[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @muffinstuffingu

    This "advantage" is something we cant quantifiably measure

    Can you play RTS games on console controle with the same efficiency as a kb&m? Can you play turn based RPGs on console controler with the same efficiency as a kb&m?

    The answer is No and Yes respectively, what you are saying is demonstrably wrong. The gameplay style will sometimes favour an imput device over another, the more demanding of precision a mouse always has the edge, it's not up to skill, but you can still bridge the gap if you design your game in a way that multiple imput devices achieve a balanced playing field. This is what I advocate for, not separation.

  • @enrico-117 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    You need to read more carefully. I will clarify some things for you.

    @fluidsc It's clear you're just fishing for compliments. You're good at the game. Congratulation. You only talk about personal experiences, which are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Some of your examples don't even make sense. Do you really think they don't have enough statistics to tell which player is better than which? That's kind of adorable.

    Definitely not fishing for compliments, and I am not even sure what you are referring to. All I have talked about here is how most of the new combat changes are ridiculous and feel bad, and how outlandish some of the claims Xbox players make are. ie, PC players run faster, PC players ships move faster, PC players ships stop faster (all three of those were made in this thread)

    I did not say that Rare could quantify who was skilled and who was not. I literally said they could not because someone else suggested Elo-styled queuing for the game. You read that wrong.

    Come back when Rare decides to stick with sloops vs galeons in Arena, after balancing things out.

    I have yet to see anything about ship-to-ship combat in arena, except for player speculation... so until we know how it works, we can't talk about what it will be.

  • @enrico-117

    You only talk about personal experiences, which are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

    Your statement is wrong. It's anecdotal evidence being used to objectively prove a point that is irrelevant, not personal experiences, due to how you can't be sure if said anecdote is truthful or not, because you don't know people here personally. However personal experience has it's merit, it just can't be taken as conclusive facts, since it's subjective.

  • i just wanted to throw my thoughts into this discussion just in case rare is still listening.

    I don't really believe it when you say this wont effect player density on servers. Right now with crossplay it seems like every server is empty by an hour or two max into our voyages. the other night we spent a solid hour sailing around the map looking for one ship, there were none and by the time we had looped the map for the 3rd time or whatever it was finally merged only to find the server empty again within an hour. you're taking half of the playerbase or much more than that out of the equation now, that's half the players no longer logging in to "backfill". So either this is working the way you want it to and servers are supposed to be empty and not be backfilled, or there is a problem with your system that is only going to be worse with a change like this.

    so my feedback is kind of simple, fix the way servers merge and populate so there is always 6 ships online, or don't do this crossplay split and make it even worse. I don't mind not playing against xbox players, but i do mind playing on a ghost town sever with no players to interact with. I have like 6 friends that are on the fence about whether they want to buy SoT, and right now i have told them to wait until issues like this are solved, if at all, because they're in for a boring pve grind with a couple player interactions per night at most. a pirate game where you don't run into pirates. digging and riddle solving simulator.

  • @urihamrayne said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    This "advantage" is something we cant quantifiably measure

    Can you play RTS games on console controle with the same efficiency as a kb&m? Can you play turn based RPGs on console controler with the same efficiency as a kb&m?

    The answer is No and Yes respectively, what you are saying is demonstrably wrong. The gameplay style will sometimes favour an imput device over another, the more demanding of precision a mouse always has the edge, it's not up to skill, but you can still bridge the gap if you design your game in a way that multiple imput devices achieve a balanced playing field. This is what I advocate for, not separation.

    Apples to oranges comparison when taking about games like SoT when a controller was made for shooters the reason why RTS games are so bad on console is they were made to be played on PC and It lets you do more complicated things suited for RTS games. RTS games that were made for the console from the ground up like Halo Wars are good but for the most part its like trying to use your guitar hero guitar to play a FPS if you design your game around a imput device then try it with another yea its gunna suck and as SoT was not designed around one or the other apples to oranges

  • @deadrekoning said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fancy-footworkx you are welcome to buy a keyboard and mouse as PC players can use a controller if they wish. The PC community is too small to allow players to exclude, whereas the XBOX community suffers no consequence to OPT out of PC players.

    PC Players also do not have any ability to choose their servers, and many of us rely on XBOX players as possible crewmates. We are getting punished due to lack of skill.

    Rare already said 'muh playerbase' is not an issue. They described the pc numbers as very healthy. Buy an Xbox if you need to play with us so much. Or dont.

  • @deadrekoning Just wanting to maintain the unfair advantage. You can still play with any xbox player that doesn't toggle the OPTION. All your "xbox friends that you play with" will choose to keep crossplay on right? Claiming the PC community is too small to allow players to exclude is a logic fallacy. 1 - if the PC community is soooo small then the developer should cater to what the "vast majority" wants/requests. 2 - The servers are VIRTUAL. As long as enough PC players and crossplay selecters to fill a server are playing, you will see no difference in server population. Oh and bye Felicia.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @deadrekoning said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fancy-footworkx you are welcome to buy a keyboard and mouse as PC players can use a controller if they wish. The PC community is too small to allow players to exclude, whereas the XBOX community suffers no consequence to OPT out of PC players.

    PC Players also do not have any ability to choose their servers, and many of us rely on XBOX players as possible crewmates. We are getting punished due to lack of skill.

    Rare already said 'muh playerbase' is not an issue. They described the pc numbers as very healthy. Buy an Xbox if you need to play with us so much. Or dont.

    How narrow minded

  • @muffinstuffingu I liked the example with Halo Wars, good pick.

    Still what would be the answer to the questions I posed in my previous post if you paired a controler vs kb&m on halo wars? The kb&m would certainly outperform the controler, even disregarding hotkeys, precision and camera management would allow for more precise micro and macro management. It's not just that the game has to keep the console and/or the control scheme players wil be dealt with, but more importantly the gameplay style that will be demanaded of the players. If SoT rewards precision and speed in it's gameplay throught it's over abundance of hitscan weapons over alternative styled weapons, the imput that has the edge is the one that can make use of speed and precision, it's as simpe as that. What needed to be done was adding variety to combat, that way it would balance out.

  • Personally, I'm happy to see that the console players such as myself now have a choice in who we play with. Since I pay for XBox Live so that I can play with other people on XBox, then I should be allowed to choose to only play with those on XBox. If I wanted to play with people on PC, then I would have bought the game on the PC and played it on there.

  • @kiethblacklion said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Personally, I'm happy to see that the console players such as myself now have a choice in who we play with. Since I pay for XBox Live so that I can play with other people on XBox, then I should be allowed to choose to only play with those on XBox. If I wanted to play with people on PC, then I would have bought the game on the PC and played it on there.

    You purchased a game that was sold as crossplay...

  • @kiethblacklion said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Personally, I'm happy to see that the console players such as myself now have a choice in who we play with. Since I pay for XBox Live so that I can play with other people on XBox, then I should be allowed to choose to only play with those on XBox. If I wanted to play with people on PC, then I would have bought the game on the PC and played it on there.

    Your Xbox gold fee includes upfront payment for 4 games a month under the games with gold scheme as well as your network access.

    You also end up with a much more reliable and faster service because of it.

    Have you ever used the Microsoft store and Xbox app on pc ? They are mediocre at best.

  • @kiethblacklion is the sole reason you pay for Xbox Live so as to play exclusively with Xbox players? There I was thinking that you paid it so that you could play video games, regardless of whether they were crossplay.

    I apologize for the sarcasm, but that really seemed like a flaw of logic to me. Is there anywhere in the terms of Xbox Live that says "pay x per month and we'll keep you away from PC players"? If not, then you have no reason to say you "should be allowed to choose to only play with those on Xbox" -- you were never promised it, you aren't paying for it, so you don't "deserve" it like that.

    There may be valid reasons to need crossplay, but paying for Xbox Live is not one of them.

  • @straptt I play through the Game Pass so I didn't go out and buy the game. SoT was also sold as many other things, of which cross play being a feature that I was not a fan of but have dealt with it accordingly.

    @Troubled-Cells Not quite sure what you meant in your post.

    @vorondil1 Actually, yes the sole reason I ever got an Xbox live subscription was to play Xbox games with my personal friends who also owned xboxes. Why does my logic seemed flawed to you? And where in XBox's terms does it say that I have no choice but to play with other platforms? Sea of Thieves is the ONLY game in my XBox library that I play that is cross-platform. It is that way due to MY CHOICE of not wanting to play other games that are cross platform. The reason I play sea of thieves despite the cross platform is because I thoroughly love the world that Rare has built and the mechanics, though needed some tweaking here and there, are great...especially the way they designed the sailing aspect.

  • @kiethblacklion thanks for responding politely! I reread my post and worried that it was too aggressive, so I appreciate your level head. :)

    My point was just that paying Xbox Live subscription doesn't guarantee you access to cross-platform-optional-games; it guarantees you access to games. So saying that you deserve or need SoT to be cross-platform-optional has nothing to do with your paying for Xbox Live; it just has to do with standards of fairness and equity (which I deserve just as much as you despite not having Xbox Live).

    Again, thanks for responding politely, and whether you agree or disagree I hope my point is clear (and less aggressive than the first attempt).

  • @kiethblacklion said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @straptt I play through the Game Pass so I didn't go out and buy the game. SoT was also sold as many other things, of which cross play being a feature that I was not a fan of but have dealt with it accordingly.

    @Troubled-Cells Not quite sure what you meant in your post.

    @vorondil1 Actually, yes the sole reason I ever got an Xbox live subscription was to play Xbox games with my personal friends who also owned xboxes. Why does my logic seemed flawed to you? And where in XBox's terms does it say that I have no choice but to play with other platforms? Sea of Thieves is the ONLY game in my XBox library that I play that is cross-platform. It is that way due to MY CHOICE of not wanting to play other games that are cross platform. The reason I play sea of thieves despite the cross platform is because I thoroughly love the world that Rare has built and the mechanics, though needed some tweaking here and there, are great...especially the way they designed the sailing aspect.

    That pc users have a inferior Xbox / Microsoft store experience because we don't pay.

    Also the money you pay for Xbox gold isn't solely for access to the online network, you are also paying for games.

  • Rare, Ive always loved & appreciated the proactiveness of changing things up and not letting the game become complacent. I also thought that you guys actually listen to your players feedback and & fix or update issues that need changing. Well I hope you guys do that here? The update that was done about a month ago, that now allowed sloops to be attacked by "The Kraken" & roaming Ghost Ships needs to be changed and redone. I know this game was meant for groups of players to be on a ship and play together, but realistically thats not always possible. The way the game was set up initially, when the Ghost Ships were introduced(Cursed Sails,I believe?) ,and up to the last update was perfect. If you wanted to fight Ghost Ships, just look in the sky & find the "ship cloud" and have at it! But being "forced" to fight a Ghost Ship when youre alone on a sloop isnt fun for anyone! Its one thing to allow the Kraken to attack sloops now, but to have Ghost Ships attack one man'd sloops every 5secs makes oneself reconsider playing SoT. Not only can finding other friends to play at the sametime as I do everytime not possible, but sometimes I just want to play this game alone. If this is an addition that RARE really wants in the game,then make it like it was w/ the Kraken,and only Galleons & Brigadines are subject to the Ghost Ship attacks! I think its great what yall do by constantly tweeking & updating this wonderful game therefor keeping it fresh. Especially for free! But this just seems like you were trying to fix something that wasnt broke? Anyways, please consider this suggestion,and if you could reply to this post it would be appreciated. Thanks

  • "controller" servers is not acceptable. There are PC problems that people on console don't want to deal with, and shouldn't have to deal with. Some Many of us don't want anything to do with PC players. Why do the PCers insist that we have to play with them?

  • @oneeeyedwilly why tho you have no reason why you dont want to play with someone just because of that system they play on before you even meet them. Why do you insist that we can't play with you? seems like the real question that needs to be answered

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    "controller" servers is not acceptable. There are PC problems that people on console don't want to deal with, and shouldn't have to deal with. Some Many of us don't want anything to do with PC players. Why do the PCers insist that we have to play with them?

    What is your issue with PC players?

  • @oneeeyedwilly Blame Rare for marketing the game that way. If you had a problem with crossplay then idk why you bought the game in the first place.

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    "controller" servers is not acceptable. There are PC problems that people on console don't want to deal with, and shouldn't have to deal with. Some Many of us don't want anything to do with PC players. Why do the PCers insist that we have to play with them?

    What problems ? I'm curious

    You are literally advocating for a platform bias then with absolutely zero legitimate justification , just saying you want to isn't good enough.

    And it's this that is the issue.

    I have seen no real reasons as to why rare cannot give pc users access to the controller pool if they decide to use a controller.

    And to be quite honest I think they are actually listening to this point.

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    "controller" servers is not acceptable. There are PC problems that people on console don't want to deal with, and shouldn't have to deal with. Some Many of us don't want anything to do with PC players. Why do the PCers insist that we have to play with them?

    Fortunately for the majority of people in this world, learning to accept and integrate with others is a normal process that occurs daily.

    This game was designed around cross play from the start. Issues arise when one group feels that another group has the advantage. This is the age old story of life.

    Simply making a change to alienate one group of players due to indifference is illogical. Making a change to even up the field in the Arena is understandable due to its nature and the fact that it is a new feature, and not the core game.

    Also making a change where one group has the ability to simply shut off an entire subset of players and not give the same abilities to the other is absurd.

    I have ran across several solid and capable Xbox players. The lack of precision that is offered through the use of other peripherals is not hindering them. So are they just better then the rest of the population or is it another factor that is in play.

    Is it possible that the commitment level of using SoT on the Xbox is less then say on the PC. Is it easier for someone to simply download this game with their game pass and start sailing without any real financial investment outside of the subscription they are already paying for. Would this cause an influx of "let's go for a spin" players who might not have the time invested in the game to actually develop some skill level. Would this also increase the pool of people who would be so quick to cry "PC players have an advantage". I say anyone who knows how to play this game and has invested the time to develop themselves into solid players has the advantage regardless of the platform. Anyone who says they don't is probably looking for a more casual game to play.

    Combat comes down to one simple factor. It's called keeping a level head. I see a ton of players get frantic and make mistakes that cost them their lives and their gold. This is due to a lack of practice and understanding. It is not due to one person sitting behind one set of peripherals over the other.

    So as I stated in my last post, the decision that need to be discussed is if Rare is stating that they made a mistake from the beginning with cross play and that it should not have been integrated, or are they simply bending to the wills of a group of players.

    If you as Rare believe that segregation should exist in your world then so be it and I support your decisions just make it so that it is on even footing on both ends.

    If you do not then end this line of thinking, at most use it in arena, and lets move on.

  • Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    I just want any reason... doesn't even have to involved controllers. When you point-blank say you don't want to play with someone there has to be a reason.

    I can't tell you how many times I have literally been told I am hacking because I am PC simply because I responded to someone talking verbally by typing in my response though.

    I have been reported and called a cheater so much in this game by console people I really think they believe that every PC player is cheating.

  • @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

  • @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    I think not they are getting alot of bad PR from this look at the youtube video of the announcement over half disliked it. They will be letting pc people with controllers on deal with it Kid! you have no reason you can give us but OmG pC PlAyEr kIlL mE ThEy Tu GuD I dOnT wANNa PlAY wItH ThEm
    If you hated it this much why did you get a crossplay game?

  • This debate is HEATED and HATED.

    Back in the early 2000’s, xbox players got mad at other xbox players on Halo 2 for lag switching/blue screening during ranked matches. So, at the least, we’ve come a long way from that... right? The disadvantages are much nicer now!

  • @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    Or ...

    How about us big bad pc players constantly complain and debate on here until we get our own way just like the console players did.

    I mean you guys already proved it worked right ? Lol

    Deal with it

    It's called feedback for a reason pal

  • @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    Or ...

    How about us big bad pc players constantly complain and debate on here until we get our own way just like the console players did.

    I mean you guys already proved it worked right ? Lol

    Deal with it

    It's called feedback for a reason pal

    This retort had me dying rofling so hard.

    No console player now can argue with facts because they got BTFO on every one so far their silence and non starter posting says it all.

    Yea they are getting alot of bad feedback if they say they listen to it and do nothing about it we can obviously tell they are lying

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    Or ...

    How about us big bad pc players constantly complain and debate on here until we get our own way just like the console players did.

    I mean you guys already proved it worked right ? Lol

    Deal with it

    It's called feedback for a reason pal

    This retort had me dying rofling so hard.

    No console player now can argue with facts because they got BTFO on every one so far their silence and non starter posting says it all.

    Yea they are getting alot of bad feedback if they say they listen to it and do nothing about it we can obviously tell they are lying

    I find it interesting that in ln the recent dev update they made the point of saying they are still monitoring feedback and that they hear us regarding this matter.

    Why would they say this if the situation was final ?

    I just hate the narrative that some members of the console community have caused with this "us Vs them" mentality.

    My point is for the benefit of the entire community, and not one that is biased towards a platform

  • @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    Or ...

    How about us big bad pc players constantly complain and debate on here until we get our own way just like the console players did.

    I mean you guys already proved it worked right ? Lol

    Deal with it

    It's called feedback for a reason pal

    This retort had me dying rofling so hard.

    No console player now can argue with facts because they got BTFO on every one so far their silence and non starter posting says it all.

    Yea they are getting alot of bad feedback if they say they listen to it and do nothing about it we can obviously tell they are lying

    I find it interesting that in ln the recent dev update they made the point of saying they are still monitoring feedback and that they hear us regarding this matter.

    Why would they say this if the situation was final ?

    I just hate the narrative that some members of the console community have caused with this "us Vs them" mentality.

    My point is for the benefit of the entire community, and not one that is biased towards a platform

    I am a console player(80% of the time) on SoT i like the big screen and 4k so i really do have the intrest of both at heart funny enough. I just don't see what other console players are talking about when they say all this stuff it blows my mind hearing the stupidity.

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    We did it for a year and we get optional crossplay now.

    Deal with it.

    Or ...

    How about us big bad pc players constantly complain and debate on here until we get our own way just like the console players did.

    I mean you guys already proved it worked right ? Lol

    Deal with it

    It's called feedback for a reason pal

    This retort had me dying rofling so hard.

    No console player now can argue with facts because they got BTFO on every one so far their silence and non starter posting says it all.

    Yea they are getting alot of bad feedback if they say they listen to it and do nothing about it we can obviously tell they are lying

    I find it interesting that in ln the recent dev update they made the point of saying they are still monitoring feedback and that they hear us regarding this matter.

    Why would they say this if the situation was final ?

    I just hate the narrative that some members of the console community have caused with this "us Vs them" mentality.

    My point is for the benefit of the entire community, and not one that is biased towards a platform

    I am a console player(80% of the time) on SoT i like the big screen and 4k so i really do have the intrest of both at heart funny enough. I just don't see what other console players are talking about when they say all this stuff it blows my mind hearing the stupidity.

    My apologies if what I said came of as a generalisation, I did say it was only some though.

    It's just a shame that one small loud subset of console players have complained enough to drive the narrative and create this divide within the community.

    Let's push back and make this right for everyone.

    Not just one subset of players on a specific platform.

  • @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    OK chief I'll respond to you. I have ZERO trust that Rare can enforce and guarantee PC players that "are on controller" are ACTUALLY on controller. If they could control what people do on PC, we wouldn't have cheaters all over the place. Don't come back and say "..but there are cheaters on xbox too!!" NO CHANCE there are anywhere close to the same number of cheaters on console as there are on PC. NO CHANCE there are anywhere close to the same number of people with ability to look like they are using a controller but really using a kbm. On top of all of that, PC players have hundreds of different hardware setups, many far superior to console. The game PERFORMS BETTER on PC than on console. It is fact and it is proven.

    Bottom line, as long as there ARE ANY performance differences, input differences, or the opportunity for cheating, console players should have an option not to be subjected to it. That is my reason why I don't want to play with you. Or do you insist on our current abusive relationship where you are permitted to force yourself on me?

  • @oneeeyedwilly said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @muffinstuffingu said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Well Rare devs you seen it here no console user can give us a good reason as to why pc players cant use controllers and play with them make it happen the people have spoken

    OK chief I'll respond to you. I have ZERO trust that Rare can enforce and guarantee PC players that "are on controller" are ACTUALLY on controller. If they could control what people do on PC, we wouldn't have cheaters all over the place. Don't come back and say "..but there are cheaters on xbox too!!" NO CHANCE there are anywhere close to the same number of cheaters on console as there are on PC. NO CHANCE there are anywhere close to the same number of people with ability to look like they are using a controller but really using a kbm. On top of all of that, PC players have hundreds of different hardware setups, many far superior to console. The game PERFORMS BETTER on PC than on console. It is fact and it is proven.

    Bottom line, as long as there ARE ANY performance differences, input differences, or the opportunity for cheating, console players should have an option not to be subjected to it. That is my reason why I don't want to play with you. Or do you insist on our current abusive relationship where you are permitted to force yourself on me?

    @oneeeyedwilly firstly M&KB has been out for xbox since launch and MS has done nothing about it would seem like its easyer to do on xbox.Cheaters make up such a small population of the game its irrelevant
    what are you talking about xbox has a better gpu than 95% of computers your gpu is equal to a rx-580(but better) and many xboxes don't preform the same so kinda hipcritical and besides that unless you have fps freezes on xbox the differences are so minimal you have never lost a fight due to this
    Your whole post you were projecting things that apply to xbox as well bud

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