Sea of Thieves Madame Olivia Cosplay

  • Ahoy! Kyra with Crofty Cosplay here (gamer tag: Corsair Crofty), and I wanted to share my Madame Olivia cosplay.

    Sea of Thieves is not only a fun and awesome game, but the community is also amazing. I don't think I've seen a community as wonderful as this, and all the creativity that stems from it even outside of the game. I knew I wanted to do a cosplay from it, and the moment Madame Olivia had her spotlight in the Forsaken Shores trailer, I knew it was going to start with her.

    On my YouTube channel, I aim to show others how to do great cosplays on a budget, so I've shared all the tutorials for this cosplay there if anyone is interested. I also plan on doing other SoT tutorials in the future as well!
    Sea of Thieves Madame Olivia Cosplay Tutorials

    This cosplay was a bit of a challenge, but it helped me learn and try different techniques. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (@croftycosplay) for more photos as I post them.

    Has anyone else done a SoT cosplay? I'd love to see them! :)

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  • This is creepy as heck, I LOVE IT!

  • Wow, I am quite impressed. How long did it take you to create all the ingredients?

  • @corsaircrofty Amazing work Kyra!
    You did a great job
    I share the same passion to cosplay aswell, Krieg from Borderlands 2, Big Daddy from Bioshock
    Hotline Miami and more.

  • OMG those dark eyes! Creepy!

  • @zormis hahaha, thanks so much! :D

  • @goedecke-michel Thanks! On and off, I think it took me close to two months just because I couldn't work on it non-stop.

  • @faceyourdemon Woo! Cosplayers unite! You should hop on the SoT cosplay bandwagon, too. :D But, Krieg is also awesome, lol.

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