Lost my sea dogs pack

  • I deleted my first pirate because I decided I didn't like them and wanted another. It was NOT clear anywhere that the Sea dogs pack was NOT account based and it seems I lost my 10,000 gold and the other items it contained. Is there any way to get the items that I paid for? If not I am just going to uninstall and request a refund for the game. I played it for 5 minutes. Thanks in advance. :)

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  • @bolt-rfa Ahoy matey!

    I would highly recommend reaching out to support using the link below! They are very helpful pirates who should be able to help you out!

    Submit a support ticket

  • @musicmee Ahoy! I am new here, only downloaded the game today. Do you work for Rareware? Can you guarantee they can in fact get me back my items I paid for? If so I will play it now, if not I will wait and see what happens because if i play it too long I won't be eligible for a refund. Thank you :)

  • @musicmee nevermind. its solved already! thank you thank you! now to sail the seas!!

  • @bolt-rfa Ahoy matey!

    Sorry for my delay in reply :) Since this issue is now resolved I am going to drop anchor here.

3 out of 5