Sloops And Their Brig: What's the Point?

  • Pretty solid question and one that's been bothering me since I first started playing this game on Day 1. To this day that thing serves no point (seeing as how you need 2 people to agree to brig someone so the opposing player has to brig themselves), but not once in the year since the game was released have they really discussed what to do with that spot. All it does is take up space. I mean, I'm sure at this point nobody even cares that it's there and just ignores it but it's kind of become a pet peeve of mine.

    So, what would you folks replace it with? Or would you just have it completely removed? I think it should be a Pig Pen you can put Pig Crates in that help feed the pigs. That way if you're a solo player doing Merchant runs the Pigs won't drive you nuts crying for food while you wander around trying to secure the rest of your cargo (preventing much annoyance).

    What would you do?

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  • Remove it and rework the layout of the ship all together. Make it so there is more space to hide loot or stow away on the boat.

  • Give the crewman with the most time on the ship two votes to brig someone, thus making the brig functional.

  • I've been locked in it. Players are auto-brigged if they join a friend without an invite.

  • @boomtownboss said in Sloops And Their Brig: What's the Point?:

    I've been locked in it. Players are auto-brigged if they join a friend without an invite.

    Uhm, I don't think that's entirely accurate.

  • @xcalypt0x I joined a game and loaded inside the brig. I've seen this happen to streamers too. I thought it was because of that but maybe not?

  • @boomtownboss

    I don't think so, I know it's happened randomly before...

    The one thing the sloop lacks which the other ships have is a seating/sleeping area?

  • @boomtownboss I suppose it is possible but I join on my friends all the time and that doesn't happen. I usually play on a galleon though so perhaps it's different for the 4 man crew?

  • @xcalypt0x I think it's from a few updates ago; before you can close the crew to friends. So a friend joining a closed crew would still join but be in brig.

  • @katttruewalker Yeah a little hammock or something would be appropriate.

  • Panic room. :)

  • The auto brig thing is just a glitch. I've joined an open Brigantine and spawned inside the brig and joined a friend (with invite) and spawned in the brig as well

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