Need help with the Stars of a Thief Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • @kayzenhyuga Ahoy matey! You have gone one island too far ;)

    You are close though!

  • So Sanctuary outpost then?

  • @kayzenhyuga Try Rapier Cay?

  • thanks for the help

  • ok now I am stuck again with the unsolved story, Thought it was sharkbait cove but it semed like it was not

  • I have the crab totem btw

  • @kayzenhyuga Have you worked out where the totem needs to go matey?

  • I thought it was somewhere at shark bait due to it talking about the one eyed spy which is connected with shark bait

  • @kayzenhyuga Ahhhh no, its the place you just got it from ;) Turn around... and it's there.

  • I was thinking one step too far on that one I guess

  • A don't really get this tale. How do I know when to stop following one constellation and start following the other? Ex. Heading North North East to the Queen. When do I start heading to the bore, NorthEast? Sorry for the trouble

  • @gentleexpert You should stop at the constellation when it is directly above you matey....

  • @musicmee That's what I thought but I followed it to the edge of the map. Thanks

  • i need a hand with the man who lost his gem i can't seem to find it

  • @musicmee I can’t figure out where to start the “an elusive story.” It says to go to “the isle of the singer” but that’s not an actual island and I can’t find anything similar. Help?

  • @musicmee hey there,
    we are having some trouble with a proud bird's perch. We are currently on discovery ridge and the eagle would lead us to mermaids hideaway. After this we would need to head for the turtle, but this would lead us off the map. so I think we are misunderstanding the proud birds perch. got any tips?

  • @okt-kripplekyle we also tried putting the eagle on some branches or sticks around the island to make the eagle sit on it, but that didnt seem to help.

  • Hello,
    I'm stuck with the snake's trick chapter. I have to leave Crescent Isle and follow the constellation warrior and snake. The gem ​​must be under the ground on the smallest island. Does anyone know which island it is please ? And do i have to dig ?

  • Can anyone point us in the direction of battle in the heavens is

  • @enragedwolf81 Ahoy matey!

    A small deserted island with four rocks?

    Deserter? Mutiny?

  • @Musicmee

    I’m stuck with the riddle where the man found his gem in the third figure having his gem.

    The riddle is the man who lost his gem. I know how to find the islands, I just don’t know where the starting island is.

  • @Musicmee

    Never mind, I found it! Lol

  • Star Chart

  • @spartan-475626 Same problem here. We thought it may be Mermaid's Hideaway, given mermaids are often depicted singing to lure sailor's to them. Following the Glimmer (Fish) star from there though (East-North-East) doesn't take you to the ultimate destination you want however...which I'm sorry to say we had to google in the end :(

    The place you actually want to go is the uncharted island at N13, but I can't for the life of me work out how that relates, as it's directly East of Mermaid's Hideaway. Unless we're completely wrong on that being the "isle of the singer"?? Annoying, as the rest of the quest was brilliant, and it pained us to have to look up the solution in the end, felt a bit cheated!

  • i don't understand how how the Pationed one riddle leads to Thieves Haven the Spyglass show South for the old one THe SHARK Thieves Haven is not South of the North Star Seaport it more South south East . it cant be the Hole reference as a Hole in the Sky is in the SKy not on the island like Thieves Haven does ...and Kids supposed to Figure this OUT .Rare specifically say the Constellations does not mean you should sail to it but the direction it implies ..if you do it then you end up at Shark Bait cove as it is directly south of North star seaport

  • @scivirus Ahoy matey!

    Thieves Haven is the place you should be for the Hole in the Sky riddle... have you tried looking for a hole in the island where you can see the stars possibly? Especially the constellation you are looking for?

  • @musicmee i know that it is but they are many islands with holes in them Thieves heaven is not South of North star seaport >the Shark Constellation tells you to to go south .the only way you can find it is if you you go directly to the direction of the constellation >Rare specifically say its not the cASE and i quote "When the story asks you to head towards that constellation, you are not necessarily heading towards the constellation directly, but the direction on a compass that constellation represents." ..nothing indicates that the gem is on the beach between a fire place and a shipwreck it could be anywhere .if stand directly on the spot where the gem is i cant even see the shark of the OLD one constellation

  • do the tall tales Expire ? Twice now i got a Failed Message

  • @scivirus I dont think when you there you have to see the constellation
    It just tells you that the island is South where the Shark connstellation is

    Also the OLD One can be refered to the mermaid which is right above the digging spot as a Wall painting
    Still i think there is a little translation and thinking mistake when it comes to the Thieves heaven riddle

    and yea it seems that Tale 4 is Time limited failed it already a few times because it looks like it and know many others who had the same issue

  • @noisa1992 the riddle say Oldest Creature hide the gem in a Southern Island ..the riddle say its South of North Star Seaport .But South South South east

  • @scivirus You know Rare
    Theres also a quest who tells you to Go NORTH from shipwrecked bay
    i think its at Tale 3
    And the island you search for is in reality Northwest from it

    Also as i said Translation and thinking mistakes
    There also a Riddle at 4 which says the gem would be in a underwater cave with a kraken skelleton

    But the thing you search for cant even be annouced anywhere near a Cave
    its a complete open area and more like a deep underwater canyon or something like that

  • Apparently it's the Scarab that leads to Thieves Haven

  • Hey anyone know where to go from Castaway Isle on Sea Queen's Promise? It shows the sea queen then the boar. We searched all the islands north east but found nothing. We are beginning to hate this tale each time we try it and couldn't complete it on insiders either time we tried and can't figure it out now again for the second time. HELP! ;^;

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