Mixer - Inside Xbox - The Mixer Chat is a little mad... so best to chat right here in the forum :)

  • @skulliah yeah of course! :D but still a mode where you just battle against others thats what I mean ;)
    But hopefully does not mean they separate PvP and PvE O_o

  • @shikia-caeleaum We don't know anything yet, they will probably have more time to explain tomorrow I guess :)

  • @skulliah yeah most likely :) I just hope they keep their word about not separating the player base :/

  • @skulliah

    Looks like a fixed map mode... if you know what I mean.
    An Island, an area that is selected for the "Arena"... winner takes all as a result. Just my initial thought.

  • @piratecraggy

    Mega thread here for discussion -


  • @shikia-caeleaum

    Well apparently it's a new Trading Company - The Sea Dogs: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/75657/mega-thread-sea-of-thieves-the-arena

  • @katttruewalker said in Mixer (LIVE now!) - Inside Xbox - The Mixer Chat is a little mad... so best to chat right here in the forum :):


    Mega thread here for discussion -


    Mega thread as above....
    If everyone would like to move over... see you there!!!

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