Arena Change

  • Hi Again every one,
    Today i wanna talk about arena, the Competition, but seriously wher is the real competition? you gain money and exp even if you do 0 point, it dont rewards you for the game you play.
    I would say this.
    ex. 5 ship Arena
    the first 3 gain exp ( 1th gain more than other), the 4th doesnt , the 5th lose it a bit.
    For the money you have a moltiplication method.
    1th the point you made in Arena moltiplicated * 3
    2th same * 2 .5
    3th same * 1. 5
    We can find another way to calculate the way to gain money but the fact is that in this way you will be really rewarded for what you do in Arena.

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  • @giangi877

    Lose it a bit on 5th place? sir thats not so nice to newer pirates.

    We all get rep and money because they want u to play arena. If u gonna lose rep for being last. Lots of players wont even start the arena.

  • @weakdexx Yes but wher is the competition, if you lose rep becouse you played bad, than train urself, its an ARENA, if you lose you have to lose something, or at least dont gain nothing, money or rep.

  • SoT is a casual game, you shouldn't lose progression in form of rep if you get a bad game.

  • @giangi877

    Not gaining maybe yes. But at least not losing.
    I think in the core we mean the same just diffrent on how to implement.

    Arena is all ready not to full of ships and making people lose rep is not gonna help Arena be fruitfull.

    Just my 2 doubloons on the matter :)

  • @itz-majman In the Arena they should, Arena born to be competitive, so if you do bad you lose it, ther is no point to gain exp and money even if you get 0 point. If you wont lose exp at least you doesnt gain any if you lose

  • @weakdexx Arena isnt full of ship becouse is a competitive mode not competitive at all, thats why, put a ladder in the Arena whit personal rank ladder just for the Arena, give people chance to gain money and rep based on how you play and if you are good, so you will see arena full of ship.
    they should put the ladder for player and for the crew , then every month they should organize a tournemt between ( just saying) the top 10 crew.

  • @giangi877

    Im for rankings and ladder. Altho i doubt this is the fix.
    The main problem i see with arena is that our player base thinks its a pure PvP Team deathmatch mode which it isnt.

    It is SoT in a condenst area with a timer on it.
    Chest for example are at the core of SoT, so the chest are in Arena which make arena from time to time a digging contest instead of TDM. I think that is the main problem. People want TDM but actually are playing Capture The Flag.
    It is competive for a CTF. Less competive for a TDM.
    All people want is a TDM to kill.

  • @weakdexx So change it in TDM, but thats antoher discussion, the player play it like tdm becouse winning whit 500 point or whit 6000 doesnt make any difference, but whit new calculation mode, if you make 500 point you will gain 1250 gold ( 500 * 2.5) if you make 6000 poin you will gain 15000 gold gold, this is a big difference, and also you will gain more point for the ladder, lets in the ladder we all start whit 0, then i will gain the point equal to the 10% of the point that i made in arena, i will gain 10% for my personal ladder, and 2.5% for the crew.
    The % you gain change based on your end position, 1th 10% personal and 2,5% crew 2th 7% and 1,5% crew 3th 5% pers. and 1%crew 4th nothing 5th lose 2% of ur actuall point in ladder, so yes the more point in ladder you have the more you lose if you lose(the lost ladder point can be fixed ;D) .You will se how the people way to play will change.

  • The only "Arena" I can think of is interesting to me is a full map of 6 equal ships, no Reaper flag or visible on the map and the last ship afloat wins and get's a reward.
    No BR shrinking circle.
    You have to find, chase and sink the last ship or nobody wins anything.
    Server time 2h.
    If after 2h there is still more than one ship, nobody wins anything.
    People can hide or flee as long as they want. They can even allie with each other...
    No NPC at outposts available. Kraken, Megalodon, Skeleton Ships, Storm all active.

  • @bugaboo-bill I tried to like ur idea of Arena but I can't, even if you don't see the ship on the sea in the arena you can see them, the fact of making alliance omg really, the kraken and other staff are too much unbalacing the game, the only thing that can be nice is the battle Royale mode that can be added, but not 2h server, there are ppl that work and haven't that much time to spend, 30 minutes are enought, but for how you thought I hope they will never put this kind of mode in. Sorry.

  • the arena is not competitive, an the main reason I see, is there is no ranking or ladder. Machmaking tool.

    just an ex. dont mind the nr.
    there should be a point system, where if you win you get 2 point on you score, 1 point for 2 nd place an 0 for 3 place, then 4 an 5 will lose 1-2 point.
    That way there is something to fight for, just to get higher in ranking, an you will be parred to fight with other players within the same skill lvl.
    Just start everyone with 1000 point, an after a 1-3 months reset the score.

    right now, a least 1-2 ships leave every match, because if they think they cannot win, then already there the rest of the match it's wasted time, an why not quit an try again.

  • @greencamillion1 thats exactly what I'm talking about, read my idea of the rank, that will push also player to play Arena the right way and not just a death Macht mode

  • @itz-majman its not about a getting a bad game, but playing a bad game.

  • Please comment if you have any other ideas

  • @giangi877 I get where you are coming from, but reputation isn't where it is were we should punish people. Rep is to indicate time spent, not much else.

    A MMR system is more what you seem to be seeking, a leaderboard or something more along those lines where people can go up the scale or down based on performance compared to others.

  • @cotu42 yes, thats is, something like a rank, so the arena will be full of player.

  • i dont care about level i would like to see some statistics after the game kill death many times got sunk ,who lives the longest time without got killed, which crew sold the most chests.... digged chests.a ranking system idk the matchmaking strugglin a lot;)...and honestly just one mode in arena isnt enough..3 ships vs 3 ship domination mode

  • How would you factor MMR in a crew-based game where every crewman does something different? Do boarders and cannoneers earn more than chest-grabbers, wheelman, sail-handlers, and repairmen? I don't think different tasks should be undervalued over others, since it's the whole effort that makes the difference.

    Also, losing experience for being in last place is ludicrous. Getting none, sure (I've always been a strong supporter of the 1st-3rd=winner mentality), but losing it?

  • @weedstar-deluxe thats exactly what im talking about also, you need to give us something for keep playing , ranking system is the best way to do it, i you go up on the thread you can read my idea of how you can get the point, and the leaderboard on the arena Lobby.-

  • @galactic-geek I dont know if you just read the start thread or all the comments below, becouse you would have seen that we already spoke about losing rep, so the idea turned in dont gain any , but the MMR is necessary for level up the competition in the Arena that at the moment doesnt exist, for you question about the role in the game of course every body have to be reward, in one of the comment up i wrote a way to give rank point for the leaderboard calculate in % of the point you make in Arena, all crew mate take the same amount of point, and at the end of the Arena a windows pop up whit all match statistic like: Kill , Death , Chest digged ecc.

  • @giangi877 I did read all of the replies. I was just adding my input. Here's more for you: leveling up the competition? You do know progress is horizontal in this game, right? There will be no leveling up anything except for your Sea Dog levels...

  • People in Arena don't even know they are supposed to be collecting the chests... you can't really introduce any kind of penalty with such user-base.

    I agree that the rewards are lacking and that isn't gonna get many players interested, but that would be easily fixed by additionally rewarding the points fairly = 1 gold per 1 point for all the crews no matter the place.

  • @galactic-geek that's the point, we are OK whit no losing rep, but the point is to give player that win some thing more, and a player ladder and crew ladder would push player to play Arena and play it the right way.

  • @archaell they now the way the Arena is supposed to be played, but they prefer to go around and just sink and kill people that is fine for me, but whit a ladder where you gain point based on how much point u make will push player to play it correctly and focus.

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