Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!

  • When made an alliance you get 50% from the gold and doubloons your alliance member earns. BUT THAT'S NOT IT!
    The best feature, nobody ever mentioned, maybe nobody knows, is that skellie ships sunk by an alliance member count towards the legendary commendation for 500 sunken skellie ships...no matter if you shot that ship, no matter if you've ever seen it!

    I wish more ships would allie up with me, so I can get the legendary cannons faster...sadly those commendations came that late into the game, I could've finished them already if the sinking from "Cursed Sails" would have count

  • 29
  • Really? I always thought your own crew had to hit it with at least one cannonball. I do wish the ships from Cursed Sails had counted as well, I would’ve hit that 500 long ago!

  • @schwammlgott You're right. Every crew in an alliance receives credit for sinking a skeleton ship no matter what when one of the crews sinks one. However I earned credit towards my 500 much quicker by soloing skeleton fleets. Five to seven ships in one battle went much quicker than roaming around looking for other crews to ally with and looking for random skeleton ships to sink. Even if I did ally with a ship or two, they may not even fight any ships the whole time they play. It's a nice perk of alliances but not one that can be easily taken advantage of.

  • @peteloaf777 You do need to hit it with at least one cannonball, and I believe at some point they added in using kegs against it giving credit also. Just to be safe I'd use a cannonball though. As long as the crew that sinks it gets credit, all allied crews do too.

  • @testakleze sagte in Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!:

    @peteloaf777 You do need to hit it with at least one cannonball, and I believe at some point they added in using kegs against it giving credit also. Just to be safe I'd use a cannonball though. As long as the crew that sinks it gets credit, all allied crews do too.

    When your alliance member sinks a ship you don't need to hit it, it just counts for the whole alliance...doesn't matter if you're in the Devils Roar and the alliance ship in The Shores of Plenty

  • @schwammlgott

    And does it matter it is sunk by a PL or not?

    Isnt this a bug thst need to be reported?

    Idk what my numbers are happens by the way, but i'd guess i'm somewhere between 250 and 300.
    I dont care tbh :-)

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!:


    And does it matter it is sunk by a PL or not?

    Don't know, but I don't think so...

    Isnt this a bug thst need to be reported?

    Hope not, better don't report it, don't make it a problem, just a little useful feature...

  • I personally don't find that as a good feature, or at the very least intended. If someone can't even contribute with a cannonball or two, do they even deserve a contribution kill?

  • @schwammlgott

    I wont report it, bu i have the same opinion like @Nabberwar

  • @bugaboo-bill
    One could argue it already was by @Schwammlgott by making this post alone. IF Rare actually reads these, than the jig is up.

  • @nabberwar sagte in Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!:

    I personally don't find that as a good feature, or at the very least intended. If someone can't even contribute with a cannonball or two, do they even deserve a contribution kill?

    I can't hit a shot if the fight is on the other side of the map...
    I don't want to discuss if it's deserved or not, it's just a nice feature (intended or not) to finally get the 500 ships done without excessive grinding...

  • @nabberwar sagte in Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!:

    One could argue it already was by @Schwammlgott by making this post alone. IF Rare actually reads these, than the jig is up.

    I know, but I thought to tell this for everybody to read, so maybe they give alliances a chance...

    Hopefully, if Rare sees this, they don't decide to put this out of the game...keep it as an unintended feature

  • @schwammlgott

    I can't hit a shot if the fight is on the other side of the map...

    I don't want to discuss if it's deserved or not, it's just a nice feature (intended or not) to finally get the 500 ships done without excessive grinding...

    I think this just demonstrates what Alliances have become, this tool of grinding with hardly any involvement with each other. I would argue they certainly don't follow the spirit of cooperation.

  • @nabberwar a Demonstration, here is a little proof from Discord server grind.
    using servers with 6 ship just grinding it out.
    here some rules

    Rule 5: Do not leave a ship on our Alliance/Arena Servers without making sure your spot will be filled by yourself, your crew or an Officer.
    Rule 6: When assigned to a ship, you must stay with that ship unless told otherwise by an Officer.
    Rule 6.1: You may request a ship change to an Officer as long as your crew is fine with it and the Waiting Room is empty.
    Rule 7: Do not sell Ritual Skulls. All Ritual Skulls go to the FotD Galleon to continually do the fort without stopping.
    Rule 7.1: All Athena's Chests must be turned in for Reputation, not gold.

    Other than the FotD galleon, there is some who do athena, other doing the normal fort an skelly ships.

    Personally I like ally up with other player doing the battle or when it comes natural, but server changing player on ship to make sure they have a hole server.
    its just a shame.

  • @greencamillion1
    For curiosity sake, can I see the rest of the rules?

  • I'm only 30 ships from the title. Done most of them solo and getting pretty decent at soloing ashen fleets. Been wanting the title for a long time. Did notice one day that this is true yet I do agree with @Nabberwar that even though it helps to get to the title faster, technically you didn't sink that many if you didn't have a hand in the fight at all. If Rare patched it that would be fair.

  • @venomous-sloth7
    For me, this is like when people exchanged Athena chests in order to get the Thief title. While certainly it works, it feels cheated on a title that is genuinely hard to get (at the time). Just not within the spirit of the commendation. Now when I see people with that title, I don't even believe they got it in a real method, such a watered down title.

  • Doing the skeleton ships is how I met most of the people I play with everyday last year. Although this method might work I strongly advise against using the alliance method. Everything in the game teaches you something. This one particular teaches crews how to sail and shoot cannonss. You will be amazed how much better your aim will be by the end.

  • I didnt try it out so it can be true.
    I feel like this is bugged and should not work as it is mentioned now.

    Would like to clarify 1 thing:
    There is 2 commendations, where 1 is sink ships in alliance (50 total) this one will count as an alliance member sinks it (as far as i know)
    To my knowledge u only get the count if u cannonball the ship. Any other ship can sink it even an enemy ship and it will count.

    To me this feels as an old troll post (was on FB) where people said the same would count for fish in an alliance. This is not true. It dont share commendations points

  • @greencamillion1 that set of rules is absurd. This is why people are gonna be bad at the game and never pvp. They will hate arena because they can't even dig a chest. Because they had the rep given to them. People been getting PIRATE LEGEND in like 5-10 days.
    When I got it it took about 2 months solid. These new players need to experience pvp. Or arena will die which it basically is dead.

  • @nabberwar

    Rule 1: Do not skip any lines that may be formed in the Waiting Room.
    Rule 2: No prolonged inactivity or leeching in our Alliance/Arena Servers. Do not AFK for longer than 10 Minutes or you will be considered inactive.
    Rule 3: You must be in our Discord and have a working Microphone to play in our Alliance/Arena Servers.
    Rule 4: In the case of any drama/conflict please contact a @SoT Officer immediately. Provide necessary proof.
    Rule 5: Do not leave a ship on our Alliance/Arena Servers without making sure your spot will be filled by yourself, your crew or an Officer.
    Rule 6: When assigned to a ship, you must stay with that ship unless told otherwise by an Officer.
    Rule 6.1: You may request a ship change to an Officer as long as your crew is fine with it and the Waiting Room is empty.
    Rule 7: Do not sell Ritual Skulls. All Ritual Skulls go to the FotD Galleon to continually do the fort without stopping.
    Rule 7.1: All Athena's Chests must be turned in for Reputation, not gold.
    Rule 8: While playing on our Alliance/Arena Servers, you must change your Discord Nickname to match your Gamertag.

    But then there is the unwritten rules, like dont hoard treasure/sell offen, also to reduce lag.

  • @weakdexx sagte in Let me tell you about the best alliance feature!:

    I didnt try it out so it can be true.
    I feel like this is bugged and should not work as it is mentioned now.

    Would like to clarify 1 thing:
    There is 2 commendations, where 1 is sink ships in alliance (50 total) this one will count as an alliance member sinks it (as far as i know)
    To my knowledge u only get the count if u cannonball the ship. Any other ship can sink it even an enemy ship and it will count.

    To me this feels as an old troll post (was on FB) where people said the same would count for fish in an alliance. This is not true. It dont share commendations points

    I can confirm this works...was surprised once as I got lvl 4 from that commendation without any skellie ship near by...but I had an alliance ship doing the ship raid, that's how I found this out

  • @ajm123 yeah I know they are absurd, dont have to tell me, I just fund it by accident.
    have over 200 on my friend list most found on the sea as "enemy" crew, but join a friend, was told to join the discord, before I discoved that it was alliance server. my 2 nd time.

    got to PL in 6 weeks :P hehe, have the over achievement sail for collected 1000 skulls an whatever, as band Aid for lowering the achievement into the depths ;)

    I like to earn stuff an the title, but many is just water down.

    The best way to look at it, or how I look at it.
    Some like history an others like mystery, some people just focus on the destination an dont care about the journey.

    But I will say that after doing most of the thing in this game solo for the chanlege sake, an as "prof" that nothing had to be neft, if I could do it solo, just because some lack the skill an intrarest to really improve.

  • @greencamillion1
    Sounds lame and I hope they get infiltrated non-stop.

  • @greencamillion1 I've never met a bad solo player. That's the truth. It's just odds are stacked against you but most are extremely smart when it comes to sailing. Which is a learning curve of how to survive as a pirate. These alliances are taking that away from people.

  • @nabberwar I agree with you totally. Sometimes you can tell by how well someone plays as to whether they legitimately got a title. I was in a crew and got one athena through a swap. The rest was legitimate steals for the title and all I've had thereafter. To me it feels like more of a personal accomplishment to be legit on it. Love being able to know I did some things solo as well and doing a lot of things solo helps to improve your abilities as a player on top of it.

  • @venomous-sloth7 it's all good though the same people complaining about pc unfair advantage and what not ARE the people who are cheesing the titles. The Legend of sea of thieves title was something to fear. I still think that's the best title in the game. It will make you 1000% better if you do it legit.

  • I did an Athena voyage several times in the devils roar, just as a standard for what was the hardest voyage type at the time when devil roar was introduced.
    An was it hard, yeah kinda, if you chose to stay at an island an get bombarded, something you cannot do on a solo sloop.
    did it 9/10 times with out sinking, got the Athena chest an all the loot every time.

    an to this day, never lost an Athena chest, but gave one away to a PL one time, I didn't know him, an he was on the hunt for the chest!
    Me: I was looking for you ;) got a chest with you name on it.
    Him: He kinda want to fight for it, get it legit
    Me: well if you wanna fight for it we can fight for it, or you can join alliance an just get it an go hunt for another one.

    We had a little sword fight, they lost an we split ways

    I just did the Athena again to compare to the old time, an laughable how easy it was.

  • @schwammlgott Yeah that's what I'm saying too, but the crew that's actually sinking the ship needs to get credit or no one does. I sank ships without hitting them with a cannonball and recieved no credit.

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