One time character change

  • Instead of losing your pirate legend account on wanting to change your skin just add a one time skin change in the menu but it cost like 100,000 or 1,000,000 gold

  • 28
  • Nice idea. But, at 1,000,000 gp for a complete make-over, why make it one time only? I see no reason not to allow this as often as you can afford it.

  • There have been countless requests for this ability (or similar).

    Being able to construct a different pirate would be great.
    I don't care about losing progress, just the day 1 stuff and all the time limited cosmetics attained.

    But there is nothing in the works on the timeline (check the feb announcement at inside xbox perhaps).

    I can imagine this being a microtransaction, like pets.

    For some background you can watch devs talk about the start of IPG and customization design
    And view the tons of feedback:
    Mega Thread 1
    Mega Thread 2
    Mega Thread 3

  • I'm not in favor of changing anytime you want, one of the feature giving an original personality to this game is the uniqueness of pirates due to players being unable to customize too much as have to make a decisive choice when creating their char.

    I can understand the need of a one time ticket change for players having rushed the creation to test the game asap, but changing anytime you want is pointless, not to mention you can already change many things on the fly.

    I'm disappointed enough to notice the tatoo I've been lucky enough to get when creating my char is now available to anyone thanks to recent deeper customization. I wished they added some tatoos but kept some of them, especially the ones already existing in the game before the change, not available for ingame customization.

  • Once the option is added to those that want to re-roll their character without the need to loose all progress, a one time gold fee + limiting it to say once per month should be the best balance as it is done in some games in the past like this, more so in the case of name changes or class changes where applicable.

  • @th3xr34p3r a dit dans One time character change :

    Once the option is added to those that want to re-roll their character without the need to loose all progress, a one time gold fee + limiting it to say once per month should be the best balance as it is done in some games in the past like this, more so in the case of name changes or class changes where applicable.

    What's the point of being able to change once a month ?

    The whole point is to force player to choose, that no one is perfect but unique however, to develop a strong personality for the game. I can understand people wishing to change once and for all, for they've reached pirate legend for example (even though the ask is ludicrous anyway : how is it those players did not simply recreated their char before if it was so ugly ?) but being able to change many times is freaking ridiculous as totally ambiance breaking.

  • I see this is going to be a pay with real money thing.

  • @el-dth-taco said in One time character change:

    I see this is going to be a pay with real money thing.

    And that will lead to players demanding total control over thier pirate’s appearance rather than the Pirate Generator. “I paid money for this and all I get are hundreds of pirates I don’t like! Give me my money back or give me customization options!” And they would have a valid argument. Rare might give up ground on this issue, but I do like the variety of pirates that have resulted from the RPG.

  • @swissdumpling I would like if they added this feature, it was discussed months ago and many complained about not being able to change your pirate without losing everything.

  • @meurtrisseur I don't see how it's ambience breaking to let a person reroll the base model of the character without loosing progress made on it especially with the long time players that have all the limited time items that are not account bound. Hell make it once every 6 months or once a year for them.

    how is it those players did not simply recreated their char before if it was so ugly?

    Refer to my point about limited time items and those players waiting for the option since they did not realize they would be sticking with the character they picked at random instead of taking the extra time like I did for mine until it was too late to do a reroll and they don't want to loose those items.

  • I think you are worrying too much about something that is not so important. The way your pirate looks should not impact the level of fun you have when playing the game. Spend a bit of time finding a character you can live with and go for it. The pirate generator was a cool tool in my opinion. It nice seeing all types of characters out in the world, and not the same cookie cutter character over and over again.

  • @major-bones said in One time character change:

    I think you are worrying too much about something that is not so important. The way your pirate looks should not impact the level of fun you have when playing the game.

    I'm sorry but for many of us, you couldn't be more wrong. Pretty much EVERYTHING tied to progression in this game is cosmetic... what's the point of that if you really can't stand the base character you're putting the cool cosmetics on? Kind of like decorating manure (only similar word that I was allowed to use lol), you know?

    For some, they really don't care so much, I get that but for many, how our character looks is very important. There are threads made every single week asking for this feature, so it's clearly something that's important to MANY players.

  • Loving your pirate character is critical.
    Twenty dollars, U.S. for a spin on the IPG.

    That's it. No custom sliders, just the IPG with a few save slots.

    Ok, so maybe the price is negotiable, it's ten bucks for an Xbox Live gamertag change.

  • Weirdly I dont mind if others want to change.

    As someone who table topped for years, I love a good character creation menu in my rpg games. "The nose a bit bigger on this dwarf. The beard a little longer and more gray. The cheeks a tad chubbier". And I spent easily two hours cycling the wheel when the game opened.

    I got bored trying to find the perfect pirate. So I went with tall, lanky, grizzled old looking dude. And that's how I play him. Angry, drunk a lot, and salty as any sea dog comes! So Rare got me. They essentially handed me an NPC and said "make him yours"! And I did!

    Wouldn't mind the ability to start a new pirate in the future. But it's not high on the list of stuff I want!

  • I would love to have this option as well. I rushed into picking my character when the game first came out now I'm stuck with it haha

  • I think it's a great idea, we have so many coins that we dunno were to put them so why not?
    I have 7.5mil and own everything in the game...i wanna spend them somehow and changing my character should be an option.
    So i agree with ya'z @SwissDumpling

  • I'm sorry but for many of us, you couldn't be more wrong. Pretty much EVERYTHING tied to progression in this game is cosmetic... what's the point of that if you really can't stand the base character you're putting the cool cosmetics on? Kind of like decorating manure (only similar word that I was allowed to use lol), you know?

    If your playing this game solely for the cosmetics then I think you missed the point... it’s built around the crew and the adventure. It’s a game about what kinda trouble you can get into and more importantly get yourself out of. If your worrying about whether or not your character has the wrong shade of skin color or is too old or short then you missed the point of the game and I can’t see this as being the kind of game that will hold your attention that long. Take it from somebody who has probably 1000 hours in it, the next ship skin or lantern or whatever will not keep you playing this long term. Don’t get me wrong, the way your character looks is important, I get that. Letting it weigh over you like it is the most critical component of the game is just crazy though. I would estimate that 99% of the game time you don’t even see your own pirate anyways, so as mentioned before, spend a little time picking one that you can live with. Then get in game and find/steal some loot.

    But if you only care about how your pirate looks then ignore me and spend your time making that perfect pirate. Hopefully we’ll see you in game, eventually.

  • @th3xr34p3r a dit dans One time character change :

    @meurtrisseur I don't see how it's ambience breaking to let a person reroll the base model of the character without loosing progress made on it especially with the long time players that have all the limited time items that are not account bound. Hell make it once every 6 months or once a year for them.

    how is it those players did not simply recreated their char before if it was so ugly?

    Refer to my point about limited time items and those players waiting for the option since they did not realize they would be sticking with the character they picked at random instead of taking the extra time like I did for mine until it was too late to do a reroll and they don't want to loose those items.

    It's been made clear when the game released if playing on pc you wouldn't have choice but to play with only one pirate, which is not the case for xbox. This is then a very pc players exclusive issue, and I'm a pc player. Those players having invested so much time into the game mere couldn't ignore this.

    The whole game progression is all about cosmetics, for your ship (though quite lacking) and for your avatar, if you're displeased with you char and erase it there's a clear warning about you ending with losing all your progress.

    Personally I don't care about players having a one time change ticket, but players having the opportunity to change frequently their avatar, in order to follow trends and vogues, eventually having many clones : no thanks.

  • I don't mind this idea and would like to add a detail based on my experience with the character creator :
    When I tried the game during the beta, I could find a couple of characters that matched my tastes in almost every reroll; but when I came back (2 weeks ago with the free trial) it took me an hour to finally end up picking a character that was "ok".
    My theory based on what I think I remember from an interview with Joe (something along the line of "We want people to only have one character so that people could recognise each other in game and feel connected to their characters") is that since every characters are supposed to be unique, maybe the game has less chance to propose for instance a skinny bodytype because a lot of people already have skinny characters which would reduce the pool of randomized characters that include this feature.
    In my case, during the hour of reroll I went through, the amount of fat ladies that were proposed seemed very high.
    I don't know if this explanation regarding this theory was even clear or made sense but..

    TL;DR, if a reroll is added to the game, it would be nice to have by default your current character locked in the propositions so that if the game doesn't propose anything that you would consider an improvement, you can still go back to the one you have.

  • Im against an Character Change, it’s an huge immersion break! Stick to your Character and all is good! I have an big ugly woman, it’s looking like an male with boo*bs, people in random groups laughing at me because my char looks so weird, but I’m happy with that I’m liking when people have fun :D

  • @king-deka dijo en One time character change:

    but I’m happy

    And what if you're not? what if you picked a fatty pirate that cant wear anything? Don't know you but I'm a bit tired of not being able to change my clothes without looking weird...

  • @amancebacabras sagte in One time character change:

    @king-deka dijo en One time character change:

    but I’m happy

    And what if you're not? what if you picked a fatty pirate that cant wear anything? Don't know you but I'm a bit tired of not being able to change my clothes without looking weird...

    Im honest, I like the look of skinny old (merrick) like Pirates more, it’s cool but I never pick the things that are the best(not in game and not in Real life) I love things nobody likes or niche things!

  • @king-deka Yeah, was not my point. I was saying that maybe you still enjoy your caricature pirate, but there are tons of for example fatty pirates that regret picked them because they cant wear a single coat. My problem is that after 2 and a half hours none of the ipg pirates pleased me and I gave up and started with a pirate with characteristics I dont enjoy like too short legs or a bulb in the neck (this last one makes nearly all the facial hair look really weird, and I cant wear some of the beards like the sovereing ones propperly)

  • PLEASEEEEEEEE add this option. Make it a paid transaction I dont care. I want to reroll my character please!!

  • @swissdumpling I dont think that we need to pay for it but they need to understand that the character creation was complicated for alot of people many players didnt knew that they can roll the dice to see more pirates and many players thought that they cam change their character after.
    They should give us one chance (i like my character)

  • @major-bones The majority me included would desagree with you.
    We do care about how our character looks like i like the re roll system because it adds personality to our pirates we arent perfect but many who chose an ugly one should be given one chance.

  • I dont see the harm in letting people reroll characters. Make it between 20,000-50,000 coin( I think 100,000 or 1,000,000 is too much) and let people reroll as much as they want. Why do I care if people want to change their pirate once a year or once a week. I myself am happy with my pirate and wont be changing her.

  • Has there ever been an official response from them regarding this issue?

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