
  • So I'll make it very short

    Campers, this is ridiculous, camping the reaper hideout isn't pvp, come get me and the chest out on the waters. I see this almost eve;ry server i join with an active chest.

    From now on, I ask those of you to join me that hate this as much as i do, when you see campers, take your chest out to the RED OCEAN,

    If your going to camp me so I have no chance of getting it, your not getting it either.

    I love pvp in this game, and don't care if I lose a chest to pvp, but campers, gimmie a break this should be adressed

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  • @The-Real-Sundog
    I think it was quite clear that this was expected. They even stated that their was elevated risk when turning in items here. That is the risk for getting double gold and this communal location. Their is no reason otherwise to give double gold if their wasn't any risk involved.

    From now on, I ask those of you to join me that hate this as much as i do, when you see campers, take your chest out to the RED OCEAN,

    Mate, don't be like this, all this makes you come off is as a Sore Loser.

    I love pvp in this game, and don't care if I lose a chest to pvp, but campers, gimmie a break this should be adressed

    Pirates ambushing other players in order to steal their loot sounds exactly like what a Pirate would do. I find it silly that you are expecting a group, known for doing morally corrupt things, to be honorable about this.

    Be more Pirate my dude.

  • @nabberwar You have your opinion I have mine, camping is not PVP, not in any game.

    I've already taken several off the map, and will continue to do so. Want a chest I got come at, camp me, I'll just ditch it where no one gets it.

    CAMPING is NOT pvp make it sound as pretty as you like, it isn't pvp.

    And a side note this works very well. Take the chest off the map, campers bounce to another server, and we can all get back to more challenging pvp

  • Forced combat much?

    Methinks I'll just leave the Reaper's Chests where they are from now on.

  • nope, absolutely be like that!! they want it so bad they can go take a swim in the red sea for it!

  • @the-real-sundog camping isn't PvP? To camp there and kill others to get theyr stuff sound like's also still a di** move, yes, but still kind of PvP

  • This was clearly intended.

    If you watch the Content Update trailer, it says (at 1:20):

    "So if you're looking to fill your pockets 'til they're overflowing, simply offer up your goodies to the Masked Stranger, and you will receive twice the reward. What could possibly go wrong?"

  • @the-real-sundog Why does it need to be addressed other than that it annoys you? It seems to me that the fact that rare made these chests only returnable to one NPC, and added fortifications and CANNONS to the island it is on, that they very much intended for island defense to play a major role in how the new reapers chests work. Send players on land to check for campers, and if you cant kill them in person, bombard the island with cannons and bombs until nothing is left alive, then go turn your items in. Most people who are setting up shop on the Hideout tend to scuttle their ship in advance to draw people in easier, so once they die, they are out of play.

  • real pirate... Rare wanted it that way! ITS A PVP ISLAND!

  • @The Real Sundog I "camped" it last night and stole several gold reapers chest and a gilded gold hoarder loot pile. It was fun, to bad you weren't there.

  • Rare warned of this option in the release video. "Camping" is encouraged under this monthly event.

    If crews are camping Reapers Hideout either kill them, wait them out, or just cash in at an Outpost.

    The primary reason (game balance) why Loot is worth double at the Reapers Hideout is to attract campers. "You are splashing in the swimming pool and complaining about getting wet!"

  • @the-real-sundog

    One camps so u dump loot? Makes no sense to me.
    If i come in i will check the island for player / mermaid. If they are their im not bringing my loot. I be bringing my weapons and get them of my island. Than i sell.
    How come u didnt come up with this? U rahter sail to red sea and dump it?

    Camping is called not pvp altho the outcome is player vs player. Sailing of and dumping it is way more NO pvp than the camper.

    My 2 doubloons.

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  • From now on, I ask those of you to join me that hate this as much as i do, when you see campers, take your chest out to the RED OCEAN,

    Mate, don't be like this, all this makes you come off is as a Sore Loser.

    No, do it. You're not a sore loser, you did the work and people want you to put the reward up as a prize for the winner of a fight that is the result of an ambush.
    From now on that's what I'm going to do anytime I'm convinced I wont come out on top.
    I get that SOT is a risky game like this scenario implicates and that it's part of the game.
    But some people get the voyages and then go put in the work to complete them only to lose out on the rewards for all the work they did. If you ambush someone anyone, on the sea or at an outpost, regardless of the nature of the game, you have indeed not earned and don't deserve the spoils just because the other guy wasn't as good at fighting other players as you are.
    If laying in wait is a strategy so is sailing the treasure out to the red.

  • So someone was camping RH today when I came to drop off some silks and chests and skulls...

    They opened fire with the cannon instead of waiting for me to come ashore with my hands full for the ambush. I patched my holes and lol'd and sailed off to wait them out. Then the island got hit by a storm. Pretty sure he rode the lightning to the ferry, then when the storm passed, I went back and sold my stuff in peace.

    Came back with another haul and no one was there.

    Still not messing with the Reaper's Mark chests tho. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @the-real-sundog said in Campers:

    camping the reaper hideout isn't pvp

    If a player attacks other player, is PvP...

  • @the-real-sundog I both agree and disagree. If people want to camp at an outpost, seapost or at the hideout then fine i always check for campers before cashing in but i don't like doing all the work completing a voyage to get nothing because someone else is too lazy to do it themselves. Maybe there needs to be more of an incentive to do voyages you might get less camping. Other option is a passive mode but you get 50% less for cashing in.

  • We have not come across a single camper at the Reapers Hideout since its introduction.

  • I love these people. I like to always outplay them every time. They know my ship had the reapers but the moment we arrive, they be boarding the large ship while off the distance, small rowboat comes in and turns the reward in.

  • @the-real-sundog I lost one reapers chest to a camper early on in the
    update, since then I have not really had a problem. Although I did try to camp is solo once which was a terrible mistake lol.

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    This pretty much somes up the game for me ....I've yet to be a cave dweller but have certainly expireinced a bit of the pirate life outside the cave .....

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