Enough with the cursed cannonballs

  • Are there any other pirates who think the cursed cannonballs need to be toned down? Admittedly they were cute at first and they aren’t a huge deal if you have a dull crew. But it’s one of many things that seems to be stacked against those who also like to solo.

    Nothing worse than having a skelly ship randomly start attacking you by spamming puke balls, sleep balls, etc. You can’t repair, you can’t man the wheel, you certainly can’t shoot back. It kinda removes the fun nautical strategy element and becomes this long boring game of simply trying to patch while puking, etc.

    This really isn’t one of those whine posts. Genuinely wondering if anyone else feel they are more annoying than fun (especially for solo pirates). And what could be a solution? I don’t really know. Maybe knock the effects time down a few ticks?

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  • @hitmanoooo said in Enough with the cursed cannonballs:

    Are there any other pirates who think the cursed cannonballs need to be toned down?

    Probably, but I am not one of them.

  • The skeleton ships need to have a variety of cursed cannonballs to shoot so that they aren't firing the same one over and over, or the frequency that they fire them needs to be modified.

  • Yeah, the unlimited supply and spamming of cursed cannonballs by Skellie Ships is a bit much. Sleep... repai- sleep.. rep- sleep... re-sleep... sink. It's why I never really enjoyed the Cursed Sails event and why I'm not a real fan of the Skellie ships now.

    In general, I wish Rare had reduced the amount of CC's in the world after the Cursed Crews event, but they really didn't do it by enough. As a solo player, I often log off with tons of them.

  • The unlimited supply is a bit much, but don't forget their incredible aim too.

  • There should be a limit of one cball of each type in player inventory, with a max of 5 types at a time, and a max of 3 of each type stored in the barrels, possibly with 2 player crews allowed to hold 2 each, and solo players can hold 3.

    And aswell as that reduce the amount of them drastically, and change the effects to be more strategic and have counter plays to them rather than just locking movement or some of the other bad ones. Things like the ballastball and sail and anchor ones are good but they need tweaking also, there was a thread the other day with some great suggestions, that give more emphasis on using these tools in the right way at the right time strategically, rather than being able to just spam a bunch of OP magic cannonballs that arent fun to use or defend against, things like the helm lock and sail one are fun but some are just bad design like the sleep one.

  • @hitmanoooo I have a strat that seems to work decently well for solo sloop vs skeleton ships. Hunker down at an island with your sails up. This forces the skeleton ship to circle the island and they can only hit your ship during a limited window on each pass. While they are shooting your ship, you should be shooting theirs. They can repair but not bail, so all damage is progress towards sinking them. You wait to patch & bail until they are out of your firing window. It has proved very effective for me.

  • I think Cursed Cannonballs in general are good, but Skeleton Ships spamming the Cursed Cannonballs so much is a little bit annoying.

  • I dont like magic things normally but i need a couple to have the nice smokey effect from the guns

  • @xcalypt0x said in Enough with the cursed cannonballs:

    @hitmanoooo I have a strat that seems to work decently well for solo sloop vs skeleton ships. Hunker down at an island with your sails up. This forces the skeleton ship to circle the island and they can only hit your ship during a limited window on each pass. While they are shooting your ship, you should be shooting theirs. They can repair but not bail, so all damage is progress towards sinking them. You wait to patch & bail until they are out of your firing window. It has proved very effective for me.

    I second this. I have never been sunk by a skelly ship using this strategy.

  • Cursed Cannonballs... sigh...
    Probably the most game breaking feature they've added. It was fun when only skeleton ships used them... It would have been even more fun if players could find them exclusively on skelly ships too.

  • @jonaldinho Yeah, I'm sure many other people thought of it before me but I stumbled upon it on accident. I had a chest of sorrows on board that was crying and I thought I would stop by the outpost (Golden Sands) and drop it onto the beach so it wouldn't sink me faster. I noticed the ship kept circling the outpost.

    Then, a little later I got attacked by one at Wanderers Refuge. I was waiting for my friend to load in on my sloop so I decided not to move. I was parked right by the island. Once again the ship kept circling around the island.

    Ever since then I just sail straight to an island when one of them attacks me and haven't had any problems since... except for one time I tried to board them with a gunpowder barrel while doing this and ended up dying, couldn't get back to my sloop in time. So now I just don't leave my ship when I'm using this strategy.

  • @xcalypt0x Very nice strat! I’ll be trying that.

  • @hitmanoooo Cursed Cannonballs shouldnt be "RNG" they should be treated as a reward for either completing a fort or ship battle.
    That way theyre earned rather than just being random... And Im thinking you get a crate containing 3-5 random cursed cannonballs, which you can then decide to save or sell them.
    This would also increase their value making them more stressful to fire, which I think would be a good all around change!
    No problem with skeleton ships though

  • I think its funny though that the skellieship can kill you as it brings more tention to the gameplay when being out there with loot.
    Allthough, i've heard its hard to solosloop against a skellieship.....i have yet to encounter one (even if i solosloop alot when doing merchant/cargo athena commendations), sure theres those free roaming ones which i tend to stay away from BUT those who popup....i have never gotten it while soloslooping.

    So i'll suppose you mean when you're soloslooping right?

  • Rather than toning them down, I think they should just make them a seasonal thing. Removing them from the game for most of the year. That way we get excited about them but don't get overly tired of them.

    Yes it can get pretty annoying getting put to sleep in the middle of a fight. Or drunk.

  • @hitmanoooo I had a short play session last night and tried it again at Paradise Spring (not by choice, I was at the island already when the ship aggroed me). This island was much smaller so I was unsure how it would work.

    I was able to pull it off but it definitely proved to be more difficult because the Skeleton ship had more angles to shoot me from. I would like to test it near some of the large rock structures in case I'm ever attacked when I'm not near a large island to use for cover.

  • In regards to having them toned down: I like the place they are in currently but if anything i'd suggest maybe shave a second(ish) off the curse effect time. As I find they do last a little too long, but only feel this way when sailing solo as you will be the only thing the skelli gally will target.
    Getting stacked with curses (totally my fault this you should never allow yourself to be put in this situation) and having no option but sit back watch and laugh it all off is amazingly funny yes. Less so after the 100th time though.
    At least for this pirate.

    Love them so i do but maybe getting lucky and having 10+ random cursed balls in the barrels of outpost you spawn at might be classed as a tad much.
    That being said having bad luck and getting none then being set upon by a skelli gally the moment you pull away from port, giving you a less easy time sinking them is also imo a tad much.
    The Cursed Ball RNG God's work in mysterious ways i guess.

    Just let me throw them like a grenade already the hilarity that could be had with that... i yearn for it.

  • @hitmanoooo I agree that CCB need to be tweak and have dedicated and entire post on the subject of Counter Play

  • Under this event, the ship spawn a turned up.
    just like under the other event.
    but I kinda like to see it as what they can do, if they ever gonna add private server, then it's nice to see that you can turn up an down on almost every thing in the game.

    But just as it's annoying to get barrage with cursed, I personal like the curse cannon balls when I'm sailing solo, it give me the opportunity to sink every ship. combination of anchor, sleep/dance an to finish up a barrel ball get the job done.

  • I think you're right here.
    It can be annoying if a skelly ship constantly spams something that forces you to not play the game. It doesn't always happen though.

    I think Skelly ships should only get to use cursed cannonballs if they are summoned in the ship cloud event.

    Anything that roams or spawns on your ship at random only shoot regular cannonballs. Hopefully they get sloops/brigs to roam too.

  • I agree with the Skelly ships having too many cursed cannonballs, it needs to be more varied up. It seems that almost every other shot (or 4 in a row at one point...worst battle, ever) is a cursed cannonball.

    So, do we know that the effects stack? I've only been hit by 1 at a time, so I'm curious to find out.

    I think it's just a strategic mindgame and it just depends on who strikes 1st with what.

    I think it's funny that when I specifically go skelly ship hunting, I can't find a single cursed cannonball, a limited supply of planks and almost no skelly ships...no matter how far I sail.

    I have gone to multiple islands trying to stock up and hunt them down. But whenever I'm doing a mission or going after a skelly fort...there they are waiting for me! haha

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