[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @vorondil1 I think the fort in the DR should be a super hard alliance Raid

  • @mrgumz I play on both, I am not joking. You get long loading screens on the ferry even on PC, it's a server issue.

  • @zormis which in itself is a problem with pvp in general I keep encountering players who teleport all over the place when they attack my ship its becoming a common occurance and its to the point that I just record the teleporters send them into Rare and get off the game. However the players I do record teleporting around are pc 9 times out of 10

  • @troubled-cells nope because were box on the same console. Absolute level ish playing field

  • @blatantwalk4260 the communication between pc-server vs xbox-server is basically why some players literally teleport around the screen. And since pcs have much better processing etc guess whos on the losing side

  • @frank3nst31n-69 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells nope because were box on the same console. Absolute level ish playing field

    Ah but it isn't

  • Well guess we can just wait and see i keep hearing different people interpreting it different ways

  • This is a bad idea IMO. Honestly 90% of the people who got ''destroyed'' by PC players cannot even prove it -was- a PC player, I feel. Sometimes people are just better than you. Not to mention that, having played quite a bit on console at my girlfriends place I find the differences extremely neglible, I didn't notice an abrupt spike in me getting destroyed like some people make it out to be.

    Not only that, but this could've been solved with a priority for controllers/keyboard in the search algorythm, that way you do not devide the playerbase and nobody loses.

    I just look forward to seeing what's next, different game states for console and PC? this will snowball. Also, not to be rude, but some of you in this thread really are talking nonesense, like claiming having a fast proccessor makes you teleport, just not true.

    but that's just my two cents.

  • I think instead of separating by system they should separate kb+m and gamepad users so gamepad users on PC don't suddenly get a spike in difficulty. Also, as a Play Anywhere user that doesn't use Xbox often but will on occasion, the xbox needs a 60 fps option. Ive tried it on both the X and S and couldn't play for more then a couple minutes. Its a little more playable on the S but on the X its basically a PowerPoint presentation. If going up against kb+m doesn't kill a console player, that frame rate will.

  • I haven't visited this thread in a while, but I just wanted to bring up my suggestion since its likely been buried by 60 something pages of PC Vs. Console debate.

    I still get the sense that this is not something Rare actually wants to do, but rather they're compromising for the vocal minority.

    We were always told that crossplay in Sea of Thieves would be unrestrained and that players of all kinds would always be playing together in the Shared World. And I still can't fathom why this is happening a full year later. You always said that you wanted us all to always play together. What happened to that?

    Every time I remember that this optional crossplay thing is still coming to the game, my heart sinks a little. What you don't realize is that people will always make an excuse for why they lost. Usually they blame it on the game design. No matter what you do, no matter what you compromise on, a lot of people simply just don't know how to admit that they were bested.

    What makes this change even sillier is that you've announced that mouse and keyboard support on console is going live next week.

    While I have a lot of love and gratitude for Rare, and I'm super excited to take part in the growth of Sea of Thieves, I still find this decision to make crossplay optional very meek and submissive... even now after the initial surprise of this announcement has passed.

    Please do the right thing here. I'm still suggesting for the option to only be available for The Arena mode, and to leave the Adventure mode the way it is. If you must compromise, this is how it should be done.

  • also with KB+M support on xbox wont the exact same issue remain? It just makes more sense to me to separate the different inputs and let the gamers lean toward what ever they choose knowing they're on an even playing field. I have a pc for quality, frame rate, lack of paygate to the internet im already paying for, and versatility. I do however use a controller chilling on the couch with my PC hooked up to the big screen. I'm not competitive and prfer the immersion of rumble and simplicity if controls.

  • Ive been saying they should divide it by input not platform for ages on here.

    I am happy that so many people are now realising this instead of fueling the console vs pc narrative

  • @muffinstuffingu %?? Sorry you are very Wrong and if you talk % then you will honestly know it’s a very large % that are affected and not by been outplayed 😆
    High skill set players don’t get out played and minced easily and often. We all know why this Really happens and so do our dear friends at the development end of things. Oh that’s why the change is coming... ummmm genius? No just plain obvious 😂

  • @frank3nst31n-69 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 the communication between pc-server vs xbox-server is basically why some players literally teleport around the screen. And since pcs have much better processing etc guess whos on the losing side

    With all due respect, You have no idea what you are on about, what you are describing is just other users with a bad ping rate. This happens to PC players quite often as well, infact I had it happen last night with a opposing player teleporting about during combat. Bad ping rates are nothing to do with Microsoft / rare's servers but instead the quality / location of the internet connection a user has. In other words it's out of their hands, the only workable option would be to match players with bad ping against each other , but because of how sea of thieves works with playing with your friends , that ain't ever gonna happen.

  • @jellyfishapod2 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu %?? Sorry you are very Wrong and if you talk % then you will honestly know it’s a very large % that are affected and not by been outplayed 😆

    High skill set players don’t get out played and minced easily and often. We all know why this Really happens and so do our dear friends at the development end of things. Oh that’s why the change is coming... ummmm genius? No just plain obvious 😂

    Sorry but numbers dont lie. 😂
    And devs said a feeling of a even playing field so they argee it's babys. Nobody can even tell alot of the time if they got killed by a PC player so its definitely a small group of loud crybabys who whenever they get killed will cry "hacks!!" 😭 and "OMG PC "advantage"" 😭 because nobody in the world is better at video games than them i mean that would invalidate their whole lives lol! You got outplayed don't cry about it. git gud 😂 and with them adding chat pad it's gunna be impossible to tell so you will just have to go back to screaming HACKS! when you die 😂😂😂

    Please, if it happens all the time post a video of you dying to this "advantage" for us all to laugh at you getting outplayed😂

  • The opt out of cross play really isn't needed after they killed the double gun meta. I hope this option only comes out for arena but it's what ever. I'll go on the xbox servers and dumpster the cry babies on there.

  • Wow, there's some real salty pc players in this thread still. I would be surprised if @Deckhands haven't tagged a few people for bans. Rare are taking this course of action because they know there's a difference in platform. And based on the attitudes of the people defending forced crossplay here, it cant happen soon enough! Click one button and i'll be playing xbox games with xboxers again. Thanks Rare.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Wow, there's some real salty pc players in this thread still. I would be surprised if @Deckhands haven't tagged a few people for bans. Rare are taking this course of action because they know there's a difference in platform. And based on the attitudes of the people defending forced crossplay here, it cant happen soon enough! Click one button and i'll be playing xbox games with xboxers again. Thanks Rare.

    I think you're missing the point personally, and just trying to drive the pc Vs console narrative.

    You say there is a difference in platform. But yet the console eco system itself has disparity. The arguement can also be made that the one X version provides better performance than a fair number of PC's but people conveniently omit this on the console side because it disproves their narrative. It's not even disputable.

    Personally I find the performance arguement a mute one due to this, as well as most people trying to imply most pc players are running high end rigs to suit a arguement, when the truth is that there is many PC players with varying levels of performance, including that which is worse than console.

    The real issue at hand is input which can actually be solved whilst still maintaining cross play.

  • @troubled-cells
    Here is what would be needed to split by input instead of platform:
    1 Lock everyone to 30 fps, no excuses. The pc version has 'minimum specs' so using 'low end 15 fps pcs' as a crutch is not valid. All Xboxes already meet this criteria.
    2 Lock all load times to OG xbox/minimum spec PC times, no excuses. If 25 seconds is good for one, its good for all. Xbox x is about 2 seconds faster than og xbox so its up to rare to restrict ssd players. 99% of xboxes already met this requirement.
    3 Restrict all hotkeys to 3 max, just like xbox. There is no reason some players can hotkey everything, while others need to decide between cannonballs or bucket.
    4 Lag and fps. Pc advocates in these threads always refer to an xbox as a 'low end pc'. There's no reason why the Xbox version shouldnt have fps for monitoring performance, and ping counter to know whether to start cannoning/shooting/swording half a second earlier. Or even just hop servers till a local one is found. Something pc players have had for a year.

    The list just goes on and on, and lots of xboxers don't want anything to do with it unless things are equal.

    You repeatedly use different xboxes and controllers as a crutch. No xboxers are on sea of thieves, cod, halo, baattlefield, forza, rocket league, or any other forum complaining about og vs x, or standard vs elite. The only people complaining are pc users in these threads. If Xbox owners can realize that differences between models is negligible, pc players should accept it and move on.

    Edit: 5 Text chat. A hypothetical. You are killing skellies on plunder,when you die. Pc types 'they are in canyon pass, at the butterfly painting.' The crew moves in and has 3 waves killed before you respawn. Xbox player dies, pulls out shovel 'over here', switches to compass 'south east', pulls out telescope 'they're far away'. Your team has no idea what you mean. You respawn and jump on the wheel 'get back to the ship'. You regroup and head out to canyon pass. Meanwhile, the pc players have finished, and are already loading the ship.

    This crew gained 4 minutes of time, then again later in the athena. They were sold up and voting on the next mission when they were attacked by a ship. The xbox crew, however, lost that time through inability to communicate effectively, and were attacked while docking the boat.

    This hypothetical shows that its not just pvp that is imbalanced, but also the pve. How come pc are allowed to communicate more effecctively, especially since xbox has had chat pad for years?

    I know that rare are working on it, but its just another advantage pc users refuse to acknowledge.

  • @troubled-cells I agree that the issue here is input rather then system but everything else you just said really has now basis and im nearly 100% sure if we got to see a survey we'd find nearly all of the PC playerbase are running good enough specs to at least maintain 60fps. That being said i also agree that PC players do seem really salty over something that's really not going to affect them unless they're playing with a controller. I do think console players are confused about the source of their bad experience and are going to be disappointed though. They say they want optional cross play because they are getting destroyed by PC players at every turn but what they will find when they opt out is that nothing has changed. SoT's precious core concept of forced player interaction is the real design flaw and we're going to see a lot more demand for a shift in game direction once the xplay option fails to improve anyone's experience. Ofcourse this is speculation but we'll have to wait and see.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Here is what would be needed to split by input instead of platform:
    1 Lock everyone to 30 fps, no excuses. The pc version has 'minimum specs' so using 'low end 15 fps pcs' as a crutch is not valid. All Xboxes already meet this criteria.
    2 Lock all load times to OG xbox/minimum spec PC times, no excuses. If 25 seconds is good for one, its good for all. Xbox x is about 2 seconds faster than og xbox so its up to rare to restrict ssd players. 99% of xboxes already met this requirement.
    3 Restrict all hotkeys to 3 max, just like xbox. There is no reason some players can hotkey everything, while others need to decide between cannonballs or bucket.
    4 Lag and fps. Pc advocates in these threads always refer to an xbox as a 'low end pc'. There's no reason why the Xbox version shouldnt have fps for monitoring performance, and ping counter to know whether to start cannoning/shooting/swording half a second earlier. Or even just hop servers till a local one is found. Something pc players have had for a year.

    The list just goes on and on, and lots of xboxers don't want anything to do with it unless things are equal.

    You repeatedly use different xboxes and controllers as a crutch. No xboxers are on sea of thieves, cod, halo, baattlefield, forza, rocket league, or any other forum complaining about og vs x, or standard vs elite. The only people complaining are pc users in these threads. If Xbox owners can realize that differences between models is negligible, pc players should accept it and move on.

    Edit: 5 Text chat. A hypothetical. You are killing skellies on plunder,when you die. Pc types 'they are in canyon pass, at the butterfly painting.' The crew moves in and has 3 waves killed before you respawn. Xbox player dies, pulls out shovel 'over here', switches to compass 'south east', pulls out telescope 'they're far away'. Your team has no idea what you mean. You respawn and jump on the wheel 'get back to the ship'. You regroup and head out to canyon pass. Meanwhile, the pc players have finished, and are already loading the ship.

    This crew gained 4 minutes of time, then again later in the athena. They were sold up and voting on the next mission when they were attacked by a ship. The xbox crew, however, lost that time through inability to communicate effectively, and were attacked while docking the boat.

    This hypothetical shows that its not just pvp that is imbalanced, but also the pve. How come pc are allowed to communicate more effecctively, especially since xbox has had chat pad for years?

    I know that rare are working on it, but its just another advantage pc users refuse to acknowledge.

    Pretty much all of your points are invalid with the exception of FPS and load times, both of which are solvable.

    On that, I would ask better from rare as a developer if I was you, I would encourage you to go seek the many comments and threads on this forum requesting a 60 FPS mode for console. Which is actually viable at 720p and 1080p respectively for one s and one X. If 4k at 30fps isn't a issue for you then 720p at 60fps shouldn't be either. I have even been giving feedback here in favour of it. Demand better from rare instead of trying to scapegoat, it's cheap.

    As for the chat ? Keyboard and chat pad support for console is a thing. It's a non issue going forward.

    Hot keys ? Another non issue as keyboard players from either platform will be playing against each other anyway. Macros are against the rules and pretty much a bannable offense. If you see this capture it and report, as a pc player I would do the same.

    Loading times ? Whilst better than console on higher end machines it's actually not as fast as people think, would I like to see a respawn timer ? Yes absolutely. But this is another one of those points that leans towards higher end machines which likely isn't the majority, it's a shame the game isn't on steam as we could settle this with the metrics. I've run a NVME SSD in my PC for a while now and still experience load times nearing a minute or more so please stop with the fear mongering.

    So to sum it up, take your issues with FPS and load times , give feedback constantly and encourage others to do so in a positive light instead of blaming others. Request those performance modes for 60fps, not because of this stupid pc Vs console narrative, but because you demand better from rare, they will listen.

  • @troubled-cells
    I wont be responding any more, just going in circles. They are all valid points. I and others have mentioned them many times. I guess rare cant/wont make the game uniform across all platforms, and this is their solution. Its just a shame it's taken a year. If they cant make it level, i dont want to play with you. Im not buying a kbm, that shouldn't be required. Bye for now.

    Edit: Hot keys do matter, you are trying to keep us all together. If they dont matter, no one will miss them. If they do matter, say goodbye coz i don't want to play with you.

    Edit 2: I don't want 60 fps, og xbox and minimum spec pc cant do 60, so 30 locked for everyone. As for chat, i wont be using it anyway, i was just highlighting another advantage that gets overlooked.

    Edit 3: Dont call me a fear monger. I have played on my brothers pc, the load times are vastly different. Saying otherwise is dishonest, thats why all the pc players tell anyone that complains to go buy an ssd.
    Go buy an ssd
    Go buy a kbm
    Go buy a pc
    No thanks, if you want to play against xboxers using a controller, go buy one, and stop trying to force yourself on us. You can even get an x and an elite if you think it will help you. Thanks for understanding rare.

    Final edit: I don't need to take it up with rare, they have listened and given a solution, im happy.

    If YOU want the division to be input-based, i suggest that YOU push for the PC nerfs that i suggested, as they remove most of the advantages outside of kbm/controller that exist.
    Happy sailing.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I wont be responding any more, just going in circles. They are all valid points. I and others have mentioned them many times. I guess rare cant/wont make the game uniform across all platforms, and this is their solution. Its just a shame it's taken a year. If they cant make it level, i dont want to play with you. Im not buying a kbm, that shouldn't be required. Bye for now.

    Lol typical.

    I never asked you to buy a keyboard and mouse, if the division was by input it wouldn't even be a issue anyway. So why you are mentioning it is a dumbfounding.

    Like I said you have 2 valid concerns , both of which are solvable. I'm actually trying to help and work with you on this and you can't even see it because you seem to want to drive the platform narrative.

    Have a great day.

  • @troubled-cells
    Yes, im driving the platform narrative. There are many small differences that all stack up to make a large difference. An xbox x player using kbm will still be at a disadvantage to a pc kbm player, just like an Xbox controller user will still be at a disadvantage to a pc controller user. If the xbox is already running at max effort, then rare has made the right decision splitting like this.

    It is up to players like yourself to push rare into nerfing the pc version(points 1,2,3 and 5) and buffing the xbox version(point 4). This would remove nearly all differences, with kbm/controller servers being the only divide in players. If you cant understand that all the little things do add up to differences, we arent going to find common ground im afraid.

    I would be willing to compromise and support input servers instead of platform servers, but likewise, you would have to compromise and support nerfing the pc version down to xbox level.

    Edit: You did say to buy a kbm. If you believe hotkeys and chat are invalid points because kbm support is coming, thats your own way of saying 'buy a kbm'. Otherwise you would agree that its a valid point.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yes, im driving the platform narrative. There are many small differences that all stack up to make a large difference. An xbox x player using kbm will still be at a disadvantage to a pc kbm player, just like an Xbox controller user will still be at a disadvantage to a pc controller user. If the xbox is already running at max effort, then rare has made the right decision splitting like this.

    It is up to players like yourself to push rare into nerfing the pc version(points 1,2,3 and 5) and buffing the xbox version(point 4). This would remove nearly all differences, with kbm/controller servers being the only divide in players. If you cant understand that all the little things do add up to differences, we arent going to find common ground im afraid.

    I would be willing to compromise and support input servers instead of platform servers, but likewise, you would have to compromise and support nerfing the pc version down to xbox level.

    Edit: You did say to buy a kbm. If you believe hotkeys and chat are invalid points because kbm support is coming, thats your own way of saying 'buy a kbm'. Otherwise you would agree that its a valid point.

    I thought you wasn't responding to me anymore ;) lol

    Not necessarily, this is where your argument falls flat, because you are generalising a entire platform as having superior performance in every case when that just isn't true. It's also a hypocritical argument to make when performance parity doesn't even exist on the console platform, 4x the resolution and higher graphics settings, most PC's struggle to reach 4K steadily on SOT. By your own logic you should also be demanding separation of xbox one x users to base users then. That just pretty much confirms that it isn't a PC vs Xbox issue and disproves the narrative you are pushing. Otherwise you are just contradicting yourself.

    It also isn't up to players like me to push rare in to "nerfing" settings. Especially when various performance options can be made available to console users first. The reason SOT holds at 30 FPS on the one s is because it aims for medium graphics settings compared to PC. For me to achieve 60fps steadily on a GTX 950 i have to lower all my graphics settings to a mix of low and medium at 1080p. This is lower than the base xbox settings graphically and just adds ground that graphics settings compromises will increase your frame rate dramatically, if games like halo 5 and gears of war 4 can manage 60 fps on the base xbox i am pretty certain SOT could. You should instead be asking for graphical choice, if you had the option to use 60fps on the base console i am certain that you would use it, you just need to make your voice heard to rare in the correct manner, it's not a question of if the console can do it.

    You also mention compromise, please go back and read my posts to you, i have clearly made compromises in my approach. I would really like to see a re spawn timer implemented. Not because of platform specs though, but because rare haven't optimised as best it can be, SSD and still experiencing load times on re spawns of over a minute or just under at times, i am more inclined to believe it is a optimisation issue based on what is happening in game.

    Please feel free to quote me on telling you to buy a keyboard and mouse, i apologise if i did , but i am asking you to provide the evidence first please. If you cant then it's just yourself attempting to put a spin on something i said. Also you do know you can use a voice to text tool on your xbox to engage in game chat for free right?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yes, im driving the platform narrative. There are many small differences that all stack up to make a large difference. An xbox x player using kbm will still be at a disadvantage to a pc kbm player, just like an Xbox controller user will still be at a disadvantage to a pc controller user. If the xbox is already running at max effort, then rare has made the right decision splitting like this.

    It is up to players like yourself to push rare into nerfing the pc version(points 1,2,3 and 5) and buffing the xbox version(point 4). This would remove nearly all differences, with kbm/controller servers being the only divide in players. If you cant understand that all the little things do add up to differences, we arent going to find common ground im afraid.

    I would be willing to compromise and support input servers instead of platform servers, but likewise, you would have to compromise and support nerfing the pc version down to xbox level.>
    Edit: You did say to buy a kbm. If you believe hotkeys and chat are invalid points because kbm support is coming, thats your own way of saying 'buy a kbm'. Otherwise you would agree that its a valid point.

    Controllers have macros they are called programmable remotes (had one for my N64 they are that old lol) it will record a series of button presses and let you play it back with 1 button press

  • @troubled-cells
    You said that hotkeys and chat arent valid points of difference because kbm is coming to xbox. I already pointed it out to you. Try reading your own posts. Does this mean 'go buy kbm'? If not, perhaps you could explain what you did mean, and perhaps explain how the problem is resolved without buying a kbm?

    The og Xbox struggles to maintain 30fps. Get near a couple of shore cannons or an active fort and this becomes even more apparent. Thats why everone should be locked to 30 fps, no exceptions. You cant get SoT running 60fps on og xbox without making it look like a 360 game, and rare aren't going to do that. If a pc cant push 30fps, its because they dont meet the requirements laid down by the developer, and has zero relevance to the crossplay debate. 30fps locked for all, no exceptions. 4k doesnt increase pvp performance or draw distance. It might help you spot seagulls over a shipwreck 5 seconds before your crewmate, but its not an advantage. No one is complaining about og vs x except pc users trying to keep forced xplay, so i dont see why you keep bringing it up?

    Unfortunately, it is up to you to push these nerfs. Rare have given a solution that works for xboxers, so the pc community is going to have to come to the table and ask for the 'xbox experience' if you want to play with the Xbox community.

    You can try and paint me as the contradicting bad guy, but its all true. You want to play against xboxers? Then ask rare to remove all the differences listed in my original post to you. If you want to keep all the perks and advantages listed earlier, you can expect the players without those advantages to speak up.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    You said that hotkeys and chat arent valid points of difference because kbm is coming to xbox. I already pointed it out to you. Try reading your own posts. Does this mean 'go buy kbm'? If not, perhaps you could explain what you did mean, and perhaps explain how the problem is resolved without buying a kbm?

    The og Xbox struggles to maintain 30fps. Get near a couple of shore cannons or an active fort and this becomes even more apparent. Thats why everone should be locked to 30 fps, no exceptions. You cant get SoT running 60fps on og xbox without making it look like a 360 game, and rare aren't going to do that. If a pc cant push 30fps, its because they dont meet the requirements laid down by the developer, and has zero relevance to the crossplay debate. 30fps locked for all, no exceptions. 4k doesnt increase pvp performance or draw distance. It might help you spot seagulls over a shipwreck 5 seconds before your crewmate, but its not an advantage. No one is complaining about og vs x except pc users trying to keep forced xplay, so i dont see why you keep bringing it up?

    Unfortunately, it is up to you to push these nerfs. Rare have given a solution that works for xboxers, so the pc community is going to have to come to the table and ask for the 'xbox experience' if you want to play with the Xbox community.

    You can try and paint me as the contradicting bad guy, but its all true. You want to play against xboxers? Then ask rare to remove all the differences listed in my original post to you. If you want to keep all the perks and advantages listed earlier, you can expect the players without those advantages to speak up.

    You have never died from someone having 30 frames vs 60 we already proven this with numbers invalid argument load times vary alot sometimes my console will load faster than my pc (at ferry not loading into the game)

  • @muffinstuffingu
    I never mentioned macros, that was troubled bringing them up. I was specifically talking about hotkeys or lack thereof. But yeah, i remember the n64 ones too, my bro had 2👍

  • @muffinstuffingu
    If it makes no difference, then theres no problem locking everyone to og xbox/minimum pc 30fps.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    If it makes no difference, then theres no problem locking everyone to og xbox/minimum pc 30fps.

    I agree, but should they? Based on ignorant players who dont know they are not getting killed by this? I have no problems with it. It wont make a difference in anyone dying any more or less and macros on controllers can act as hotkeys as they offer more buttons than normal remotes to assign them to

  • @muffinstuffingu
    I won't get into another wall of text argument, but i listed 5 points earlier with troubled. If these points were implemented, then the separation could be split by controller type, instead of platform, which is what alot of pc players are asking for. If all those points were implemented, then players would basically have no excuses except lack of skill/game knowledge when they die.

    Without those sorts of changes, players will still complain, and switch to xbox controller servers, where the above mentioned skill/lack of will be the deciding factor. I hope we can at least agree on that?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    If it makes no difference, then theres no problem locking everyone to og xbox/minimum pc 30fps.

    I never said it makes no difference. But to rule out the option of a performance mode when you can't even back the claim up with logical comparisons is contradictory on your part.

    And yet you refuse to explore performance options in the interest of consoles to achieve that sweet 60 FPS which is your complaint , but are willing to explore them for pc for 30fps, just as I have in the opposite manner to achieve 60fps on a lower setting. I lowered my water detail (which actually helps you see approaching players clearer) and my lighting detail to the lowest setting. This boosted the frame rate dramatically reaching over 60fps, but I opted for the 60 FPS cap to avoid screen tearing. Ask rare to do the same on console at 1080p or 900p and I would put money on it that they can achieve it. Unless of course you don't want 60fps on console to suit your backwards narrative ;)

    So much for choice and compromise on your behalf then.

    I rest my case lol

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yes, im driving the platform narrative. There are many small differences that all stack up to make a large difference. An xbox x player using kbm will still be at a disadvantage to a pc kbm player, just like an Xbox controller user will still be at a disadvantage to a pc controller user. If the xbox is already running at max effort, then rare has made the right decision splitting like this.

    It is up to players like yourself to push rare into nerfing the pc version(points 1,2,3 and 5) and buffing the xbox version(point 4). This would remove nearly all differences, with kbm/controller servers being the only divide in players. If you cant understand that all the little things do add up to differences, we arent going to find common ground im afraid.

    I would be willing to compromise and support input servers instead of platform servers, but likewise, you would have to compromise and support nerfing the pc version down to xbox level.>
    Edit: You did say to buy a kbm. If you believe hotkeys and chat are invalid points because kbm support is coming, thats your own way of saying 'buy a kbm'. Otherwise you would agree that its a valid point.

    Controllers have macros they are called programmable remotes (had one for my N64 they are that old lol) it will record a series of button presses and let you play it back with 1 button press

    And they can be detected, just as they can on PC , it's a bannable offense.

    And rightly so.

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