Just played Arena for the first time...

  • I've got to say, I was majorly disappointed. My friends and I got on expecting to enjoy ship on ship combat, but when we tried to fight other ships, they would run away because all they had to do was turn in chests that they get from the islands... It was probably the lamest way to play an inherently PvP based gamemode. It was like they wanted to play PvE, but accidentally went into the arena!

    I guess my suggestion is lower the amount you gain for chests so the focus is on combat, not cowardly running your ship around in a circle until your crew members return from getting chests.

    I can't out run a Galleon with a Galleon.

    Hopefully the 2v2's Sloop mode is better, I will check it out eventually.

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  • Seems about right.
    You went in thinking it would be only ship battles, but in fact it just more to it.

    Heck, you say they circled an island waiting for there crewmate? Why didnt you go to the same island and...idk kill them? Steal the chest.
    Percentage of you returning to the ship while its moving/being chased is risky at best unless...you werent using your wits.

    Out play and out maneuver. No chasing. Heck there are other ships.

  • @burnbacon Islands are too big to locate them getting a chest.

    You can't really out maneuver in a mode like this when there's runner's advantage.
    Maybe you haven't driven a Galleon before... There are other ships! Yes! And they all just kept running. Super boring gameplay.

    I don't want to have to chase to engage in PVP in a PVP gamemode.

  • Pick up enough treasure and the enemies will chase you. You might even meet up with them while digging, because all the crews use the same treasure map. Or you could wait at the NPCs and attack when they are about to turn in their chests.

  • Arena is NOT pvp mode. It's timed, speed Adventure.

  • @archaell My point is, I didn't expect to be playing the main game just at a faster pace. I am disappointed. It is really boring to even think about playing like that... Not the mode for me, obviously, unless they change it. Hence my feedback.

  • @pithyrumble That makes sense. A complete misunderstanding from me, I guess. I wonder how many others fell into the same trap.

  • @cruetusnex If others had watched the trailer, they would have seen where it said 'competitive treasure hunt' not 'pvp only battle to the death'

  • @pithyrumble said in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    Arena is NOT pvp mode. It's timed, speed Adventure.

    Please tell me more about how arena isnt pvp mode 😂

  • @CruetusNex I understand your point and agree, hopefully the devs change how Arena works soon. But it's their decision so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

  • I have a idea maybe the devs should add different Arena game modes so people who want different experiences can get those experiences.

  • Also I understand the other side of the argument where people are saying that it's still technically a PVP mode and I also partially agree with that so maybe if the devs changed how the points work it might be beneficial for both sides

  • @lysergicaa said in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    @pithyrumble said in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    Arena is NOT pvp mode. It's timed, speed Adventure.

    Please tell me more about how arena isnt pvp mode 😂

    She dont need to tell u more. Go watch older Developer updates on youtube the magic three sheets neat will tell it himself. Arena is fast paced condensed SoT with a timer on it.

  • @weakdexx still a pvp mode if you ask me.
    Or do you mean to tell me because there is an objective its not pvp?

  • @lysergicaa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVYP0qhz030

    It says "Compete against rival crews to get the most treasure".
    It's a condensed version of the game that pits crews of players against each other to be the first crew to hand in the most loot

  • The idea of The Arena was a good idea, it just failed to deliver on that on most matches you will play.
    Lots of great ideas have been touted on this forum, but they will go unheard. It's currently a silly mode where the scoring system is ridiculous, only 5 points for a kill but 1,000 for handing in a chest.
    Why fight at all???

  • @lysergicaa

    We can both be right. So yeah still a pvp orientated modus. But not a full PvP fight to the death mode.

  • @needsmokes

    Fight to take their chest :)

  • @needsmokes said in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    The idea of The Arena was a good idea, it just failed to deliver on that on most matches you will play.
    Lots of great ideas have been touted on this forum, but they will go unheard. It's currently a silly mode where the scoring system is ridiculous, only 5 points for a kill but 1,000 for handing in a chest.
    Why fight at all???

    My point exactly. Why fight? That's the part that frustrated me most. Hopefully this changes, if not I don't think i'm going to touch that mode again. If I want something like that I will just play the adventure mode!

  • @weakdexx Super boring to go around chasing and looking for a fight. I already do that in the adventure mode.

  • You're basically complaining that everyone in a Capture the Flag mode was too preoccupied with the flags to play pew-pew with you.

  • @cruetusnex said in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    I can't out run a Galleon with a Galleon.

    Why not? You, and your friends should be better than those PUGs on the other boat.
    Sounds like your crew may need more focus on intercepting enemy ships. Maybe practice boarding and dropping enemy anchors. Perhaps camp the Sea Dog agents and the barges.

    The real purpose of the Arena is to practice combat piloting, naval artillery, and pirate killing, without stocking a ship and trolling innocents in Adventure.

    PvP in either mode has a slightly different flavor.
    Half the battle in Arena is having your own crew to sail with.
    Just having a modicum of coordination will net you a fair share of wins against scrub crews and pick-up teams.

  • They need new modes, I agree with the op.

    They need an open water, two team, fleet death match. I've suggested this on another thread as well.

    People want, and need an avenue to release their aggression. Need an objective? Just place a control point on the map. Let multiple crews battle for supremacy of the control point.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    But having new modes will still not work unless they rotate the different modes each month. This is the only way the lobbies will be populated. If they simply have all the modes available to us to choose from, then finding full lobbies to play quickly will remain an issue.

  • @lysergicaa sagte in Just played Arena for the first time...:

    @weakdexx still a pvp mode if you ask me.
    Or do you mean to tell me because there is an objective its not pvp?

    I'm with you...it's pvp, but objective based...like a capture the flag

  • Technically, it's PvP, because you can attack or be attacked by other players, but it's not required to win. I have certainly done so without ever firing a cannon shot. Unlike Adventure, there's no real PvE, either - so you can't say that it's PvPvE. Also, you can win with solely PvP, because sinking other ships reduces their amount by 1,000. So the PvP objective is to sink ships and maintain the lead - not to kill the other pirates. Still, with the ability to have all of the ships spread out, this is also probably the most difficult way to win. Of course, if you can pull it off, I'm sure that says a thing or 2 regarding your skill.

  • @needsmokes

    They need a server browser and the ability to keep all 5 ships in a server regardless of what happens to the crew.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    all the crew(s) leave. So at least 4 (empty) ghost ship are around? Sounds fun.

    Did i miss your point?

  • To all those saying it's a condensed version of adventure/still supposed to be PvPvE, fine. That's not the point. They could still rebalance the scoring to encourage PvP more, and it would still have all of the elements of PvPvE. At the moment the best strategy is typically to avoid combat as much as possible and dig chests/run. Most people I talk to find this extremely boring, and would rather focus more on the fight, even if it means losing at times. There is no reason the dominant strategy should be entirely PvE focused; for it to truly be a balanced PvPvE experience, as it is touted to be, focusing on PvP and focusing on PvE should generally be equally viable when going for a win. The simple solution to this is to reduce the number of maps/chests and lower the value of chests some. Increasing points for kills to at least 25 would also be nice.

  • @weakdexx said in Just played Arena for the first time...:


    all the crew(s) leave. So at least 4 (empty) ghost ship are around? Sounds fun.

    Did i miss your point?

    Completely. There needs to be a chance that other crews could join a match mid game.

    Say what you will about Battlefield games, at least finding a match is easy.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    This was how arena was. But they removed that.
    This is because it gave people a disadvantage getting in half match no way of making a win out of it.

    Same goes for cosmetics for ship commendation. I will load mid game so i couldnt put on cosmetics which means i miss out on 1 point. And sadly i only have 1 to play each day.
    U see why they removed the mid game load?

  • @weakdexx

    Well for me the alternative is awful.

    I still feel that there needs to be a 3 ship vs 3 ship mode. A comeback can be made if others join mid session.

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