[Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena

  • I like this... but I still feel like pve is way too limited. I would love to choose a voyage that has in depths background story info, as we go along the voyage we unravel the story, and break a curse or beat a boss with wittiness and strategic minds put together.

  • @surveyorpete Great scot! You are back from the future...

  • @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @xphelipe said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @betsill True. But I think they will organize the game in this new mode (Maybe Xbox only??). The game that is now will be the same. (This is what I think)

    Yup, because development will stop if more folk play adventure.
    Look at Fortnite - that name can finally be sensibly uttered here now it seems - when did "save the world" or what I bought as "fortnite" last get some attention over BR?

    They'll ask you to trust them that they'll never put aside the adventure mode but unfortunately as money is what rules everything it's probably not healthy to trust any promises.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @xcalypt0x said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Wow... I hope you didn't just kill adventure mode...

    It was never Adventure Mode, it was Sea of Thieves. Tacking on the word MODE is very telling. It won't be the same experience.

    True, I couldn't agree more. I'm very scared for this update. I'm afraid it will fundamentally change the game for the worse in a way that can't be undone.

  • @musicmee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Anddd.... did anyone spot the crab?? ;D

    I certainly did. Super cute. I now look for him in all SoT promo videos haha.

  • @xphelipe
    Use control xbox vs keyboard and mouse, is a subject that generates much controversy, but in my experience playing on both platforms, the control has unique advantages, and this is a fact that few know, but a command can be unbelievably better if it is used in the maximum sensitivity, but it is not something that is recommended unless you are focused on playing in a professional manner, mastering that sensitivity is a lot of work, I tried it and it died again and again and they always beat me, I surrendered afterwards of 2 months and when I returned to normal sensitivity I had to put it on a medium / high level and I noticed a huge difference.

  • @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @xphelipe said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @betsill True. But I think they will organize the game in this new mode (Maybe Xbox only??). The game that is now will be the same. (This is what I think)

    Yup, because development will stop if more folk play adventure.
    Look at Fortnite - that name can finally be sensibly uttered here now it seems - when did "save the world" or what I bought as "fortnite" last get some attention over BR?

    And this is what I'm worried about. Think about all the money that Fortnite has made over the last year and some odd months. It's absolutely insane but how much of that trickled down to Save the World? I seem to only see updates regarding BR and hardly anything about StW. It'll be a complete shame to see SoT go from this make your own adventure in our sandbox world kind of game to BR but with ships.

    There needs to be a way to encourage players to play both modes. Otherwise as others have said Adventure mode will eventually be taken over and we'll only get 1 or 2 DLC updates a year for it out of the 6 or 7 for Arena.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I understand that,i was talking about play with same rules,and this didn't happen in SoT. Btw i'm going off now GN.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie the best way is to improve the normal mode first and then use those improvements for the Arena mode, so you do not have any extra work, almost everything would be copy and paste.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Still don't understand how this same voyage thing couldn't be intregated in the actual game rather than segregating the players.

  • @personalc0ffee Why would splitting the game into PvP and PvE be for the best though?

    Like you said, The Sea of Thieves experience that Rare has described since the beginning is now being thrown out the window :(

    Is the game really struggling that much that this is necessary?

  • The only positive thing I see about this is that hopefully it means it will be a bit calmer in the adventure mode. I like the PvP aspect in adventure mode as it makes things exciting and unpredictable.

    But when you are unlucky and join a realm with players that only want to sink ships over and over again. And especially if it's PC players fueled up on Red Bull then it's not much fun.

    So hopefully allot of those players will get a kick of bunny jumping around quickscoping Xbox players.

  • OMG!

    I played as a founder but never bought the game for some reasons..... but finally this is something that will make my friends and I buy it for sure if it's well done!

  • @personalc0ffee Why can't we have rich PvE and PvP experiences in the game as it is now? I have had plenty of both. I really don't understand why the sandbox shared world idea has failed. People love this game.

    And still, even if it has failed like you said, I'm sure there could be some updates to the real game to make more meaningful PvP for those who want it. Tons of people have suggested a bounty system (as I'm sure you're aware). Sure the suggested systems have many flaws, but I have no doubt that Rare could come up with something that would allow people who want more PvP to have it without making PvP the driving force of the game and forcing PvE orientated players out of the sea.

    @ant-heuser-kush I don't want a SoT 2 either though lol

  • @personalc0ffee

    Well that depends on the player dont it. Just because your experience is good dont mean it's like that for everyone. I love this game. But I'm sick of the disadvantage I get when playing on Xbox.

    Resulting in me feeling forced to play on PC to stay competitive.

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  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    It will not be the same game once Arena mode comes out. I think we are going to see a shift to a more PvE experience for Adventure mode and a more PvP based experience for Arena Mode and maybe that's for the best?

    I think most of us that has love what this game is and has been all this time knows this will not be for the best.

    Maybe the Shared World idea just doesn't work with how the game is currently laid out.

    As I always said mate Rare did not have the truly dedicated vision that you spoke so passionately about here in the forums. I am truly sorry for many of us pirates today.

    The shared world did work beautifully and can work again if Rare pulls their head out of the fog they have created for themselves. This mini game mode is not going to help. I wonder what color flame will be waiting on the ferry if the game we love does die after all.

    I'm sure it will remain Open PvP but SoT as we knew it, today right now, is dead and is changing into something else.

    I think there's people here that don't believe that but it is the reality.

    The reality of it all will hit harder than a fleet of galleons full of bomber skeletons going forward from here if it has not already done so already.

  • @tyrions-revenge You think the crab has been behind this? All this time, I trusted that crab!

  • I would have rather seen them put more effort into making the game more interesting and not so repetitive. Quests. Enemy types. Dungeons. Cities. I don't know. Anything

  • @personalc0ffee "That's not the kind of experience Rare wants for SoT."

    Now the question is "What kind of experience wants Rare NOW for SoT?", bc it seems to have changed.
    All that "Shared World" and all that apparently is going to sadly die.

  • lol @ somehow not having enough players to fill servers...
    this will balance the game even more. Adventure mode will see a bit less PvP because of this but it's still possible. And to me it will a bit more rewarding knowing many will fall into a false sense of complacency. PvE players will overall not complain as much about PvP because it will be more rare and they can play way more PvE than before. Those that really want PvP can dive right into it without getting frustrated by uncompetitive fights that can take sometimes take an hour+ to come across. It also adds a way to play SoT if you only have say 30 minutes to spare. Adventure mode will have enough hooks to still attract those who lean more PvP because of all the emergent encounter(and even more coming soon ;) ). I know so many people who left the game because of both sides of the coin, and those are many who I can easily see come back to play(including new players); not enough PvP, takes too long to do anything in the game, can't play the game without being jumped when I just want to PvE(can still happen but they will get much more of the fix they want). Also lets not pretend like somehow developement is stopping for Adventure mode when there are 3 other teams working on it. And yes some of those will bleed into Arena and I'm sure that the Arena team will introduce things that can be used in Adventure mode. Many people are going off the cuff thinking through emotion(primarily fear) instead of full critical thinking and waiting for more complete information(of which we will get more tomorrow).

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Rare has already said, or should I say Mike Chapman, that they have zero interest in a bounty style system because it encourages negative player behavior and I absolutely agree. I was playing in the FO76 BETA which has one and it does the opposite of a punishment. People are happy to get wanted, those types of system encourage it, not discourage it.

    Hm... That's not my experience with the Fallout76 beta. People tried it for lols in the start. But soon realized that there was little to be gained by doing so as people hunted them down in large numbers...

  • I’m so unbelievably hyped for this. Right on Rare.

  • I don't see what you are all complaining about. You want PVP you got it! The only difference is you got to fight other PVP players that are good instead of picking PVE players that don't want to PVP. I love the new game mode.

  • Hopefully Skull and Bones is released after this update or Rare will be losing pvp players even before they have any, that along with the disgruntled players that wanted the original game fleshed out I think this is a very risky move

  • The concept is good but the execution isn't. Firstly splitting up a game into game modes normally means one has to suffer and in this case its going to be adventure. This should of been included in adventure and just been a server wide 'event' were those who partake can experience the PvP element while still being able to interact with those who aren't partaking. Obviously when this is released adventure is going to become empty which many would say is a good thing but personally I think its going to make it dull. I suggest that you include this arena idea in the main game and don't split into two.

  • @psych0-knightro

    I would have rather seen them put more effort into making the game more interesting and not so repetitive.

    That's exactly what this will do. Once this comes out, we will have endless PvP fun to play while they work on finishing the "normal" mode.

  • @x-crowheart-x don’t forget about the people leaving for the fully fleshed out pvp pirate game Skull and Bones

  • Since when a Gunpowder explosion is... that big?

    Looks like there is something really really explosive on the way... mmmh.

  • Wow, I wasn't expecting this. I'm a solo slooper who just reached PL and was looking forward to hearing about what was coming next. I'll reserve judgement until this new mode is out but it feels like they've changed their vision for SOT.

    I was convinced there would never be a separate anything added to the seas.

  • @xcalypt0x Adventure mode didn't change at all, you can PvP all you want there still. But fact is PvP will decrease in the main game. That is great news for those who want much more of their time spent on PvE. But those who want PvP in Adventure can still do it as much as they want. I fail to see the negative side of this. Servers shouldn't be an issue either, it only needs 6 ships to be filled. Also with the continued updates along with giving people a chance to play more often the way they want should bring people back into the game and appeal to even more players. At the end of the day the goal is to increase the player base and that's exactly what I foresee happening. Time will tell.

  • I’m honestly excited, I generally crave combat and sometimes it’s hard to find yourself an all
    Out war to participate in. I’ve always welcomed pvp but I’m sure some of you guys would disagree. Splitting it into a different mode is an interesting idea and I’m hoping there are exclusive rewards that can be used in adventure mode to show off accomplishments in battle. Perhaps this could be the PvP faction I’ve been wishing for.

  • @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    The "split the player base" argument doesn't actually make sense considering the people that this appeals to either don't play the game currently or stopped playing the game because of reasons I have gone over in my BR post.

    This isn't going to split up anything. It is going to grow the player base and that will spill over into the real game. Plus, Sea of Thieves combat is bar none the most fun aspect of this entire game... in my humble opinion. :D

    Exactly this. The very best thing about SoT is the ship combat and this will let more people see how much fun it can be. And it makes for much more stream friendly content.

  • @xcalypt0x said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee Why can't we have rich PvE and PvP experiences in the game as it is now? I have had plenty of both. I really don't understand why the sandbox shared world idea has failed. People love this game.

    I think it's a consequence of player driven really game development to be totally honest as fans are simply too at odds on the subject of whether the game focus should be more towards PvP or PvE. I honestly do think there is a balance to be struck between PvP and PvE, but so much feedback is polluted by personal bias the fans can't really be relied on which leaves Rare two decisions.

    1. Add heavier PvP focus and hope PvE players stick around or...
    2. Add New PvP focused mode and do their best to support both modes.
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