Execution Style

  • So my buddy and I are at a skull fort on a sloop, and we finish 6 or so waves when a galleon rolls up. After a bit of a battle we sink them, they come back battle and sink us. We go back and start fighting when a new PL galleon rolls up. We agree to team up with the new PL galleon and sink the other ship, but in the process lose our sloop. My buddy then needs to leave so I'm solo slooping it back to the fort.

    I arrive and find the PL galleon just about to open the door and we're all friendly. So they open the door and we start getting the loot out. When I run back to my ship, I notice that my ship is sailing off into the distance. The PL crew apologizes, saying one of their friends is a jerk and he stole my ship, but that I can hop on their ship and they'll take me back to an outpost. By this point my sloop had been wrecked and sunk, so I jumped on their ship.

    So we load up the treasure and off we go. We approach the outpost and I get on the wheel to start guiding us in because no one was steering. Next thing I know I'm being executed by these guys with pistols and blunderbuss as they stand behind me.

    Cool beans man, I guess that's what I get for trusting anyone. Back to just attacking every ship we come across no matter how friendly they are. I understand the game is Sea of Thieves, but sometimes it feels like Sea of *****.

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  • Welcome to the online gaming community, may I take your order?

  • @wc-mattman Yeah, yeah, I know. I guess I’m just an old school gamer that doesn’t understand the point in being a **** to people. Whether it’s online or not.

    But I guess when you combine a game that’s lacking content, with a Teen rating, and PL’s with nothing to gain or lose, I could see a toxic combo occurring.

  • @daddy-sanctus lol, I've been playing games since I was like 6-7, 26 now and I haven't played a single online game that hasn't had these players, I figured that I just gotta deal with the cards that have been dealt

  • It is a shame that gaming has come to this. We all buy what we think would be fun for all but unfortunately it does not always end up that way.

    I have children in the same age group as most players and grandchildren old enough to also play SoT.
    Who knows, maybe your parents have even downloaded my user-made content for other games (under a different username of course).

    I still believe that a man's word is everything. Fighting over a fort is perfectly fine but if you make a pact then you are alliances to the end.

    I've been at a fort with a total of five ships. All crews were laughing and joking whilst drinking on each other's ships and playing music. It went on for ages. A funny, good time had by all.
    It only took one pair to start killing players and no matter how many times they were sunk and killed they kept returning.

    The skull fort wasn't spawning so we all decided to leave, do a lap around a given island, several islands away, then return. Unfortunately we mistook a sloop behind us for the friendly sloop at the fort and they managed to sink us.
    This spawned us even further away, by the time we got back to the fort only two galleons remained and they were at war with each other. We sailed past closely and asked what happened to the truce? They said it's over, we're at war now.
    So we turned back and put the final blows into both ships.
    We finished the fort uncontested.

    Another time a sloop joined us in beating yet another contender at a fort so we honored our word and gave them first pick of the loot. They took the stronghold chest as that was all they wanted so we took everything else.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I usually act in video games the way same I do in life. If I tell you I’m going to help you, that’s what I mean. If I call a truce, that’s what I intend to keep. I’ve made tons of alliances in this game, and I believe this is the first time I was truly backstabbed. It was bound to happen eventually, but it just left me shaking my head. I’ve gone so far as to sacrifice my own loot and ship to help some stranger I’ve never met before because they asked for it.

  • Unfortunate! It's kinda like geopolitics. Balance of power carries weight.

    I'd keep my word with you @Daddy-Sanctus and that's all that matters.

    Side question for laughs. Did you see them creepily lurking around while you were going to the outpost?

  • @daddy-sanctus You sound like a reasonable, well adjusted, good man. Don't ever let anyone take that away from you.
    It's unfortunate that morals aren't always passed onto the next generation.
    Sure you need to always have your wits about you, even more so in this game, but never let your guard down whilst remaining true to yourself.

    I wish you fair winds and happy sailing, mate. :o)

  • It's a d**k move, but why are you trusting a bunch of guys who stole your ship? You shoulda been thinking the same thing they did.

  • @gloog I'd keep my word with you too, Gloog! And no, I didn't see them creeping around me. They were actually all busy on the sails and moving treasure around. I think at one point they were trying to bait me into stealing their loot because they brought the Stronghold Skull up near me and dropped it about a foot away. I glanced at it and looked away and began adjusting some sails. They all ran up the stairs at once to execute me just before we got to the dock.

    @Admiral-RRRSole I agree, it's a shame that some people just want to troll and grief to have fun at other's expense. But it is what it is, I will definitely be keeping my wits about me a bit more from now on! Fair winds and happy sailing to you too!

    @name333 I've just had other experiences where there was 1 particular member of a crew who was kinda screwing around and lightly griefing or causing havoc. I usually assume they're the "new guy" or some random, so I really didn't give too much thought into it.

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