[SHARING] The most evil thing you did in SoT

  • Here is mine:
    Using barrels I prevented my crew from putting the chest on the ship. Just have a few 3/4 GP and leave them on top of ladders or nearby (captain's cabin is a good spot, and inbetween canons). Have 3 or 4 to have at least ONE warning shot.

    if they shoot barrel they sink the ship and lose chest. If they come up, shoot barrel and kill them, and sink the ship. Remember to leave one barrel of powder next to the brig. xD You know why if you feel me xD

    This is a terrible thing to do to yer crew, but like RP wise it's MIGHTY!

    So tell us, how are you using this sandbox to be the most scummy pirates there ever was ?

    PS: I am sharing this to only show the massive possibilities we can come up with using this sandbox game! Judge it evil or not, fact is: if I can do it, I'll probably do it. If I can't do it then I'll find a way to do the next thing closest to rendering what I originally wanted to do. Using the tools at hand.
    That's what sandbox means.

  • 86
  • I Had lots of fun climbing onto enemy galleon’s crows nest and blunderbussing anyone in the face who followed (they tried multiple times). They couldn’t shoot me from the p**p deck, so they gave up and lifted their anchor. Once it was up, I jumped down, dropped their anchor, and I climbed back up to the crows nest. I repeated this 4 times until they finally killed me.

  • Spawn Kill someone who was toxic until they left the game.

  • @ironuzuka let my solo sloop sail off into the distance (off the map) go to the very top of Galleon’s grave outpost and watch other ships go to an island dig up treasure and sail back to galleon’s grave only for me to plunder them.

  • @racmop I tried that! I was inside the tent once but was a tick too late! They turned in their treasure and I killed the poor soul right after

  • @racmop there was no risk on my side. I didn’t have any treasure unattended somewhere. Respaws on ships are free

  • @ironuzuka stayed at a port in my galleon and make a small ship think that an entire team was firing upon him, when I was the only crew member on board

  • I educated ill-tempered crewmates how to kill me more efficiently in the brig.
    They said I seemed like a pretty cool guy, and they let me out.

  • I would not say it was evil, but it was extremely satisfying. Had a galleon chase our galleons for a bit, so we carried out a masterful plan. We had 2 members jump overboard with gunpowder barrels. We hit the galleon with both barrels, so we then u-turned our galleon and finished off the enemy galleon with cannon fire. Either the explosions killed the crew or they were all busy on damage control because as we peppered their galleon with cannon fire there was no return fire.

    Extremely satisfying turing in the single castaway chest we had onboard.

  • i feel super bad about this one, so me and me crew mate were at an outpost just starting and we noticed another sloop docking to return their chests, so we stood by the gold hoarder tent and one of us danced while the other played music.

    they had 3 captains chests one of there guys joined us in dancing while the other handed there chests in 1 at a time thinking we were friendly pirates. so on the 3rd chest we pulled out our weapons killed them both handed in the captains chest and sunk there ship haha i mean its not sea of friends it is sea of thieves after all .

  • Gather a bunch of gunpowder barrels then go back to an outpost place them all over town, on the docks where people park there ships most, near the turn in tent, then scuttle my ship and blow up the next ship or group of people to come to the island and steal their chest and experience for myself.
    The other thing I like to do is get drunk right before a battle and puke into a bucket then board their ship and throw it on them not only does it blind them it makes them throw up too effectively giving you plenty of time to kill them before they even knew what happened.
    Also, with the bucket of puke if you throw one on your friend and he holds and empty bucket in his hands, when he pukes he will fill it up and can throw it back at you causing you to puke again and you can do this forever as long as know one misses.

  • @jamiethe1egend that’s not evil. That’s a community service. tips hat

  • rolls on deck laughing

    Me lads some fine tales indeed!

  • @racmop said in [SHARING] The most evil thing you did in SoT:

    Waited inside the hoarders tent with a blunderbuss and stole their booty put a powder keg inside the tent blow up an entire team of 4 and stole their booty

    Like this? xD



  • @afro-silent said in [SHARING] The most evil thing you did in SoT:

    i feel super bad about this one, so me and me crew mate were at an outpost just starting and we noticed another sloop docking to return their chests, so we stood by the gold hoarder tent and one of us danced while the other played music.

    they had 3 captains chests one of there guys joined us in dancing while the other handed there chests in 1 at a time thinking we were friendly pirates. so on the 3rd chest we pulled out our weapons killed them both handed in the captains chest and sunk there ship haha i mean its not sea of friends it is sea of thieves after all .

    Hahahahahahahaarrrr! Now that’s how to pirate! #bemorepirate

    Seriously though that is one to write home about. Also, don’t feel too bad. If that was me on the losing end, I’d have a chuckle.

  • @y0ujerk haha thanks mate we were shedding tears from laughter it was pure fun

  • taking a sloop hostage and using its crew as slaves in battle

  • Met some pirates. Became friends. I abondon my ship and joined theirs ( keep in mind I’m not on their crew, still my own ) then stole their chests and blew their hoal

  • @delta-sparky901 said in [SHARING] The most evil thing you did in SoT:

    taking a sloop hostage and using its crew as slaves in battle

    This is just weird.

  • we had just boarded a ship and sunk it. They had boarded us and we thought we killed all of them.....we also had like 5 GP barrels in the hull. In the dead of night sailing about 20 min later we heard a voice in proximity chat say "heyyyyyy youuuuuuuu guyssssss" (in the voice of sloth from the goonies) then BOOOOOM our ship sank so fast, he was hiding in the hull next to the barrels! I couldnt stop laughing that made my night.

  • Me and my duo ran across another sloop that had given chase for a minute or so before giving up and sailing off to do their own thing. We pulled up beside them and heard them over mic freaking out like "Oh S***! There's another ship!" My buddy suggested we be friendly and just hop in and say hi and leave them to their digging. I agreed, as I was stepping below their deck before I stopped upon see just chests filling their hull and said "Yeeeeah change of plan there's a LOT of chests on here."

    We ended up sinking their ship and killing them a few times as they scrambled to try and hide some of the chests on the island, all the while shouting at each other. Here's some bits and pieces I heard over mic.
    "I can't believe we're going to lose all this work and progress."
    And my favorite "DON'T F***ING ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME." I assume from this they were in the same room.

    Not only did they lose a lot of treasure but it sounded like they lost a friend in each other too. Whoops!

  • @ironuzuka lol hooooooly c**p, i'm using this against my wife!!!!!

  • I opened the beta and quickly sail off to explore. See a slop park on an island. I parked my sloop close to his. I could see him on the beach. I faced him and he turned up to be a friendly pirate. We talked for like 5 min then he decided to give me the chest he just found on that island. I went to my ship and was preparing the sail to go to an outpost but at that moment my eyes saw the lonely pirate going back to his ship with another chest. I waited on my ship for him to go away. I couldn't resist I launched myself into the water and grabbed his chest quickly making my way back to my ship. I immediately sailed off with my two "fairly earned" chests and proceed for the closer outpost. Never saw the pirate again...

  • My crew and I got into a fight with two other galleons. After sinking one we began to lose the fight against the second. We checked for our map position and noticed we were near the edge. After bailing out the cargo hold a few dozen times, we decided to make one last attempt to board and take their ship. A ramming maneuver put all three members of my crew on their ship. Their helmsman was first to go, and then the repairman. The cannoneers killed me and another crewmate. As our final act, our last crew member took control of the wheel and sailed the enemy ship as far into the red seas as possible. As he was dying we watched as the ship that sank us moments before was enveloped in the blood red waters.

  • Haha one thing I did was when I was venturing around I saw a small ship on an island so I thought I'd creep up and check them out. They were on the island and they had one chest so I took it. Then after getting a full inventory of bannanas, cannonballs and planks i raised their anchor and angled their boat straight into the ocean (it went far) after laughing it off I went to the island thinking "they must be getting another chest I'll get the drop on them" so I waited and they saw only one ship but they knew it wasn't theirs to they started to swim so I quickly swam ahead as I was closer and got on my boat and left them with no escape. I saw them get the mermaid back to their boat so I went back and found the chest they had XD

    Another was me and my friend saw a ship docked at an outpost so we thought we'd just crash their boat and beach em they saw and fought us and we won after that we saw another hiding on the other side of the island so we did the same but they put up a strong fight.

  • Another which I am super proud of for pulling it off was, I was being chased by a gallion while I was in the sloop and they were slowly catching up so I had the great idea of luring them away. So I approached an island to the north-north-east of me. I turned the ship after getting really close to it all the way to the left and when I saw my opening I jumped off the right side and swam for land. When I turned to see I it had worked all I saw was their ship turn left also and attack my ship (also I assume they checked for treasure), I'm sat their laughing thinking "I got away, I can't believe they fell for it" so I went to see the treasure on the island with the single map I had as I was coming off anyway and dug it up only to realise I can't take it with me tp cash it in XD

  • I don't want to gloat about "griefing" other players but to be fair it's a pirate game so here goes.

    Was end of last scale test. Crewmates and I just cashed in our last voyage and wanted some pvp before it ended. In the distance we saw two galleons going at it (score). They were slowly sailing blasting away at each other so we went full speed between them and unloaded on one. We sunk one but the other was running. Ain't no room for the cowardly running bilge rats!

    We proceeded to chase down the running galleon and me and my first mate boarded it. We managed to take out the entire enemy crew and anchored the ship down. We then started siphoning all their resources into our ship, all the while killing them when they came back to stop us (to be fair they wouldn't stop shooting us). After we were done, we raised their anchor and crashed it into the nearest island. It was kinda funny watching them rushing to shore to find planks to repair the many holes in their ship. Once it sunk, 5 chests rose to the top.

    We got excited by that so we sailed to the nearest outpost to cash out. While selling the chests we happened to notice a sloop sailing near us. We saw someone take a sniper shot at us but my crew mate nailed them first so they stopped and proceeded to go and find another outpost to sell their chests at...jk they decided to go to the other side of the island and sneakily run up to the gold hoarder to sell. Unfortunately for them I was hiding inside the tent behind the gold hoarder and blunderbussed their face off as they approached, grabbed the chest and cashed in. Great way to end a scale test imo.

  • AHOY ME EVIL LADS! A new sets of event has brought up me evil self, though I'd share this eventful and scheming story with ye wonderful scaly wags!

    Be me, be a cap alone on a Galleon for me crew has abandoned me.
    Worked me way up to an active Skelly Fort.
    Was battling the skellies on me own, doing good and all ... Then this other Galleon in on the horizon. Heading me way.
    So I do what I usually do: get out me lantern, and flashes at them.
    They flash back, so I go back killing bones!
    They arrive and start firing at me ship right away. They were poor sailors and had worse aim. They tried boarding me ship several times unsuccessfully. AYE for I wouldn't let them. Being alone it was arguably hard to sink them for they would repair like crazy ants working together.
    Anyhow, they were all about just sinking me, and killing me. They managed to kill me once or twice. Upon me second death, me Galleon had sank.
    So I sank them using two GP barrels from the island that I had saved up, but died in the process.

    Sail back, alone, on me ship, have to redo the approach and all. I believe that I did sink these lads since their boat had gone.
    I was maneuvering me ship when suddenly a bunch of new lads joined me crew! First thing they say te me is: drop the F anchor and do not raise the sails!
    So I merely replied: Are ye the capt'n ? No! AYE be capt'n, so don't tell me what to do on my ship you scally wag!
    The guy started telling his friends to put me in the brig. So without a moments hesitation, I grab me gun powder barrels and stack one of them close by the brig, and one floating by the ship.
    Understand me view me lads: I had worked and fought too hard up until now to be challenged by a mere new guy. I told him me truth and hoped he would find me way of talking funny and respect me work. For if he just got in and found himself with a nit re spawn to fight the skellies and claim the treasures was ALL ME!
    Furthermore this guy was not friendly, using curse words and he actually managed to release me darkest parts!

    So the first time AYE dared him to challenge me more, for AYE be crazy!
    Blew this lad and meself up with a gunpowder barrel! As Captain I shall not accept any mutiny!
    His mates seemed more friendly but still would take his side. I understand very well, but this means that ye will share the consequences!
    Waited for the waves to be cleared while asking of the crew to apologies and comply with me. They did not and actually condescendingly told me that I was being too serious about me effort for I merely sailed a galleon and parked it.

    Well, once the treasure door opened, and me crew was distracted, I took a GP barrel and sank me own Golly Molly! I shall not have her in the hands of such pirates.

    [this was part of a post I wrote on this fine thread by @MrI1ama : https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/36546/skeletal-fort-griefers-rant/10

  • this stealth kill
    or this

    All of my highlights are evil as hell

    My favorite thing to do is camp the bottom of a sinking ship after I raised anchor and rammed it into land

  • Bought the game...

  • @oberampir said in [SHARING] The most evil thing you did in SoT:

    Bought the game...

    Well get a refund. Sad to hear.

  • I don't know if I'd call it EVIL per se, since I allowed them to get all their stuff AND waited for them to leave the ship before I sank it, but I think I did kill one of their chickens!

  • Went to raid a skeleton fortress in a sloop(2P)... While we were killing the second or third wave, two galleons pulled up from different directions, we waited till they ankered and fought each other (and the skellis). Then we blew up both their ships with gunpowder barrels, while they killed the captain :D we went back to the island, killed what was left of em, and stole the magical key, and the booty with it! Taking out a fortress along with two galleons in a small sloop... feelsgoodman :D

  • Don't know this can be considered evil either but here goes:

    I was with another forum member and 2 other guys trying to do our first fort. There was a sloop there and a galleon circling the area showing signs of being aggressive already. We came up to the sloop screaming and writing "Ahoy!" and asking to cooperate which they agreed to. Soon after the galleon comes close and I try to do the same. At that point the answer wasn't clear, some seemed to say they wanted to but others not and we assumed a "let them shoot first" perspective while trying to cooperate. My crew went ahead towards the fort while I stayed back, using the canons to shoot the skeletons and keeping an eye on that galleon.

    Everything seemed fine at first until a GB blew up underneath our ship. I dealt with it and screamed at the others to come back. That was the beginning of it all.. we tried arguing it and reestablish the alliance but they kept boarding me with a single guy, even blew another one or two barrels. Always with some intervals in-between and during the whole fort mess, with us continuously calling them out on it and trying to keep things cool. But I had enough when two more boarded as my team left the ship again.

    2 of them were dead, the other on the fort and while finally an actual alliance seemed to be forming (I think they realized they couldn't take us down that easily and were waiting for the end), I went to the crow's nest, grabbed our own GB and swam all the away around the fort to their ship and sank them. It was pretty funny hearing them talk to @SenileGold and saying they were sorry and they would stop at the same time their ship was blowing up. 10 seconds later I hear them ask each other what happened to their ship ahaha

    TL DR: Karma is a [self-censored]

  • Reading a bunch of the replies here made me realize I was too nice during the beta lol.

    The only evil thing I did was sink a random Galleon that was preoccupied with a skeleton fort. I think the Galleon only had a solo crew member too because I never saw anyone else except one guy frantically running around as I bombarded the ship with my sloop.

    I still feel bad about it, although reading this thread and remembering how many times I was a random victim makes me feel better about it.

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