Joanna Dark Figurehead Reappears!

  • It would appear that the Joanna Dark Figurehead is being given away at SDCC this year. If you are over there, be on the lookout for her!

    Don't forget, the in-game DLC given out at Comic-Con is a time-limited exclusive for 60 days. Rare will make it available for everyone to acquire in game after that period! Also, as @Musicmee pointed out, it is also available if you purchase anything from the Sea of Thieves store until midnight Sunday 22nd July BST.

    Found on reddit.

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  • @ionei-falcon This is also available if you purchase anything from the Sea of Thieves store until midnight Sunday 22nd July BST.

    Codes will be emailed out on Monday!

  • @musicmee Nice! I'll add that to the OP so everyone can see. Is there a post already covering all of this? Have I made a blunder?

  • @ionei-falcon Nope you're the first to the hot juicy gossip!


  • Ooooh... Shiney new figurehead!

  • @psych0-knightro One can never have too many figureheads!

  • This gives me hope for some kind of a Jet (Ski) Force Gemini figurehead at some point.

  • That thing is ugly

  • @musicmee said in Joanna Dark Figurehead Reappers!:

    @ionei-falcon This is also available if you purchase anything from the Sea of Thieves store until midnight Sunday 22nd July BST.

    Codes will be emailed out on Monday!

    @Musicmee, was meaning to buy a coffee mug anyway. Did not see anything about the figurehead on the site. Will the figure head be added automatically if I buy that cup today? ;-)

    Always nice to have a new figurehead. No clue who the character is but she reminds me of my it’s a winner :-D

  • @specialadvisor Ahoy matey!

    If you buy between now and Sunday midnight BST all orders will qualify for a code for the figurehead! So buy away!

  • I was thinking about getting the book which is a preorder item would I still receive the code?

  • @truelokisaves Ahoy matey!

    Yup, ANY purchase... even if it is a preorder will qualify. So go grad that book ;D

  • Thanks for the heads up! Just ordered the book I have been contemplating forever now.

  • Really pleased I’m getting this with my store purchase, it looks great.
    Hoping to see more figureheads from Rares past. Killer instinct please! That Spinal figurehead next 😍

  • @IOnEI-Falcon Does this mean we will get the chance to have that awesome sniper skin given out at E3 this year?

  • @augunslingin Yep, Rare had tweeted the same thing about the drum and Eye of Reach from E3.

  • EW, perfect dark zero Joanna. I'd rather not.

  • Kind of wish they had done a Battletoads, Kameo, or Viva Pinata figurehead instead... maybe next time

  • @musicmee done shipmate! Thanks as usual for the assist :-D

  • @musicmee and if we order 2 things, two codes?

  • @ionei-falcon I need this!

  • I really hope that they offer those figurehead some other way as well. Looking on the store it seems that everything I am interested in is sold out. Heres hoping.

  • @mad-hatt3r-10-6 said in Joanna Dark Figurehead Reappears!:

    I really hope that they offer those figurehead some other way as well. Looking on the store it seems that everything I am interested in is sold out. Heres hoping.

    You obviously missed the part where Rare said they would offer all exclusive DLC like the Perfect Dark figurehead available 60 days after initial release.

    Basically we're all going to get it eventually.

  • I love new cosmetics but ...

    This figurehead lacks of something or at least needs a serious redesign to fit in the Sea of Thieves,

    imo ..

  • Wow, almost everything is sold out in the shop now. The only things left are the ladies t-shirts. Sorry guys! I'm getting mine! :)

  • @truelokisaves Oooops! Sorry for the late reply matey.

    It's one code per customer... I'm sure they have ways of working that out.

  • @genuine-heather Indeed i'm so glad i got my order in on the friday after i see the initial Tweet.
    Pity i had to miss out on a few items i was really wanting but hope things like Pins, Playing Cards, Keychain, Mugs and The Tales book make a return or have a second iteration/design in the not too distant future.
    More designs for outwear too i need a "Hippocampus Hoodie" in my life.

    Overall very happy with the Figurehead and wonder what other things we could see in the future.
    Killer Instinct, Conker, Wizards & Warriors, GoldenEye inspired figureheads yes please.

  • If you all keep buying cookies and SoT merch, maybe Rare will eventually have the money to overhaul the game's AI.

  • @ixxolos said in Joanna Dark Figurehead Reappears!:

    Pity i had to miss out on a few items i was really wanting but hope things like Pins, Playing Cards, Keychain, Mugs and The Tales book make a return or have a second iteration/design in the not too distant future.

    I'm sorry. I think I might have nabbed one of the last Shadow Flamehearts when I saw the tweet. I felt so bad seeing all the responses (one even said they had it in their cart and it was taken out). I wish they made more of them available. :(

    It literally changed to sold out a few seconds after I got my confirmation email. I could have even missed out as I spent a few minutes considering which t-shirt to add to my order too.

  • When do we get the figurehead after ordering?

  • Well they're sending them on Monday via email... Today I guess...

  • @ionei-falcon well gave in a bought the comic book to get the figure head. Loved perfect dark hopefully we will get some more we can buy with in game gold

  • Has anyone recieved the code via email yet?

    text alternatif

  • @dotcomrobots Not yet matey!

    It is only 8:30am over here though so they may not be sent out for a while yet.

  • @Musicmee lol it's getting late ^^

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