All Major Additions Made to Sea of Thieves in 2018

  • Ahoy Mates!
    2018 was quite the year for Sea of Thieves, and I thought it'd be a cool if there was list of all the Major Additions Rare made to the game last year.
    Sea of Thieves

    You'll notice that I haven't counted all the Different Cosmetics that were added over the Content Updates and Bigle Rat Adventures this year.
    The reason why is because they're mostly just skins for pre-existing things, so I don't consider them Major Additions.

    Either way, let's get Started:

    All Major Additions Made Through Content Updates:

    The Hungering Deep

    • Megalodon
    • Speaking Trumpet
    • Drum
    • Flags
    • Tattoos
    • Scares

    Cursed Sails

    • Skeleton Ship Battles
    • Alliance System
    • Brigantine Ship Type
    • Skeleton Snipers
    • Hair Color Dye

    Forsaken Shores

    • Devil's Roar Area
    • Devil's Roar Voyages
    • Environmental Hazards: Volcanic Eruptions, Geysers, Earthquakes, Lava, Boiling Water
    • The Box of Wonderous Secrets
    • Rowboats
    • Seaposts
    • Cargo Run Voyages
    • Cargo Run Items: Rum, Cloth, Plants

    Shrouded Spoils

    • Fog Weather Effect
    • Roaming Skeleton Ships
    • Skeleton Sloop
    • Remaining Skeleton Forts Activated
    • Crate of Ancient Bone Dust
    • Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel
    • Mermaid Statue Gems
    • Different Variations of Megalodons
    • Rewards for Defeating Megalodons and Krakens
    • Additional Ship Customisation: Helm, Cannon and Capstan
    • Cannonball Radial

    All Major Additions Made Through Bigle Rat Adventures:

    Bilge Rat Adventures

    • Bigle Rat Trading Company
    • Duke's Shop
    • Doubloon Currency
    • Letters of Recommendation
    • Skeleton Thrones
    • Gunpowder Skeletons
    • Mermaid Statues
    • Reaper's Mark
    • Cursed Cannonballs
    • Barrel 2.0
    • Inventory Quick Menu
    • Lantern Colors
    • Beacons
    • Facepaint
    • Gilded Voyages

    The End:

    Well, I think thats all of em.
    Let me konw if I missed any.

    Gotta say Rare sure has added alot of stuff to Sea of Thieves in the span of 9 months.
    Most impressive...
    Pleased Palooggoo

    Anyways mates, let me know what your favorite additions are in the comments!
    Until then see ya on the seas!
    There she goes

  • 11
  • @sgt-palooggoo I am a little biased, but my sailor is my favorite addition to the Sea of Thieves in 2018. I joined in January right before release during the stress tests.

    My second favorite is the latest update as it gives everything a purpose to be hunted. It's a cop out as it includes all the previous, which leads me to the hungering deep as my third. The first time we see Meg after we call her up was exciting. The first time she charged the sloop and her jaws opened wide caused a some panic. Now, we are used to her, but she was a sight back in May!

  • My favorite would have to be the rowboat. That thing is amazing. I've gone on many voyages splitting off from my crew on rowboats. I've saved treasure from sinking ships on rowboats. I've pulled some shenanigans on rowboats. I've even sank a skeleton captain in a ship battle with just a rowboat and a few kegs. I've always wanted to go back with a chest of sorrow.

    There are so many great things they have added but I've gotten so much enjoyment out of rowboats. They really change the game.

  • I love this game,

    Preparing a ship for a long voyage, getting supplies, grinding and exploring.

    Incidental encounters with other players i think this is balanced really good and a lot of fun.

    The skins, cosmetics and personalisation is just amazing and funny i love it.

    Love the goldhoarder and order of souls and really liked the first merchant but i absolutely dislike the cargo runs for they are boring and not funny and think the voyages should be seperated so i dont need to buy cargo runs to discard them.

    Like the crates for supplies and think it would be nice to start with one of each to gather supplies.

    Think the athena voyages could be seperated so i dont need to buy and discard forsaken shores since i absolutely dislike this environment i think its ugly... i like the glowing skins and maps and the rowboat but i never go to mordor...well only to buy skins i like.. i just dont see anything funny in forsaken shores and think it dont fit the game.

    I come to like the skellyships after all and like megan a lot but i really dislike the kraken since its just way to often now and no longer a special encounter worth sinking from to have a great story... its just a game destroyer i dont like now

    I think its good to have more skullforts now and enjoy it. I also liked the gilded voyages with all the action with other players.

    Like the coloured lantarns, glint of gems, all the different loot and most of the graphics.

    I dislike the total lack of ingame info i think there should be a sot newspaper shop where you can find all info ingame for now i play pirate but dont unde

    I hope for a better game experience when the communication could be improved since i experidnce a lot of difficulty in communication since you can often hardly hear each other? Its not good mic quality in this game somehow?

    I hope to have better games when improve open crew matchmaking system its to simple thats why its hard to find crew that fits the voyage since they have no option to choose a certain voyage or game and they can destroy your progress by cancelling your voyage?

    A great game just love it and think theres still room to improve some basic things for better gaming experience :)
    Open crew system should be a priority i think its easy to improve since it failed so much in so many ways and thats a shame since i really need to get the right crew for a voyage.
    I think some funny elements to forsaken shores could help like saving animals in trouble or something i dunno..
    I think go easy on to much game destroyers like krakens..

    :D for the rest keep on going its just an awesome game :D

  • @sgt-palooggoo LOL that quite a bit, I remember complaining after cursed sails about the lack of content.... They sure shut me up 😅

  • @sgt-palooggoo That’s quite the list when it’s all written down! I wonder what next years one will be like :)

    Also don’t know if it counts but we also had that Box if mysterious secrets or whatever it’s called in the DR content drop.

    @Lord-Pharqwad Your not wrong there mate, love it or hate it you can’t say they haven’t put there heads down and gave us things to do. It makes me think, wow this game hasn’t been out for a year and see what they have done.
    Imagine what we will have in another year or two! The mind boggles I can’t wait to see how it evolves :)

  • @knifelife said in All Major Additions Made to Sea of Thieves in 2018:

    Also don’t know if it counts but we also had that Box of mysterious secrets or whatever it’s called in the DR content drop.

    Oh yeah, quite forgot about The Box, thanks for informing me!
    It's been added to the list.

    @sgt-palooggoo That’s quite the list when it’s all written down! I wonder what next years one will be like :)

    Well, they got 4 Content update out in the span of 9 months, meaning next year they'll have a full 12 months to release stuff.
    So according to my math there should be 6 content updates coming out next year.
    Very exciting.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Thanks for putting this together!
    It's really eye opening to see the content we've had since release and really looking forward to seeing what 2019 will bring!

    I reckon my favourites are the Devil's Roar and the gunpowder skellies, plus the new forts!

  • No problem @katttruewalker, I'm really excited for 2019 as well.
    Can't wait to see what they have in development!

  • My favorite new additions were: Fog, Mermaid Gems and Skeleton Ships.

  • Hey Mates!
    Just thought I'd bring back this thread with it being new years and all.
    Anyways, here's to a great 2019!

3 out of 11