Hungering Deep Finally Completed...

  • I'm well aware that the Hungering Deep came out yesterday and is out for a couple weeks, but I figured the sooner I got it done then the sooner I can work my way to Legendary, but still help people with the Hungering Deep if need be. Still, my story on completing it was a crazy one.

    First off, I work and overnight shift as a custodian at a highschool. We are already short handed and it's graduation week...which means I've been really busy...
    Anyways, when the update came, I had a dentist appointment scheduled, but I did have some time to check out the Hungering Deep. I joined an open sloop, met a guy wanting to finish the Hungering Deep as well, and both of us headed out to Shark Bait Cove to talk to Merrick.

    Eventually, both of us figured out where to go, what to do (mostly thanks to both of us watching live streams while playing. I know, cheap...but hey, we wanted it done), and we ended up getting our drums from Merrick. This is where I had trouble getting the Hungering Deep done.

    I had to leave cause of my dentist appointment, and after that was done, my boss called me in early cause 2 people on our already short crew called off, so I was told to come in to clean their areas and set up things for graduation. I can't really refuse extra money and I know we're short handed, so I had to go into work.

    After work, I had time before going to sleep, and I was hoping to find a crew to get the Hungering Deep done, but misfortune kept hitting me.
    Join a game, nobody wants to fight the Megalodon, the people were new and didn't know anything of the Hungering Deep and just wanted to level up in ranks, or idiots kept ruining everything cause some people just always want to fight people for no reason.

    I got mad and went to bed, only to get up early (couldn't sleep). I was determined to get the Hungering Deep done. I finally managed to find people who wanted to get the quest done.

    My job was to keep playing Merrick's tune on the drums (by the way, LOVE the drum...I like how you whistle the tune more so than anything and drum a beat. Amazing job on the drum, I'm gonna always have a drum playing as an instrument now...), and honestly, as tired as my finger was holding down the Right Trigger, I was determined to keep playing the tune. We stocked up on lots of supplies, and went off to fight the Megalodon once and for all, after being harassed a bit by idiots who again want to fight for no reason.

    Finally we summoned the Beast (looks amazing guys, well done), and we went to battle. Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed with the fight with the Megalodon cause it was easy to track and know it's patterns, but the fight still felt epic. I was happy once we killed the Beast (which I took a couple snap shots, one of which is my new background for my Xbox...). The new shark head piece looks awesome. I was happy, a bit of stress trying to get it done, but hey it was awesome.

    I hope the next DLC is as epic and amazing. I'm gonna be playing my drums a lot in the game from now on.

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  • @thegreatluthe said in Hungering Deep Finally Completed...:

    I hope the next DLC is as epic and amazing. I'm gonna be playing my drums a lot in the game from now on.

    Well I hope not as epic and amazing.. this is only amazing for the first hour... there's not so much left to suck from the THD as it is implemented..
    The content is permanent, but this adds nothing to our game, since 98% of us won't do it again... This needs an overhauling...

    I felt it was really really funny and was nice to meet people to do it with us..
    But this won't happen again. Because it doesn't have nothing to keep players interested in...
    It's amazing and epic for the sense of discovery and for our rewards... Now's dead...

    We need something to be this epic all the time we try to do it.. the sense of achievement, the new and the unexpected...

  • @nunoazuldimeter If they left it in the game as is people would complain it is boring. This is why the quest was an event but the Megalodon will be permanent with new rewards. The rewards now are only available for two weeks.

  • @monstermash1994 said in Hungering Deep Finally Completed...:

    @nunoazuldimeter If they left it in the game as is people would complain it is boring. This is why the quest was an event but the Megalodon will be permanent with new rewards. The rewards now are only available for two weeks.

    They said this content will be permanent.. however the rewards for the event only will be available for 2 weeks..

    I'm trying to say is this new threat needs a change after the event ends..
    Maybe to spawn randomly as the Kraken... And those spoken features to calm it down..

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