So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!

  • @admiral-greyjoy that's a can of worms mate! In 2013 MS was poised to eliminate Xbox. Shareholders still cry out for the removal of the division. Bill gates himself would rather keep Bing than Xbox per his own words. The console has stopped sharing the disappointing sales figures since over 4 years now. Last open report was 30 million total and only 53 million Xboxlive versus Sony and their 79.8 million consoles and that's before one accounts for the hundreds of million PC players.

    Play anywhere and gamepass are the directives that are meant to save Xboxlive.

    The can of worms is deeper still but the points above should suffice to suggest Xbox really isn't as relevant as players hope. Crossplay is the tool they're using to attempt to retain interest from Shareholders and allowing them to maintain the division...

    If this falls apart, there might be more tricks on the horizon. But it's true. The money makers themselves don't have a desire to invest in the console since 2013.

    edit to add the following:

    There's a reason MS is buying a ton of dev companies and gamepass/play anywhere is exactly the reason. The effort is to create customers where there aren't enough for the shareholders to validate the costs of operation.

  • @riareth
    Because all stakeholders wanted Microsoft to sell the Xbox in 2013.
    "Play anywhere" and crossplay is what changed their mind and the reason why Xbox is still around

  • I don’t care if playing on a PC makes me a unstoppable thanks!

    I’m not gonna be hung over a scoliosis machine just to “win” in a silly cartoon PvP encounter.

    I’d just assume get killed and chillax on my couch and big screen.

    Let them “Dominate” in there Roblox/Minecraft/Sea of Thieves PVP if it makes them feel good.

    I may take issue with this on a game like Rainbow 6 Siege but this games so gooofy who cares!

  • @aarghmaargho You're right to say that investors wanted (and probably still do) MS to drop the Xbox division.

    But it I don't think it was the playanwhere and crossplay that has changed their mind, it was the MS leaders pointing out that the Entertainment division not only brings a profit ( if small compared with other areas of MS), but it's vital to future of MS

    Xbox a 'multi-billion dollar' profitable business, more first-party investment on the way

    If anything, I'd say it is the Xbox that is keeping the entertainment division in the black, example from latest quarter

    Gaming revenue increased 39% (up 38% in constant currency) with Xbox software and services revenue growth of 36% (up 35% in constant currency) mainly from third party title strength

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    @aarghmaargho in what way does that make a iota of sense? Why would you attempt to “save” a business that isn’t making money? If that were the case they would of marketed & sold this game exclusively on pc. If anything they made the game crossplay in order to give pc players other players to play with.

    Pc players don’t even wanna play with pc players. This is clearly evident with how the pc community gets outraged when crossplay is so much as mentioned. Xbox players actively want Xbox only servers. Can you direct me to one single thread where pc players can be seen campaigning for pc only servers? No?!?

    Mic drop 🎤

    That's not true at all. We (PC players) have better reasons to gripe than what type of players we might be facing. If you want to hear PC players asking to play with PC players, go no further than any thread asking for this game on Steam. We would like good friends list controls, good voice options, good streaming options, etc. This is not a gripe against Rare. They are owned by MS and that is that.

    Most of us could care less who is at the end of our sword. Xbox players know they turn (a little) slower and seize on that everytime they get owned. When they win a fit you don't see anyone desperately trying to figure out if their opponent was using a controller or not...

  • @glannigan said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    I don’t care if playing on a PC makes me a unstoppable thanks!

    I’m not gonna be hung over a scoliosis machine just to “win” in a silly cartoon PvP encounter.

    I’d just assume get killed and chillax on my couch and big screen.

    Let them “Dominate” in there Roblox/Minecraft/Sea of Thieves PVP if it makes them feel good.

    I may take issue with this on a game like Rainbow 6 Siege but this games so gooofy who cares!

    Will it bother you if I chillax on my couch while dominating on my PC?

  • Here is the bottom line. I am totally done with ms telling me what I want. My live subscription runs out in 2 weeks and for the first time in 14 years I will NOT be renueing. PlayStation is a much better fit for me. I feel like they are trying to make the experience better for me not share holders. Cross platform is optional just not the way Microsoft intended.

  • Half my crew is xbox the other half is PC. My main boarding partner is Xbox and he has no problem giving PC players the ole' what for! We have often said if we could go up against each other it would be. a hell of a fight. I'm PC BTW.

  • Yea lets be honest, if you're using a controller against an experienced PC player, you'll lose the gunfight 90% of the time. If there not that good you have a chance, but when it comes down to it, xbox and PC servers should be seperated (unless you're trying to play cross play with a friend.) It's very annoying going up against a galleon of 4 experienced PC players when he have a brig with 3 xbox players, they'll dominate us almost everytime. I do hope they address this in the future.

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