Charitable Giving

  • Hi guys!
    My main question is:
    What do I have to do, step by step, to get the charitable giving (the comm is about giving a humble gift to another crew and have it delivered)
    Here's my story on how I tried to get it, but didn't
    So, a couple days ago, after I spawned in Galleon's Grave Outpost, I found a humble gift lying by the merchant. I took it with me and went fishing.
    After about 20 min I've noticed a Galleon, so I asked them if they would help me get the commenation.
    We were sailing separately, but they decided to jump on my sloop and their Galleon swam far away from us on it's own (probably hit a rock and sunk in the end)
    We got to Reaper's Hideout.
    I took the gift with me. Me and a guy from the other crew were standing by the Masked Stranger. I gave the guy my gift, from hand to hand and then he sold it, but I did not receive any commendation.
    Any thoughts what could went wrong?

  • 4
  • I think you didn’t get it because it technically wasn’t your gift since you didn’t dig it up or retrieve it. It belonged to the crew who left it behind

  • @neptune556
    That would explain it.
    But do you know by any chance like,
    if the crew that dug the gift and later left, would the gift still count as theirs? Like the gift doesn't have a "owner" let's say.

  • @wiciuks If the original crew left before it was turned in, they would not get credit. They need to remain in that specific session.

    This was a common misconception when the update first came out. A lot of people were leaving gifts on the table hoping they would get credit if they were turned in at any point whether they were on the same server or not.

3 out of 4