Happy Holidays

  • Happy holidays to everyone and lots of love.

  • 19
  • @eredhar aye you too matey! May the festive season bring folks plenty of time to enjoy the game we all love!

    and maybe snowballs for our cannons... that would be cool... :D

  • @eredhar

    A heart felt "Merry Christmas" to you to!
    A very well put message... kudos!
    I doff me hat.

  • @sshteeve Lots of snowballs! Lots of them, like... buckets !

  • @eredhar and make our grog look like eggnog for a week! The sick would be EPIC!

  • @sshteeve Okay, you need to stop right now! I am drooling haha. Bless you and Merry Christmas!

  • @eredhar said in Happy Holidays:

    @sshteeve Okay, you need to stop right now! I am drooling haha.

    Over vomit?! 😖


  • @eredhar And to you as well! :)

  • @captain-nicklas
    Bless you

  • @piratecraggy
    Merry Christmas, Craggy and happy moments with your family!

  • Merry christmas and happy holidays

  • @weedstar-deluxe
    Merry little Christmas!

  • @eredhar ty dude

  • @eredhar

    A wonderful message :D

    And a very, very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  • @katttruewalker
    I wish you the best! Happy holidays and lots of love!

  • @eredhar aye ditto to you mate

  • @closinghare208
    Merry Christmas

  • @eredhar thanks you too and a happy new year

  • happy holidays to you too sir

15 out of 19