If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?

  • I have seen images of the spyglass glitch getting censored, but why are they censored? Because it’s inappropriate? If it’s inappropriate, why do we have this bug in the game in the view of children if is too inappropriate (I mean it would be unacceptable from their own perspective)? Why are we not allowed to post pictures of something that is already happening in the game? If it’s offensive, then devs are offending players. If it’s not offensive, then this images should not be censored.

    It’s like the rainbow flag, for example, it’s here but we are not allowed to post pictures of ships with it getting sunk. But we can post pics of ships sinking which are flying any other flags. So, we don’t have the fault of getting this things included, if the devs added something to the game, we should be allowed to talk about them in any other way we can talk about any other in-game features.

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  • @xxx1ra1xxx Telling people to remove the image is easy - actually removing it from the game takes time.

    On a more personal note, I find it absolutely hilarious but humbly agree that it should probably get fixed soon.

  • The bug was an accident they are trying to fix. Posting pics of it is intentional. That is the difference.

  • The placement of the spyglass seems too perfect to be a bug, and why just the spyglass (which happens to be the most phallic item). A disgruntled employee that was about to be fired did a little extra coding perhaps?

  • Also, I love the rainbow flag. That was the only flag I would fly pre-reaper's mark, and I murder everyone. Just wish I could use hot pink hull and sails while I murder entire servers :D.

  • @dutchyankee said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @ghostpaw We don't know if the bug is an accident. It's a good marketing stunt as well. Get's the game some extra media coverage that it desperately needs.

    A good marketing stunt? Have you seen any significant media coverage of this?

  • @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    It’s like the rainbow flag, for example, it’s here but we are not allowed to post pictures of ships with it getting sunk. But we can post pics of ships sinking which are flying any other flags. So, we don’t have the fault of getting this things included, if the devs added something to the game, we should be allowed to talk about them in any other way we can talk about any other in-game features.

    Do you really not get this? There's nothing wrong with posting a picture of a sinking ship that happens to be flying the rainbow flag. It's your intent that matters. If you post such a picture with the intent of inflaming the community by showing everyone that you sank a ship just because it flew the rainbow flag...then yeah, that's going to get deleted. I'm sure I don't have to explain this?

    Likewise, what's the point of posting images of the "spyglass glitch" here on the forums? Funny or not, it's clearly not going to be appropriate for everyone. Not everyone's seen the glitch (I haven't). I personally don't think it's a big deal but these are the forum rules. The forum has its own rules that don't always perfectly mirror what's allowed in the game. We're obliged to follow those rules if we choose to participate in the forum.

    Was this really such an upsetting issue that it deserved its very own topic to complain about?

  • The forums have always been family friendly and they have always tried to keep them accessible people of all ages.

    I believe if they was out right censoring they would be closing down every reddit post and discord group which mentions it. They are actually saying go to reddit if you want to post pictures and look at them. They just don’t think it’s suitable for the audience that they have here.

    Also remember these forums are not a democracy, and the company that owns them are English. There no amendment for free speech active here. You adhere to the rules they set or they will take action against you. Love it or hate it, it’s just the way it is there site there rules.

  • @knifelife dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    Love it or hate it, it’s just the way it is there site there rules.>

    In that case they would be breaking their own rules as the bug is in the game. Not allowed for those images to be seen in here, not allowed for those images to be seen in the game. Even worst, on forums the images could be seen by hundreds, while in the game thousands are seeing it.

  • @ghostpaw dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @dutchyankee said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @ghostpaw We don't know if the bug is an accident. It's a good marketing stunt as well. Get's the game some extra media coverage that it desperately needs.

    A good marketing stunt? Have you seen any significant media coverage of this?

    Could be a failed attempt.

    The bug was an accident they are trying to fix. Posting pics of it is intentional. That is the difference.

    Even if it was accidentally, in this site if you break the rules by accident they take action against you. So it doesn’t matters if it was an accident or not.

  • @genuine-heather dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    It’s like the rainbow flag, for example, it’s here but we are not allowed to post pictures of ships with it getting sunk. But we can post pics of ships sinking which are flying any other flags. So, we don’t have the fault of getting this things included, if the devs added something to the game, we should be allowed to talk about them in any other way we can talk about any other in-game features.

    Do you really not get this? There's nothing wrong with posting a picture of a sinking ship that happens to be flying the rainbow flag. It's your intent that matters. If you post such a picture with the intent of inflaming the community by showing everyone that you sank a ship just because it flew the rainbow flag...then yeah, that's going to get deleted. I'm sure I don't have to explain this?

    As rainbow flag is already in the game they gave the right to use it in any way, as I said, in any way you can use a jolly rogger, or a single color one, for example. If there’s going to be collateral damage that offends the community it should be removed from the game or simple they should have not added it. It’s like in GTA, they didn’t add kids for a reason. So it should be the same with the rainbow flag, if they don’t want players to make a “bad” use of it then it shouldn’t be here to avoid it.

  • @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @genuine-heather dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    It’s like the rainbow flag, for example, it’s here but we are not allowed to post pictures of ships with it getting sunk. But we can post pics of ships sinking which are flying any other flags. So, we don’t have the fault of getting this things included, if the devs added something to the game, we should be allowed to talk about them in any other way we can talk about any other in-game features.

    Do you really not get this? There's nothing wrong with posting a picture of a sinking ship that happens to be flying the rainbow flag. It's your intent that matters. If you post such a picture with the intent of inflaming the community by showing everyone that you sank a ship just because it flew the rainbow flag...then yeah, that's going to get deleted. I'm sure I don't have to explain this?

    As rainbow flag is already in the game they gave the right to use it in any way, as I said, in any way you can use a jolly rogger, or a single color one, for example. If there’s going to be collateral damage that offends the community it should be removed from the game or simple they should have not added it. It’s like in GTA, they didn’t add kids for a reason. So it should be the same with the rainbow flag, if they don’t want players to make a “bad” use of it then it shouldn’t be here to avoid it.

    There are no "bad" uses for the rainbow flag, or any other flag for that matter, inside the game. There are only bad players. There are all kinds of ways for bad players to be offensive in Sea of Thieves. One of those ways would be to specifically target a group of people for simply flying a rainbow flag and then brag about it afterwards. That goes against the spirit of the game, the "pirate code," and the forum rules. You made a poor analogy.

  • @knifelife It's not a family friendly game. It has a rating due to alcohol use. Despite kids finding it appealing, Rare pretending it's an all ages game is not good. The UK does have some really contradictory laws about decency though.

  • @chaos5715 I absolutely think it was on purpose.

    My two crewmates have male pirates. Spyglass glitches. I have a female pirate, spyglass is normal through 6+ hours of gameplay. I viewed it myself on another person's screen, and mine was 100% normal in every pose.

    Granted, I haven't found any other lady pirates to ask to test it, but if it truly is a "bug" that only affects male pirates, well.... There's no way I could believe that was an accident.

  • Agree, I'm dead serious when it say they should just switch of the servers until they have a fix. Never seen such ridiculous behaviour, censoring screen shots from in game then you get fan boys defending it. It's a freaken cartoon! Things that matter most are broken anyway so turn it off until there is a fix. Also if so serious why not just roll back and fix all the rubbish like 70% people have asked for!?

  • @jonoz1982 *off the servers

  • @xxx1ra1xxx I think the difference is the bug is unintentional where people posting on the forums are not. They may not know the rules which is why I would assume they are not being banned ect.. just politely told not to.

  • @kasch-s-kunning Name me a country what doesn’t. And in all fairness this games age rating is the same across the world, which allows children to play it.

  • @genuine-heather dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @genuine-heather dijo en If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    It’s like the rainbow flag, for example, it’s here but we are not allowed to post pictures of ships with it getting sunk. But we can post pics of ships sinking which are flying any other flags. So, we don’t have the fault of getting this things included, if the devs added something to the game, we should be allowed to talk about them in any other way we can talk about any other in-game features.

    Do you really not get this? There's nothing wrong with posting a picture of a sinking ship that happens to be flying the rainbow flag. It's your intent that matters. If you post such a picture with the intent of inflaming the community by showing everyone that you sank a ship just because it flew the rainbow flag...then yeah, that's going to get deleted. I'm sure I don't have to explain this?

    As rainbow flag is already in the game they gave the right to use it in any way, as I said, in any way you can use a jolly rogger, or a single color one, for example. If there’s going to be collateral damage that offends the community it should be removed from the game or simple they should have not added it. It’s like in GTA, they didn’t add kids for a reason. So it should be the same with the rainbow flag, if they don’t want players to make a “bad” use of it then it shouldn’t be here to avoid it.

    There are no "bad" uses for the rainbow flag, or any other flag for that matter, inside the game.

    With “bad” (sarcasm, that’s why I put it inside commas) I meant to be sinking ships just for having the rainbow flag. But yeah you are right, that’s actually a good use. So no bad uses for it (besides flying it).

    There are only bad players.

    No! They are not bad players, they are monsters! Monsterssss!!! Hahahah

    There are all kinds of ways for bad players to be offensive in Sea of Thieves. One of those ways would be to specifically target a group of people for simply flying a rainbow flag and then brag about it afterwards.

    Some of us simply don’t like liberals.

    For you it could be offensive for me to sink a rainbow flag ship, for me it could be offensive to see a ship flying the rainbow flag. If many people gets easily offended for every little thing, why I can’t get offended too?

    That goes against the spirit of the game, the "pirate code," and the forum rules.

    The spirit of the game doesn’t specifically says these small details about not sinking rainbow flag ships just for fun. Not sure if you mean pirate code by rules, but of course is not a rule to avoid sinking rainbow flag ships. If you mean actual pirate code, is not a pirate code either to avoid sinking rainbow flag ships. Forum rules would not be affected by the simple fact that a rainbow flag is meant to be used with “liberty”, is an in-game item which should be allowed to be treated equally to another of it’s class (other flag), jolly roger for example.

    You made a poor analogy.

    Yours’ poorer, lol.

  • @knifelife I usually am very patient with Rare's penchant for breaking something with every patch. I know that they are under facing contradictort demands and feedback from many very vocal segments od the playerbase, and that they are doing their best to get new content to us as fast as possible. And I understand and even support the idea of removing some posts to keep the forums clean. For instance pictures of ships with rainbow flags being sunk are often clearly posted because someone disagrees with what the flag represents and the idea that we should be welcoming to such ideas.

    That said, censoring the telescope p***s pictures is over the top. It is far more in the direction of childish jokes than obscenity. Which brings us to your argument about intention. With the amount of very obvious and in some cases game affecting bugs in this patch, it is clear one of two things has happend. Either Rare chose not to sufficiently play test this time, or Rare chose that it was acceptable to release the patch and fix the bugs in it later in order to get the new content out faster. Either way, it was a deliberate choice on Rares part. And if the spyglass p***s bug is not obscene enough to hold the patch back from the game, than Rare can suffer the embarrassment of having pictures of it on their forums.

  • @william-flint I completely understand what you are saying, I’m just thinking off it from more of a PR standpoint. I’m sure we can both agree that the internet is full off newspaper outlets and SJWs who are ready to make a big deal out of harmless fun.

    It’s my assumption this is one of the reasons for it being taken down, they also suggest to go post on Reddit. They don’t own that so cannot personally get in trouble.

    Just my theory anyway aha

  • The Spyglass appears on your character's crotch because that's where your items are stored within the model.

    Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to the tavern, stand behind the mysterious stranger and clip your camera inside their body, you'll see a teeny-tiny tankard floating in their pelvic region. Occasionally, the mysterious stranger will reach behind them, pull out that very same tankard (which grows to normal size) and take a drink from it.

    Sure, it's easy to make juvenile jokes about it, but THAT'S what's getting the boot from the forums, not the bug itself.

    @xxx1ra1xxx said in If it’s already in the game, why is not allowed here in the forums?:

    For you it could be offensive for me to sink a rainbow flag ship, for me it could be offensive to see a ship flying the rainbow flag. If many people gets easily offended for every little thing, why I can’t get offended too?

    Let's walk through this step-by-step, shall we? You see a rainbow flag. The ship flying this rainbow flag has made 0 actions towards you that could even be remotely deemed as hostile. At this point, you have a choice: you can just sail away, and neither yours or the other ship's gameplay is affected in any way whatsoever. OR you go attack them, sink them, take any loot they had, and potentially cause their active voyage to become impossible via the loss of animal crates.

    So according to you:
    "I got sunk, lost all my loot, all my hoarded supplies, and this Athena's voyage is impossible without those chicken coops I lost"

    is an appropriate punishment to inflict on someone, all because

    "I had to look at a picture of a rainbow"

    And you people call US snowflakes.

  • The funny thing is, the pictures ARE allowed... if you link them and don't embed them. Same as Youtube videos with swearing. It's an attempt to keep the forums a work- and kid-safe kind of space.

    Pictures of ships with rainbow flags being sunk ARE allowed... as long as you don't make it very obvious (and it is always very painfully obvious) that it's not actually a "random" sinking that you "just happened" to like the image of. Ten times in a row in a thread explicitly for only pictures of rainbow flag ships being sunk.

    That should be your questions answered, so I'm locking the thread.

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