Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.

  • Alliances will break the game the way a 4 man sloop would have. How can Rare not see this ? All you PVE people that think this is a great idea will be in for a real nightmare when 2 ships blast you out of the water.

    This is a bad idea that needs to be shot down like 4 man sloops were.

  • 117
  • The alliances is pve servers in disguise. It'll make for less random pvp

  • @stubbierbell598 care to elaborate on your reasoning? I would love to read your points about it.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Alliances will break the game the way a 4 man sloop would have. How can Rare not see this ? All you PVE people that think this is a great idea will be in for a real nightmare when 2 ships blast you out of the water.

    This is a bad idea that needs to be shot down like 4 man sloops were.

    That happens now. Alliances are a great idea...that unfortunately can be exploited by both what's one more exploitable system. Will it divide play styles even more...likely. Wait till they allow friends to join in lobby with you...its being looked at also. Another great feature...that will get exploited. Get ready for change, whether you like it or not.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    The alliances is pve servers in disguise. It'll make for less random pvp

    It's certainly intended to reduce in game hostility. People will still use it to cause havoc...just might not be as much of it for awhile. Until too many people are maxed out, then they form PVP groups and attack the server.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    The alliances is pve servers in disguise. It'll make for less random pvp

    It's certainly intended to reduce in game hostility. People will still use it to cause havoc...just might not be as much of it for awhile. Until too many people are maxed out, then they form PVP groups and attack the server out of boredom. it's going to lead to some interesting battles im sure.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Alliances will break the game the way a 4 man sloop would have. How can Rare not see this ? All you PVE people that think this is a great idea will be in for a real nightmare when 2 ships blast you out of the water.

    This is a bad idea that needs to be shot down like 4 man sloops were.

    That happens now. Alliances are a great idea...that unfortunately can be exploited by both what's one more exploitable system. Will it divide play styles even more...likely. Wait till they allow friends to join in lobby with you...its being looked at also. Another great feature...that will get exploited. Get ready for change, whether you like it or not.

    two ships together won't stop me from sinking at least one of them. It's really just a false sense of security for PVE players. Personally, I will find it an even greater challenge. The only thing better than sinking a Galleon will be sinking 2 Galleons. So ultimately, I will deal with it. I think it's the PVE players having to deal with 2 alligned PVP ships that will quit the game.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @dragonsire2016 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Alliances will break the game the way a 4 man sloop would have. How can Rare not see this ? All you PVE people that think this is a great idea will be in for a real nightmare when 2 ships blast you out of the water.

    This is a bad idea that needs to be shot down like 4 man sloops were.

    That happens now. Alliances are a great idea...that unfortunately can be exploited by both what's one more exploitable system. Will it divide play styles even more...likely. Wait till they allow friends to join in lobby with you...its being looked at also. Another great feature...that will get exploited. Get ready for change, whether you like it or not.

    two ships together won't stop me from sinking at least one of them. It's really just a false sense of security for PVE players. Personally, I will find it an even greater challenge. The only thing better than sinking a Galleon will be sinking 2 Galleons. So ultimately, I will deal with it. I think it's the PVE players having to deal with 2 alligned PVP ships that will quit the game.

    Yup but since that happens now...maybe less often...I doubt it will impact that much...and if it does and RARE sees to many people using the system to drive people away from playing...they will take even more action.

  • its game breaking for sure, so many bad ideas will come out of this, not sure how they thought this was a good idea.
    no incentive for pvp, why fight at a skull fort when you can align and get it done twice as fast and reap the rewards?
    give out an athena mission to every boat on server and afk while the whole servers does them for you

    eventually when they let you invite more than 3 friends to the same server, there will be entire 24 man groups (or however many each server holds) that will get together and alliance and boost athena and PL hardcore. ah well, hello sea of friends!

  • @orgrum PvP is a small part of the game. The people on here crying about it are ether realllllly bad at the game or just new.

    It's easy to just run from other players in most cases or just fight to a stalemate.

    Skull fort PvP can turn into "hey instead of you sinking me and me coming back.... alliance?"

    Will people form alliances and slaughter people? Yeah. Can you run away or join a new lobby and form your own alliances? Yeah.

    This will greatly reduce PvP while keeping it an option for those who want to pvp.

    If you think the alliance will result in more pvp you be drinkin salt water.

  • We have the devs talking about implementing ways to bring more friends into the servers outside of your crew, I suspect the thought of balance within this game is being thrown out the window to facilitate mechanics for a minority of the player base despite how it impacts the integrity of the game. I think alliances can be good for the experience, but there doesn't seem to be enough thought being put into the ways it'll impact the overall experience for the average player, and that concerns me. I know they want things like cooperation to be an easier experience, and more people to have more ways to get to PL. I just hope this feedback is being seen and a plan is in action to ensure this function is implemented in the best way possible.

  • @shuoink honestly..that sounds 100x more fun then .03% of players being PL. Lets be real, PL was a joke to begin with. The 1st ever one is infamous for kind of doing what you said.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @shuoink honestly..that sounds 100x more fun then .03% of players being PL. Lets be real, PL was a joke to begin with. The 1st ever one is infamous for kind of doing what you said.

    Why even have it at all anymore ? should just get rid of rep grind in general, make it gold only, just different ways to get gold. Its sea of friends, everyone gets a participation trophy!

  • @shuoink said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @shuoink honestly..that sounds 100x more fun then .03% of players being PL. Lets be real, PL was a joke to begin with. The 1st ever one is infamous for kind of doing what you said.

    Why even have it at all anymore ? should just get rid of rep grind in general, make it gold only, just different ways to get gold. Its sea of friends, everyone gets a participation trophy!

    So if they make it easier then don't have it?

    When I say easier i mean make it so people with jobs, relationships and other things going on have a chance of getting it.

    It's just a LONG boring grind. Why not make it so other people get it faster? Why only have content exclusive for neck beard couch potatoes?

    No skill goes into being a PL just free time.

  • Alliances will not “break the game.” How ridiculous.

  • Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

  • I'm hesitant on the idea but I think it's one of those things where we are going to need to see it play out to be sure in either direction.

    Ultimately there is nothing stopping people from forming pvp based alliances as is. While pve incentives might increase the rate of group ups I am hesitant to say for sure this will lead to larger aggressive forces just yet(But it playing out that way wouldn't surprise me in the slightest).

    I get more concerned looking at this sort of system existing in the current server population. An entire server working together is amusing/cool in thought but should that become the standard then you have lost a bit of the freedom the game is founded on. Add to that the potential for one person's vision to take over a server. "Join us or die over and over again until you make the right choice and join" type 'bullying'.

    I dunno. Definitely a game changer. It certainly opens the door for a lot of potential both positives and negatives. It could go either way or both ways or another way all together at this point. Time will tell but my gut tells me it will not play out as they think it will.

  • @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

    I actually remember that, and yeah it was one of the ways people were able to exploit the system and ruin the experience for everyone. People actually do something similar in SoT right now: find another boat, get someone to invite one of their crew members (usually bribing with treasure or something), then BAM two ships on that server. It'll make it much more viable when people can share the loot they get. But it's irrelevant the ways to exploit it, when Rare are talking about implementing multi-crew server joins anyway..... I suspect it'll be similar to the division experience you mention, except it won't require any exploitation.

    The Division is a prime example of how people will find any weakness in a system and exploit the hell out of it to benefit themselves, at the detriment of other players. This is precisely why they must be extremely thoughtful on all the consequences of any functionality they implement, and how it impacts the playerbase as a whole rather than the few times it'll add some cool dynamics to exceptional circumstances.

  • Ships can already team up. It happens all the time. It’s not hard to find another ship on the server and have your friend join off of that new ship and boom. 2 ships same server...

    What alliances will implement is an incentive not to stab your fellow crew in the back by letting you get a percentage of their loot.

    Just imagine 2 ships far apart. Both doing voyages with traded crew members. Both ships getting loot when turned in.

    I’m also exited to be able to see other ships on my map!!

  • @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

    Huge hole in your comparison. The division was all about loot drops. You killed people and they would drop everything they had... it's a very effective way of getting good loot.

    Sea of thieves....whats the point? Someone has a chest? Maybe 2? And to my previous can run! Sailing away from people is easy. So yes people can be super cool bamfs and run the server but why? For the chance to maybe get somone returning to an outpost? 8 people sailing around in 2 ships looking to ambush someone is barely more effective then a 4 man crew. It's just not an effective way to get loot compared to the division where people would always have somthing on em...not to mention no 2 hour long chase to get the stuff.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

    Huge hole in your comparison. The division was all about loot drops. You killed people and they would drop everything they had... it's a very effective way of getting good loot.

    Sea of thieves....whats the point? Someone has a chest? Maybe 2? And to my previous can run! Sailing away from people is easy. So yes people can be super cool bamfs and run the server but why? For the chance to maybe get somone returning to an outpost? 8 people sailing around in 2 ships looking to ambush someone is barely more effective then a 4 man crew. It's just not an effective way to get loot compared to the division where people would always have somthing on em...not to mention no 2 hour long chase to get the stuff.

    You remember the Batman with Heath Ledger? Yeah, that's me... It's not about your treasure or loot drops - 90% of the people we killed in the Dark Zone had nothing compared to us. It's about griefing players for the sake of griefing. In the Dark Zone it was called going "Rogue". In SoT, well, it's simply being a Pirate.

    Stay Salty

  • @straw-hat-blake said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ships can already team up. It happens all the time. It’s not hard to find another ship on the server and have your friend join off of that new ship and boom. 2 ships same server...

    What alliances will implement is an incentive not to stab your fellow crew in the back by letting you get a percentage of their loot.

    Just imagine 2 ships far apart. Both doing voyages with traded crew members. Both ships getting loot when turned in.

    I’m also exited to be able to see other ships on my map!!

    You're not able to team up like what I am talking about - it's night vs. day broski. Sure, you can go find a bunch of rando's to join your chat, but I have several groups of 4-men squads I play SoT with and over the course of 500 hours playing, we all have a very similar play style and awareness about us. "A perfect storm" if you will... Since all 12 of us know/game with one another, just at different times, getting us together in the same server and on the same team will be a level of dominance that you couldn't possibly comprehend.

  • @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

    Huge hole in your comparison. The division was all about loot drops. You killed people and they would drop everything they had... it's a very effective way of getting good loot.

    Sea of thieves....whats the point? Someone has a chest? Maybe 2? And to my previous can run! Sailing away from people is easy. So yes people can be super cool bamfs and run the server but why? For the chance to maybe get somone returning to an outpost? 8 people sailing around in 2 ships looking to ambush someone is barely more effective then a 4 man crew. It's just not an effective way to get loot compared to the division where people would always have somthing on em...not to mention no 2 hour long chase to get the stuff.

    You remember the Batman with Heath Ledger? Yeah, that's me... It's not about your treasure or loot drops - 90% of the people we killed in the Dark Zone had nothing compared to us. It's about griefing players for the sake of griefing. In the Dark Zone it was called going "Rogue". In SoT, well, it's simply being a Pirate.

    Stay Salty

    You think your the joker because you sink people in SoT?

    I mean i randomly attack people too, i was one of the guys sinking people at shark bait cove during THD just for fun.

    Fact of the matter is the alliance system will reduce pvp.

    Will there be people who attack randoms in large groups? Yeah...but who cares...its a silly pirate game lol

    Why so serious?

  • Alliances, like any new player-driven feature, are a tool, that will be put to use in many different ways.

    If you're a sloop looking to grind OOS, or if you're trying your hand at Athena's voyages, and you find a Galleon doing the same, you can form an Alliance, which will make the missions more difficult, but the rewards greater.

    If a Galleon is going full "sink-on-sight," you can use the Alliance system to form a posse and hunt them down.

    Of course, the Alliance system will be used by some to make "peaceful" servers free of the threat of PvE. While I'm not a fan of PvE servers, something tells me this will be very difficult to accomplish, at least not without a good deal of bribery.

    On top of that, if the multi-crew events (such as THD) are repeated in the future, the Alliance feature will make it much easier to identify who's looking for a group to do them, rather than testing your luck by sailing up to random ships and yelling at them with the speaking trumpet.

  • @ant-heuser-kush The thing I'm worried about is the norm becoming everyone on the server joining an alliance and going their separate ways to just farm exp. If both crews get 100% of the loot value, this is exactly what will happen.

    So we'll have to wait and see how the loot works. Another issue is if it's say 80%-20%, people can join alliances and then try to "leech" gold and xp by not doing anything. I don't think this will be as bad because people can just leave the alliance if other crews are doing this, but it's still something we'll have to keep an eye on.

  • This thread is hilarious.

  • @dragonsire2016 sagte in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    The alliances is pve servers in disguise. It'll make for less random pvp

    It's certainly intended to reduce in game hostility. People will still use it to cause havoc...just might not be as much of it for awhile. Until too many people are maxed out, then they form PVP groups and attack the server.

    maybe the new ship ai can be used to entcounter this gameplaystyle

  • The option for alliances is something the community have been wanting. Needing for a while now. I say let's try it for a while before crying wolf wolf.

    Something tells me most will love it. And as usual a few but loud people will complain. Like they always know I'm right...right?

  • Im 100% for alliances. They are a welcome change to the mindless PVP dropouts. Plus bonus rewards for working together. Love the direction Rare is going now.

  • I'm really excited for alliances... done right... it's all about the loot split for me. So far in this game I've allowed sloops on merchant missions to travel with our galleon on OoS, we've helped catch their animals and they provided look out and helped restock our galleon with supplies. In the end though we just turn our own loot in, maybe split the random stuff, stuff we got from our foes, shipwreck loot etc, we all have fun, we all make money. With a formal alliance this is easier and better, with a simple 50/50 split we all share, great, but if they wanted they could place gunpowder round our ship whilst we unloaded their animals, blow us up and take our skulls, we could blow them up and keep our 50% the second they cash in their animals, fine, d**k move, but super piratey. If everyone just gets 100% though everyone might as well ally with everyone else and just go about business as usual knowing there's nothing but a Kraken to stop them, this would turn the game into a farce, every player on every server gaining 6x loot all session every session, no one would ever pvp again (except fools and psychopaths). This would kill the game in a matter of days imo.

  • @trickrtreat01 I disagree.
    Making one alliance is good for the game. It saves on accidental kills when working with another crew on multi-crew events, skull forts, etc.

    Making two or more alliances would be bad for a game that is limited to six vessels per server.

  • Yeah how about we just wait and see how it works before starting any loose comparisons.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    I think it's the PVE players having to deal with 2 alligned PVP ships that will quit the game.

    Eh, two ships attacking me instead of one just means that I sink quicker, so I can respawn quicker, so I can get back to sailing quicker.

    I love how so many just assume all players who lean toward PvE are delicate little flowers who run crying every time a big bad PvPer comes along and sinks their virtual, cartoon pirate ship. I mean, I don't assume every PvPer is a bloodthirsty griefer, so kindly return the favor.

    Thanks muchly.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @trickrtreat01 I disagree.
    Making one alliance is good for the game. It saves on accidental kills when working with another crew on multi-crew events, skull forts, etc.

    Making two or more alliances would be bad for a game that is limited to six vessels per server.

    Aye. We did okay with 3 galleons but comms were a major pain. All that said , the longer we sailed the more unstable the game became. Without some heavy optimization this is not going to work.

    I’ve made several alliances and they all end with everyone getting dashboarded.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @dragonsire2016 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Alliances will break the game the way a 4 man sloop would have. How can Rare not see this ? All you PVE people that think this is a great idea will be in for a real nightmare when 2 ships blast you out of the water.

    This is a bad idea that needs to be shot down like 4 man sloops were.

    That happens now. Alliances are a great idea...that unfortunately can be exploited by both what's one more exploitable system. Will it divide play styles even more...likely. Wait till they allow friends to join in lobby with you...its being looked at also. Another great feature...that will get exploited. Get ready for change, whether you like it or not.

    two ships together won't stop me from sinking at least one of them. It's really just a false sense of security for PVE players. Personally, I will find it an even greater challenge. The only thing better than sinking a Galleon will be sinking 2 Galleons. So ultimately, I will deal with it. I think it's the PVE players having to deal with 2 alligned PVP ships that will quit the game.

    I usually fold the PvE players into the fleet. Never been a problem. If people are making alliances they’re generally not prone to attack soft targets willy nilly.
    Attacking belligerents is another matter entirely.

19 out of 117