!VOTE! for post-launch content [POLL RESULTS]

  • @joze-chapell I like your ideas, can you narrow down to 3 votes for the chart?

    I thought they were going to add Kraken rewards I remember reading after the press embargo that was planned... but so far I haven't seen it

  • Everything! LOL Also, I would love to see a way to kidnap and imprison players, like true pirate life, where pirates would take prisoners or capture outlaws for a bounty for us role-players out there. I think there would definitely have to be some solid systems in place of course, like making sure there was a dedicated server for this or maybe an option to opt out? I'm sure there is a way to implement it so it would be only for those who wanted it but man that would sure be fun!

    alt text

  • O ; C ; L .

  • P, O, H!!!

  • Letters B, H, M

  • @shoothere4exp

  • B, H, and P

  • A,M,F

    But they are all good things that would improve the game!
    Except the P, I think and I hope they will not put anything like this, as for PvP only servers or only PvE, that's not how the game was designed and a similar addition would unbalance far too much the relationships between the players going to break all the mechanism.

  • G, L, M!

  • u o b but pretty much all would be great

  • L,B,M
    Game is soooo awesome :D

  • F, L, S.

  • T,N,C different ship lantern colours in particular

  • An instanced Social HUB (maybe Mosquito Island?), non safe zone, with activities like games, duels, PvP arena, exclusives shops, community events, etc

  • K, M, G

    Great post!!

  • E, F, P

  • B T Q.

    Lots of good ideas in the list.

  • G, K, S.

  • It looks like "MORE SHIP TYPES" is in the lead!

    I'm excited about this as this my personal #1 as well, if you would like to see what types of ships rare could add check out this thread:

    My design for a 3 Player Ship:

    Also my design for a 6 Player Man O' War:

  • B.L.M. and M+ (M+ stands for Muffins)

  • G, H, U.

  • @shoothere4exp

  • B C N
    I Think there should be Way more items in the shops. Especially cheaper ones.. at the Moment there is no big Progression, all items cost exactly the same. No Way to actually slowly upgrade ur Clothes till u get to the expensive stuff u want.

  • @shoothere4exp B, I, N. If this is still open.

  • @shoothere4exp All.

  • L, N, and Q. Most have to with more social aspects I know. Rare wants our pirate to tell our story, but we can't if no tattoos or scars can be obtained or received through the game. Also I think these are actually coming because in the book "Tales from the Sea of Thieves", there are a few pages that give an in depth description of a few games, Liar's Dice and something else.

  • @shoothere4exp b,g,c

  • @shoothere4exp actually all of the above please

  • a solo mode that doesnt have PVP, or a choice between pvp and pve play. or a middle ground of both.

  • B, C, F

    But all of them, really.

  • A, F, L

    And maybe cheating a bit but fishing could be a minugame too

  • A B M :)

  • F, G, P.

  • Yeah im going to say all of them

  • U I R is what I would like

76 out of 6293