Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily)

  • Original thread:

    Reopening this topic after watching Summit's video which basically summed up my old closed post exactly:

    Basically: Add loot that is stealable to Tall Tales. Why? Because this is Sea of Thieves. Not sea of hop 10 servers to find loot.

  • 94
  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    Original thread:

    Reopening this topic after watching Summit's video which basically summed up my old closed post exactly:

    Basically: Add loot that is stealable to Tall Tales. Why? Because this is Sea of Thieves. Not sea of hop 10 servers to find loot.

    dude if you don't like it they this isn't the game for you go play fortnite if you don't like this game go play any other game that isn't this one

  • @closinghare208 No I like it.

  • Be the change you want to see in the game. 😁 Go do voyages. Get some loot on your boat. People play smart and turn in frequently nowadays, it's not all TT. Plus I'm seeing more aggro players now that Arena and TT have cooled down so to speak. They don't need loot added, that's what voyages, forts, megs, krakens, fleet fights (have you soloed all of those yet?) and shipwrecks are for.

    it's about the glory
    Go find your glory.🧜‍♀️

  • Y do u have to hop 10 servers to find loot? And tall tales is a story voyage line. It's not meant for loot.

  • @kin-h4chi Which, I argue, is bad for Sea of Thieves. I have to hop because nobody has loot, which, I argue, is bad for Sea of Thieves.

    Some people play for the PVE and some play for PVP. If you can't see that, I'm sorry. @PithyRumble

  • @tart-tee
    If you are true PvP then it doesn't matter if players have loot. The thrill of the kill is the reward. Loot is just a bonus.

  • @wildbloodoz said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    If you are true PvP then it doesn't matter if players have loot. The thrill of the kill is the reward. Loot is just a bonus.

    You looted my words!

  • What players like you fail to realize is that TTs can be done alongside company voyages, cargo runs, and bonus bottle voyages - so, even those pursuing the TTs may have plenty of loot on board.

  • Rare intentionally kept "steal-able" loot out of TT for the specific reason of discouraging PvP. It's no accident it was released at the same time as Arena.

    Rare's goal is to passively stimulate the communities playing style (separating PvE and PvP) while actively giving players as few restrictions as possible.

    Attack all the TT-ers that you want. But remember that it will only add more voices to the call for private servers. So in that aspect you are the agent of your own destruction.

    And don't expect much loot.

  • @tart-tee

    Nobody has loot cause they turned it in or hope someone has loot. The fact your hoping people has loot to steal and complaining that they don't has nothing to do with tall tales.

    Loot is extremely easy to come by your complaining cause players aren't hording the loot? You have literally no argument and the fact you brought up summit cements that fact.

    Your entire post is about attacking players and getting rewarded for it and has nothing to do with tall tales

  • No.

    @Deckhands this entire thread is a necrobump of an old thread.

  • There’s loot everywhere in the game? You just have to go out and find it! If it’s on a players ship we’ll that entirely depends on you the pirate. Don’t attack the first sails you see on the waters. Hunt your prey. Watch their movements. If they island hop there’s a good chance they got something.

    I feel like these types of posts are redundant since it really doesn’t give feedback. Also what a streamer says means zero to a game. Give all the top streamers a development team and let them make a game. It would be like when Homer Simpson designed a car.

  • What's up with people using the word Fix where it's not applicable?

    If it isn't broken there's no fix needed, things that need Fixing are things like: N64 islands you can (or actually can't) walk on, Skeletons spawning in the rocks thus having to kill the crew to make them respawn, Players ending up on Tribute peak when they arent even doing the goldhoarder quest.

    What you want is just that, a want.

    I also don't agree with you.

  • "Loot isn't yours until you turn it in."

    Works both ways, if you can steal it and cash it in, it is yours! If the other people cash it in before you can steal it, then it is not yours!

    If you want guaranteed loot, do a voyage or find some out in the wild....just watch for others that might lay claim to it :D

    Tall Tales are an excellent addition to Sea of Thieves.

  • @tart-tee
    No, tall tales are stories, not normal voyages. If they added this, it would make tale camping so much worse. People already do that, but adding 3k to a thief would make it so way more people camp.

    This might work if tall tales had checkpoints, but I'd still be worried.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 No I like it.

    then stop complaining

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    "Loot isn't yours until you turn it in."

    Works both ways, if you can steal it and cash it in, it is yours! If the other people cash it in before you can steal it, then it is not yours!

    If you want guaranteed loot, do a voyage or find some out in the wild....just watch for others that might lay claim to it :D

    Tall Tales are an excellent addition to Sea of Thieves.

    Yes, they are, but they have one fatal flaw you are ignoring. No loot. But yes, continue ignoring the problem.

  • @wildbloodoz said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    If you are true PvP then it doesn't matter if players have loot. The thrill of the kill is the reward. Loot is just a bonus.


  • @closinghare208 said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 No I like it.

    then stop complaining


  • @galactic-geek said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    What players like you fail to realize is that TTs can be done alongside company voyages, cargo runs, and bonus bottle voyages - so, even those pursuing the TTs may have plenty of loot on board.

    Literally, nobody does a regular voyage and a tall tale. Nobody.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @galactic-geek said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    What players like you fail to realize is that TTs can be done alongside company voyages, cargo runs, and bonus bottle voyages - so, even those pursuing the TTs may have plenty of loot on board.

    Literally, nobody does a regular voyage and a tall tale. Nobody.

    Really? 'Cause I do. I guess that makes me nobody - and nobody's perfect.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @wildbloodoz said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    If you are true PvP then it doesn't matter if players have loot. The thrill of the kill is the reward. Loot is just a bonus.


    I speak only the truth.

  • @galactic-geek said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    What players like you fail to realize is that TTs can be done alongside company voyages, cargo runs, and bonus bottle voyages - so, even those pursuing the TTs may have plenty of loot on board.

    When we did Tall Tales, we always wound up with a decent haul just from random loot, shipwrecks, the odd megalodon or kraken, etc. We were almost never sailing around without loot. "Stealable" loot has no place in Tall Tales because it would encourage attacking people on the quests. The threat of pirates on the high seas is always there, regardless. There's no loot for people doing the Tales, so why should you get loot for sinking them?

    Summit's childish little rant changes nothing. He doesn't like Tall Tales because he's not smart enough or patient enough to actually do them. He's only played a few days since the Anniversary Update. He's completely wrong to blame Tall Tales for his lack of success in finding people to troll. Tall Tales has nothing to do with it. I see other streamers having no trouble finding plenty of action. Contrary to the opinions of some of his fans, Summit is not an expert at Sea of Thieves. He only knows how to PvP, and he's not even the best at that. It would be a tremendous mistake to take the advice of someone like Summit for the overall game. Sea of Thieves is so much more than just trolling other players.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    Yes, they are, but they have one fatal flaw you are ignoring. No loot. But yes, continue ignoring the problem.

    There is loot everywhere on the Seas! It doesn't only come in stolen form. If you only want loot that you steal, then you are just placing restrictions on yourself.

    A lot of people don't like losing loot, so turn it in often and/or avoid others whilst carrying.

    Saying there is "no loot" is just not true as it is everywhere.

    Saying that "Tale Tales are terrible for Sea of Thieves" (in my personal opinion) is also not true as it gives players something more to play and enjoy.

    Not everybody enjoys the game in the same way you do but that does not make it broken or you/them wrong.

  • He wants to make money off of picking on TT players simply and saltily stated.

    The tales are about the glory of beating something meant to take a few ppl by themselves. Enjoy the story or go away. I'm rarely worth the trouble of chasing, sinking and looting however many barrels pop up. It's like killing 1000 monsters and barely getting good gear lol. You're gonna run into that. Ppl will get back to the grind. You'll get your easy victims payouts again.

  • @deckhands @Tart-Tee
    You are just reopening your closed thread by refering to it. Evil. Embrace your destiny.

  • You know what I hate more than a terrible thread and suggestion? The same terrible thread and suggestion twice.

  • I understand what OP is getting at. I haven't watched Summit, if he were to post a constructive thread here himself instead of what I assume is just complaining to his fans I would happily weigh up his concerns.

    I enjoy a wide spectrum of activities on SOT, I would say that my play style is well balanced between social, pve and pvp elements.

    For me it is not that I want extra loot from people doing a Tall Tales. My problem is if I do decide on nefarious activities that result in the sinking of another vessel and then find out that the cargo is tall tales; I'm immediately taken out of the pirate fantasy. Because I'm ridden with guilt. Especially since the decision to engage on another ship is not always my own depending on the crew I find myself sailing with.

    There is no value in sinking someone on a Tall Tale (at least most of the times I've unfortunately done it). And even if there is, as in they have other cargo, I don't want to spoil that great content for anyone, as in forcing them to restart the tale again. I would end up sailing around the world looking for the crew to return their items probably...

    In one of the tall tales, you obtain an item that is accessible through the equipment wheel. My solution would be to make all keys and Tall Tale related items that cannot be sold into non-physical items that are accessible by any crew member.

    This way if you happen to get sunk while on one, you can still complete it after you get your new ship. Making it a minor inconvenience to both ships, rather than outright wasting both crews time.

  • @pithyrumble Be careful what you wish for.

  • @macdoland I understand, but this is the risk of the tall tale playing crew. They may get the one thing stolen or destroyed, which they need to solve a riddle.
    On the other hand, the crew who is the attacker must face the risk of earning worthless stuff, as they don't know what to do with a statue, a plank or a stone. This stuff is only of worth as long as it is part of a puzzle. So, the risk is balanced and mirrors real life.

    It is good the way it is, afaik.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 No I like it.

    then stop complaining


    just stop @Deckhands this has on on way too long anyways

  • @closinghare208 Silence him because he wants loot in Tall Tales and I have no good argument against it.

    The fact is I am in a lot of the top tier PVP communities. Everyone is quitting. Adventure SUCKS for loot and after 240 wins, Arena loses a lot of its appeal because you're playing terrible players for hours on end. If that's what you want, that's fine, but let's not pretend like no loot in Adventure is increasing the player count.

  • @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 Silence him because he wants loot in Tall Tales and I have no good argument against it.

    The fact is I am in a lot of the top tier PVP communities. Everyone is quitting. Adventure SUCKS for loot and after 240 wins, Arena loses a lot of its appeal because you're playing terrible players for hours on end. If that's what you want, that's fine, but let's not pretend like no loot in Adventure is increasing the player count.

    PvP has never been the best way to collect loot in Sea of Thieves. Tall Tales changes nothing. If PvP is what you want, the loot doesn't matter. If loot does matter to you, go run some voyages like everyone else. You can hunt for ships while you're doing voyages. Then maybe you won't be so bored. There's no lack of loot in Sea of Thieves. Adding "stealable" loot to Tall Tales solves nothing and is a step in the wrong direction.

  • @genuine-heather Out of curiosity, were you addressing me directly or were you just quoting me for context?

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