed by a crew only once in the past 2 weeks, and it was the one time we went on the crossplay server. :p These players kept hiding around the sea post without a ship, and just as I would almost reel my fish in, they'd blunderbuss me in the back. Just because it was... funny? I was like "stop wasting my precious time, I have fish to catch!" lol.

    But this one time aside, it's been super fun. Had some great adventures and funny experiences with other players thanks to this event!

  • This is an incredible story. Why I love this game so much. The 99 negative interactions are almost worth it for the 3 that happen naturally and organically like this right here

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