Sometimes being a nice pirate can get you places.

  • So I only recently joined the insiders (as I didn't know it existed). I've pre-ordered it and everything.

    So I started playing the insiders, enjoying starting off once again wearing tatty clothing XD. So there I was, sailing solo in my little sloop when I heard cannon fire. Now in my experience I only hear cannon fire when a ship is attacking me (be player or skeleton) or skeletons firing pathetically at me from islands halfway across the seas. I was curious as it was neither so I scanned my horizons as the noise continues. It was then I spotted a large skeleton galleon, attacking another sloop. For some reason I felt like they needed help, as I would hate to be in that position.

    I immediately dropped all sail (singular), and found out, I was against the wind. I still pushed through the waves to fight the skellies. As I advanced the sloop was still fighting, not just a skeleton ship, but also the Crested Queen. They were in quite the pickle.

    When I (finally) arrived I unloaded cannon fire into the skeleton ship, but they can shoot both sides and I was solo. I turned the wheel so I would continuously spin and repaired the holes. One of the other sloops members were yelling to form an alliance, but I had bigger problems. I yelled back "Aye." But waited till after. The skeleton ship sank soon after but the queen still circled the other sloop.

    I anchored close by and repaired my own ship. Now if you remember, the actual hungering one had to be summoned by two crews, so the beast was designed to attack both ships. This one was different. She only attacked the other sloop. So I used this to unleash hellfire upon her when she passed. Amidst the fighting I found it funny that one of the other crew members used a tiny rowboat to just collect the skeleton ship loot and row back. I was laughing so hard at that.

    Eventually, a final pistol shot (from me :) ) killed her, and I yelled "Well played" and I got a "Thanks!" back. I joined their alliance and let themselves recover. They were nice enough to give me an ashen crate of extraordinary minerals as a thanks. I kinda wanted them to keep it all but, I accepted it.

    They sailed off one way I sailed the other, we both got some rewards from each other by being in the alliance. It was nice to find another crew that isn't so focused on killing. I raise my tankard off to that duo!

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