Hold on the door.

  • Ahoy pirates merchants and kin of the sea

    Captain Johnjah Of the ship The Broken Mast here again with another tale of the sea

    Tonight’s goal was a simple one to fill our ship with chests galore. After a long Athenas grind
    Since hitting PL we liked how full our ships had been getting and wanted to do a full ship.
    The evening starts well with 11 chests on shipwreck! 6 from gold hoarders and another 5 from a message in a bottle. An hour or so passes and we’ve amassed 24 chests (quite terrible haul tbh mostly sea farers) we have a single chest on marauders arch one part voyage – would be rude not to.

    Skelly ships are up two of em. Looking low in the water maybe later we decide.

    We land on the island tap tap and oh boy a sad boii.

    JJ: Cheese can I rowboat the skelly ships with sorrows?
    Che: Depends on what type is up
    skelly ship marker pops up crew of the Dancing demons
    Both: Well fff (too much effort for an understocked ship)
    Che: Wait captains ups!
    I release the rowboat sorrows strapped to my back and row head on. I board
    But blast it’s the captains. Your not to go down first so i grab the chest again and jump straight off to the counterpart skelly ship.
    The chest had finished this outburst so I headed below deck to try and survive as long as possible. Water was all Ready past the bottom deck and up to ¼ mid deck. I survive as long as I can before falling to the skellies.
    I greet the ferryman with a tale of my doom and gather a green lantern first of the evening and return.

    By this point the sorrowed ship had gone down and we was left with the captains.
    We duke it out with what supplies we had and took the kill.
    A nice captains loot spices and sea farers (shipwrecked) and hateful.
    On returning to galleons we decide to abandon the quest to fill our ship and go for the fresh fort at keel haul. standard sailing procedure calls for this when you clear the skelly ships you get the fort or so it goes for our crew

    So we empty ship I leave cheese with the duty of cashing in whilst I sail for the fort.
    We get to the fort and land with relative ease my opinion hardest part of a fort is landing gracefully on a sloop

    We have forts down to a t now we worked our way through the first 6 or 7 waves when know and behold a galleon wind in its sails dead on course.
    Bosun cheese grabs a big red barrel and takes a page out of my journal and plays the long con.
    In the meanwhile I continue with the fort 2 waves then captains.
    Final wave goldies. The entire island was out of powder and the last know barrel was out at sea about to board the unbeknowing galleon.
    Cheese confirms the board. The powders off. And he’s duking it out to cover the holes.
    Frantically searching the island a bell run In my head. One barrel remains in our crow’s nest.
    Climbing the mast I turn to see the galleon closer still no time to loose. I grab the keg and jump to the fort.

    Lit dropped and runn. BOOM! The fort sounds we’ve done it.

    I grab the key and jump on ship and g**o outta there!

    The galleon on our tail we sail for a bit unable to shake them we pass a close island to the fort A rowboat awaits me.

    Key in hand I jump off the front of the sloop and hold my breath for dear life whist I swim around the island to retrieve the rowboat.
    40 seconds below water I swim for a single breath before returning deeper.

    I hadn’t been noticed. They continued pursuit of the sloop and missed me entirely.
    I get to the rowboat and head towards the fort.
    The galleon had seeming stopped...

    The seas turned black as tenticals raised from the sea. Karen to the rescue kracken to most
    We both watched as cannons lit up the sky and the thud carried on the wind.
    But they fought well and bested her.
    By this point cheese had attempted a boarding to hinder their fight.
    Loose of the black sea they laid into the unmanned defenceless sloop.
    With nightfall soon upon us I decided it was best not to open the fort but to continue on my row to safer grounds... or well big ok rock in my case. With a beautiful vantage point no less.

    As expected after waiting at the grave of our fallen sloop they turned to the fort and we guess looked for the key..that was currently in my hand.

    I don’t know how long went past that they was on the fort days weeks years who knows but dam it was a long time... it’s only in writing this story I kept my sanity. (Wrote most of this whilst waiting on the rock)
    During this time we made one attempt to contact the galleon with an offer. Join the alliance leave the area and we will keep the alliance for cash in. However it fell on death ears well probably if they hadn’t already been by cannon fire. They lit us up like a Christmas tree.
    No 50% for you then.

    On fresh ship cheese continued with the voyages we already had and made a tidy little 4k sum
    I took a break from writing this to see they had finally gone!
    I search the horizon to the south all clear then north east but ahh there they are at the island I jumped off at for the row boat guessing to see if it was there. still nope
    The galleon soon moves on. Now they are directly ahead of me nothing between the rowboat and them.
    Known to be quite seeable from a distance the lantern on the rowboat and with a habit of showing as on from a distance I was worried.
    They continued onwards towards the fort. Missed again!
    They sail on past the fort not before pulling in close before leaving again. to drop someone off perhaps

    I await for the return of my bosun with the ship.

    Thunder rumbles rains starts dripping. Oh god.

    A supercharged storm. Over the past week storms have been extra volatile lashing out more than usual.

    I stood my ground as long as I could but the storm was unrelenting it destroyed the rowboat taken 5 bananas worthy of life and still wanted more.. me.

    The final strike struck. Time is against us now with the key on the floor the timer was going before despawn.

    Wind with us we sail full towards the key.

    On passing golden sands cheese jumps off with a chest of 1000 grogs and baits for outpost campers.
    Unsure if anyone was still at the fort before grabbing the key we briefly stopped at the sea post to give the impression we are here on other matters. This worked in our favour as it set us to sail in the direction we needed without it looking inconspicuous.
    Now the key...

    Right where I left you :’)

    We note a rowboat on the tip of a near by island.
    Now these guys have waited a long while at the fort it wouldn’t surprise me if they haddnt still got crew there.
    So we take the rowboat together leaving the key on ship safe from despawn and go checkout the fort.
    Towers clear. Outta area clear. Inside good to go.

    We hit the door and in the money!
    We load up the rowboat and onto the ship in a flash.
    We decide golden sands would be the best place to cash in knowing that it should be clear.

    We cash in without a hitch and enjoy a one up on the galleon crew.

    All in all we made around 30k and have yet another story to tell of the sea of thieves.
    So much for an easy nights break from Athenas

    Captain Johnjah Of the ship The Broken Mast Signing off.

    As always thanks for reading apologies for spelling grammar errors and such.

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  • @captain-johnjah aye nice tale

  • The spelling errors made this more Imerrsive ;) The seas turned black as tenticals raised from the sea. Karen to the rescue kracken to most
    We both watched as cannons lit up the sky and the thud carried on the wind.

    Karen the Kracken lol

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