Save quest progression

  • I don't know if this has already been suggested (searched the threads a little and found nothing), however I thing it would be nice to be able to save progress mid-quest. I play on late evenings, have a family and a job and I rarely can spend more than 1h-1h30m on the game. Tell tales and other big voyages take way more time, especially if done properly without using guides. So, more often than not I find myself in a position of not even trying the new content because I simply do not have enough time and I know that if I quit at any point before completion, all that Story is lost. I would like to have "checkpoints" so that I could resume the story where I left it. I understand the technical challenges (may not be the same crew, for example), but I think that a compromise solution can be found (for the given example, the Story could set itself to the first common checkpoint of the crew). Either that, or shorter Tales please :)

    My two cents. What do you think? :)

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  • It would need to store stuff for you and make people quit Session when they got attacked.
    This can be used as an exploit.

    42, singleparent man, i know about having less time, but i mostly manage it to have 2-4 hours this or that night, so i can play.
    And this is not a serious hobby, i also play in a Band, have a dog, a sidecar Moto and dont game all day, beside a 10hr workday.
    Enjoy it when you have the time, nothing to rush here, nothing to strive for, but fun playing a game.
    Dont let anybody or anything put you in a rush or a greedy position of "I want this or that now".
    Everything comes by the way and by time.
    You miss nothing, but to rush it.
    It's only cosmetics!

    To enjoy the story you need time.
    Storing these items is not easy to code and can have impact on the way players deal with them, logg to flee and such.
    SoT is a Session based game, it can be time consuming, but i want them to keep all Session based.

    Have Fun

  • @fraforno first: there is a search function in the forum: (mobile version) top right corner menu-community-search

    Second: I'm not sure if this is the right game for you then...sorry to say that, but for me it's not worthit to even start it when I got less than 1,5 hours to play

  • @fraforno I understand your whish and often felt like this. But as this is a multiplayer game with scaling difficulties, depending on ship sizes afaik, you will note the problems this would create. The first thing is, you meet a new crew and everybody has different saved progresses of the same quest, let's say Tall Tales. What should happen?

    Furthermore, imagine you are on a galleon, and have a hard time finishing against Briggsy. You all save the prograss and quit. Next time you restart the quest on a sloop: should Briggsy now scale down to sloops? One could use this easily for tricking the system, I guess. Quit and restore to tweak difficulties as you will. Therefore: no, I don't see this could me made.

    Another point would be: imagine, you started a quest solo. You save the progress the second before you win. You call your friends to join you on a galleon, so four can earn the rewards and the gold. And so on.

    I am convinced this would break the game.

  • @schwammlgott, first thank you for taking the time to answer to me. I admit having been a little lazy about searching the forums, so I apologize if this subjet had been already discussed. Having said that, this game, parts of it at least, sure require time and commitment. Checkpoints seemed a good idea at first but you and the other guys who answered pointed out many flaws I hadn't thought of. I have been playing every evening this week, choosing my acivity depending on how much time I had: probably this is an healthier approach than asking for the game to change for me. Thank you all guys.

  • @goedecke-michel thank you. Using the search function @schwammlgott pointed me to, I read your explation about saving progress of orders and tasks and how it would break the game. I am convinced now and thanks to you all I will now no longer be upset when my progress is not saved as I understand the underlying reasons about why it is so. Happy sailing!

  • @fraforno sagte in Save quest progression:

    @goedecke-michel thank you. Using the search function @schwammlgott pointed me to, I read your explation about saving progress of orders and tasks and how it would break the game. I am convinced now and thanks to you all I will now no longer be upset when my progress is not saved as I understand the underlying reasons about why it is so. Happy sailing!

    The good thing about SoT is, you may think everything is so much time consuming and if you think of a Tale or a Fort or Shipraid this is maybe true, but you can also just sail to the next Seapost and fish for 30 minutes and logg out.
    Or you can just set sail and see what happens next, from nothing to Kraken to PvP or just a message in a bottle.
    As long as you play immersive and for fun and do not (allways and only) strive for specific and harder obtainable goals within your Session - and thats completely about oneselfs aproach - you can also just login for 30 -60 minutes and have fun immersing, exploring, doing sone little thing.

    I once just logged in to fish for max 60 minutes and had a blast stealing a sloops fish while they were busy and not noticing me :-)

    I had double of the fish i thought i would be able to catch in 60 minutes and because i didnt blow them up, i could have done that twice, i just stole everything worthwhile while they were busy doing other things and didnt get it XD. 30 minutes tense gameplay when i just want to fish for some time.

    But what i wanted to say is, all the progress and doing things to climb up and unlock fancy cosmetics is seconded to me as it is nothing gamechanging and nothing is gated behind that horizontal progression.
    So you can login even if you have only 30 minutes and do whatever you like.
    If that's not fun and it need to be allways efficient or would need to be mandatory about serious progression i'd loose the fun and would be someone working things off rather than play the game for fun.
    Progress in SoT isn't mandatory, it's optional, not gamechanging, not gating anything but cosmetics.
    And these come by the way playing anyway.
    And when you dont work them off, they also become less compromisable in the meaning they have to you what then cannot devalued by others "work", because it was the way, your individual way you got it and not a grind what is comparable to others who "put more or less effort in" and worked it off, playing only to climb that ladder and not immersing and having fun in the first way.

  • @fraforno
    Yeah, I want this in a limited capacity for tall tales, maybe you can hand in you quest items and book at certain points, but it only saves some points so it's not abused.

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