Invite crews to the same server

  • I made a lot if friends in sea of thieves. The gallen can have only four players which causes a lot of friends trying to invite me or get invited to my full crew. It would be great if we could invite another full crew to the same server so we could play with more friends instead of only four players

  • 13
  • @erison-kyle Definitely stand with you on that point! Would love to have a fleet of friends! Or at least be able to invite some back up to help take on other aggressive players.

  • The problem with that is that the rare directors want you to make friends with new people. If you always invite people to your server the new people will have no friends to play with.

  • I'd rather it stayed as it is than having servers full of friends. Least currently groups of friends have to work to get on the same server

  • @tre23 I still wouldn’t mind, I rather play with the selected crew mates I regularly offense.

  • @themasterplan84 I mean we all have different opinions, but it would be cool if we can invite our friends to the same server in s different Galleon or Brugantine. I agree with friend invites.

  • @prorapidkiller I personally would use that feature and i have no reasons against it. I was just saying that the new player thing is the reason why they won't do it

  • @tre23 Ah, gotcha ya. But it’s so uncommon now (for me) to meet new people. I mean I want to play with pirtates that has:

    • Little more than 50% of the terminology of the game.
    • Pirate Legends that doesn’t seek for all players to be Athena’s lvl 8+.
    • Non-try hard, pompous players (not saying that those I played are these).
  • @prorapidkiller yeah I getcha. Yeah many new players are joining the sea of thieves community and with the alliance flag. Lots of times they are noobs

  • I rather like the way it is now. It really does encourage making new friends, and I’ve made a ton over these past few months! Plus it discourages the likelyhood of being the underdog lone crew against the rest of the server full of friends... the fact that it’s not impossible to get your friends on the same server I think adds the perfect amount of effort that should be needed to get those friends on.

  • @prorapidkiller

    Playing with a group of friends would be pretty awesome for that group. For the rest of the people on the server it would suck.

    I can just picture it now. Me as a solo slooper taking on a brig or galleon then their friends come online and join the server. I'm decent enough to take on one galleon solo but 2 I'd just be destroyed unless they are both utterly rubbish

    Currently you can get friends on the server by way of being friendly with another crew and asking them for their boat. This method takes some work but means that 1, 2, 3 or even 4 other boats of friends can't instantly just join the server. Even if they limit it to 1 other boat it would still be unfair.

    If rare go this route I'd rather they had private servers but that would probably mean dead servers (even more so than now) for everyone else

  • @tre23 said in Invite crews to the same server:

    @prorapidkiller I personally would use that feature and i have no reasons against it. I was just saying that the new player thing is the reason why they won't do it

    Rare needs to expand the reasoning you pointed out. Friends do not have to be two ships passing in the night after a few hours of fun together to never sail together again.

    Seems having players still playing because they have more ways to sail together would be a good thing. It should be about keeping the player base happy and keeping players sailing. There is too much hysteria that all the servers will be overrun and unfair.

    What @ERISON-KYLE suggests is a good idea. I have proposed the same thing. Being able to change ships at an outpost goes along with this. Whatever keeps players sailing should be a welcome change and priority. It is what keeps the game alive, healthy, and most importantly fun.

  • Fortunately for you guys Rare stopped caring about their game recently, with magical fairyballs ruining the game for good,sure why not throw in pre-made fleets to finish the game of once and for all.

5 out of 13