Privateering is definitely the meat content

  • As fun as SoT is, the game is incredibly time consuming. I could spend an hour just on scavenging for supplies. My biggest joy from the game comes from sinking the skeleton ghost ships. I wish there were more variants sailing the seas than just the galleon. It'd be amazing to just buy supplies from the vendor than to spend an hour scavenging through barrels for cannon balls and wood planks. Way too time consuming. It'd be great if those ghost ships were more profitable. Privateering was the action I craved from SoT and essentially why I tried the game in the first place. It is an absolute joy sinking skeleton ships, but spending hours scavenging through barrels can be draining, especially for the low reward. Sometimes you just want to jump in for a few minutes and get a little action.

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  • @uribedh Why whould you scavange hours for supplies? When you visit 1 or 2 outposts / forts on your way to the shipballte you should have plenty of supplies to do the battle.

    If you need gold, then forts is the way to go, way quicker, easier and more rewarding.

    As a sidenote, don't care about the gold, you will be drowing in it pretty soon.

    EDIT: The ships aren't as rewarding as the forts seeing the danger they present, so i totally agree there. Either lower the forts or increase it for the ships.

  • @nessiroj Like I mentioned, sometimes you just want to jump in for some fast fun either solo or as a duo. Gathering supplies takes a while in a smaller crew, and sometimes all those supplies dry up just on that one ghost ship fight. I prefer the skeleton fleet battle over the skull fort, but that can be overwhelming in a sloop. I would actively hunt skeleton sloops if i could find any sailing, and if the payout was worth the trouble.

  • @uribedh

    I think being unable to buy supplies is a balancing tactic. Make sure players don't get an advantage just cause they've built up a bigger bank account.

    Not much advice I can give you other than, if you have a duo, while you're traveling one of you can cannon onto passing islands, fill up your inventory and mermaid back to the ship.

    But yeah, SoT is a very even paced, methodical game for the most part. At the moment, there ain't much you can do about that.

  • If only you could purchase items from a player...

    (I guess you always "could" by trading them treasure or fish or something for their stock.)

  • I wish i could buy supplies too. But that would allow ppl with gold an advantage over others. Something Rare is very much against.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Privateering is definitely the meat content:

    I wish i could buy supplies too. But that would allow ppl with gold an advantage over others. Something Rare is very much against.

    I'm sure there are ways they could balance this. Such as it costing 100 Gold for one "stack" of a supply type and it being limited to one purchase of each per in-game day.

  • SoT needs naval contracts, well, more than what it's trying to offer. The sailing experience in SoT is targeted mainly at commuting. It'd be great to see the order of souls issue us with contracts to sink skeleton ships, with the addition of telling us the enemy ship location

  • @uribedh I'll give you some pointers.

    1. If someone is online early, have him prep the ship. (start the game gather some initial resources)
    2. Loot the outpost (on a galleon this will take a few minutes tops since you're with 4 people come on lazybones get cracking!)
    3. Sail to the nearest (inactive) fort and gather some Gunpowder barrels.
    4. Profit

    Remember this game is awesome because you don't need to grind to a mandatory threashold/ level before you can do stuf, you spawn into the game and you can go and do just about everything.
    Imagine playing WoW and having to grind 110 levels before you can start.

  • @hynieth said in Privateering is definitely the meat content:

    @uribedh I'll give you some pointers.

    1. If someone is online early, have him prep the ship. (start the game gather some initial resources)
    2. Loot the outpost (on a galleon this will take a few minutes tops since you're with 4 people come on lazybones get cracking!)
    3. Sail to the nearest (inactive) fort and gather some Gunpowder barrels.
    4. Profit

    Remember this game is awesome because you don't need to grind to a mandatory threashold/ level before you can do stuf, you spawn into the game and you can go and do just about everything.
    Imagine playing WoW and having to grind 110 levels before you can start.

    I feel like most of my game time is spent gathering supplies. I do like what RealStyli said, and I can understand how being well supplied plays an advantage in the game with the importance of constantly looting barrels.

    Also something I want to add, it'd be great if player and a.i. ships dropped supplies as added loot after sinking.

  • @uribedh Two QOL additions that would improve the grind for resources I feel fit the game are:

    1. Making it easier to hit barrels of plenty while sailing: Currently it's really hard to snag one, with how full these are it would be nice to have either a tad more aim assist while hitting these barrels or to have the handling of this be better so you can correctly lead the shot for example.
    2. As you said have barrels with the stock from player ships float up to the surface, this however might cause larger ships to hunt smaller ships just to stock up, so I'm kind of on the fence here.
  • @hynieth said in Privateering is definitely the meat content:

    @uribedh Two QOL additions that would improve the grind for resources I feel fit the game are:

    1. Making it easier to hit barrels of plenty while sailing: Currently it's really hard to snag one, with how full these are it would be nice to have either a tad more aim assist while hitting these barrels or to have the handling of this be better so you can correctly lead the shot for example.
    2. As you said have barrels with the stock from player ships float up to the surface, this however might cause larger ships to hunt smaller ships just to stock up, so I'm kind of on the fence here.

    Harpooning becomes a breeze the closer you are. I like to pull up real close to them

  • @uribedh I'm not talking about stopping near them, or even slowing down, I mean just flat out sailing past them at high speeds in a galleon and more consistantly hitting them. I feel that being able to hit them would make supplying mid voyage less of a hassle. Currently I feel that it's not skill but luck with hitting them.

  • Harpooning becomes a breeze the closer you are. I like to pull up real close to them

    If they don't insta sink (happens to us alot lately) you hear p0ok confirming you hit the barrel only to see them all (including the one you hit) sink beneath the waves.

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