0x80073CF9 Error when downloading

  • So, I was unable to download the client before the stress test ended. This was very disappointing, but whatever - I can wait a month to play. However what is extremely concerning is that absolutely nobody can tell me what the 0x80073CF9 error actually means.

    I've gone through 5 MS live chats, 1 being a remote session where the rep reinstalled W10. Nothing helped. I click Download on the beta (or the real client) and am able to download 10~mb then I get the 0x80073CF9 error. After that I click retry, 10 more mb until another 0x80073CF9 error. I suppose I can click retry a gold hoard's worth of times and be ready by launch day, but that should not be needed. My SoT ticket was closed with a link to the "please try these things" page - none of which helped, and then nobody has responded to it since I re-opened it. The latest Microsoft rep seems hellbent on telling me that my motherboard drivers are incompatible with the Fall Creator's update of W10 and are preventing the download of this game (Mind you, no other app on the Windows store has this issue for me, just this game). My flatmate in the same house on the same LAN had no issues installing either, so it doesn't seem like a network issue.

    Copying the game files from a friend's computer is out of the question because of how stupidly locked down the MS Store is. BTW, if you haven't actually looked at your files, not only are they EFS protected, W10 locks down the WindowsApps folder so hard that no amount of permissions or owner swapping will allow you to copy the files to a portable drive for backup or transfer.

    I have done the following through the various threads and live-chats and nothing has helped. In fact nearly all of the solutions below are for resolving 0x80073CF9 error if it happens for everything, not just one game.

    The Error only happens on Sea of Thieves Closed Beta and Sea of Thieves, no other app.

    I have done W10 In place upgrade

    AUInstallAgent Folder is present in C:\Windows

    AppReadiness folder is present in C:\Windows

    AUInstall folder is present in C:\Windows

    ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES has full control to the AppRepository\Packages folder

    ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES has full control to the WindowsApps folder.

    I have full control to both of the above folders.

    I have Run DISM Commands for CheckHealth, ScanHealth, and RestoreHealth

    WSReset has been run

    Windows Updater has been run

    The Windows Applications Troubleshooter, Microsoft Account Troubleshooter have both been run.

    wuauserv has been restarted and SoftwareDistribution folder has been replaced.

    I have enabled the legit admin account and attempted installs from

    Xbox Insider has been running in the same screen as the MS Store as well.

    I'm signed out of the Windows Store entirely and the beta/game client still allows me to install, so maybe it's an account issue with the game?

    At this point I'd simply like to know what 0x80073CF9 means so maybe I can fix this and play the game I paid for in a month's time. Again, no other application from the windows store presents this error, all install fine. Just this game.

    I just want to play the game :(

  • 22
  • Nobody's gotten this error and resolved it yet?

  • @kohato Ahoy there, you've raised a ticket with Support for this?


    I found some suggestions on the Gears forums here - scroll down to the bottom for something that seems to have worked -

  • Hey @Kohato Would you mind creating a support ticket? One of our engineers would like to try some troubleshooting on this error and has a few ideas. Just mark the ticket for my attention at the top, and I will put you in touch.

  • @scheefinator Thanks! The PS command there is actually kind of a bucket command, it re-registers all apps. Unfortunately that did not work for me :( Well the command ran, but it didn't resolve the issue. Devs are looking into it now :)

  • @kohato Might be related to AppReadiness which I think it is, sound like you're quite involved.

  • @kohato Hi !

    If you manage to find a solution with the support warn us!

    I am exactly the same as you and I tried all the solutions you described :)

    Sorry for my english im french.

  • I'm having this bug as well. I bought Windows 10 the other day just for sea of thieves. This is my first experience with the Microsoft store :(. I've never had any issues like this downloading any steam game.

    right now I'm not even sure if this will be fixed by the time the game is released. I shouldn't have to be typing into command prompts just to download a game thats 60$. I suppose I can just baby sit it and keep clicking continue for a few hours but this crazy. Downloads should be the easy part..

    I'm able to download other games from the store, just not sea of thieves. I don't get it. It downloads for about 5sec and then it stops.

  • @meingott77 Could you raise a ticket to the support? Maybe they have found a solution.

    Raise a ticket (it may take a while to fully load)

  • @el-espectro-0 The only thing I can think of is what OP said about chipset drivers.

    I currently use a z77 intel chipset, which doesnt have drivers for windows 10. Im currently using the most updated ones. I dont see what that has to do with a download though. Do they really expect me to buy a whole new motherboard when its not listed in the requirements? Just to download this game?

  • @meingott77 I am not an expert, but I would say that if you have Windows 10 updated, the store should look that and not the motherboard, even so, I recommend that you contac with the support to see if they know something else.

    I have also found this, but I do not know if your model matches any of the z77 models in the link.

    I wish you luck and I hope you can sail these seas :)

  • @mrurban225fr
    salut j'ai le même problème (Code : 0x80073CF9) que toi.
    A tu trouver une solution stp ?
    j'en peut plus d'attendre pour y jouer

  • bump. Still looking for a solution.

  • Support gave me a fix, although its a bit messy.

    Had to reformat my hard drive and fresh install windows 10. Must be some conflict with older windows and how it organizes the hard drive.

    Sea of Thieves is ready to go!

  • I always get download errors with windows store. usually a restart solves the issue

  • I found a solution :

    • Open the CMD "right click on the start menu then Windows PowerShell (admin)"

    • Then copy and paste this line: fsutil behavior set DisableEncryption 0

    Restart the PC.

    I can now download the game without problem.

  • I got exactly the same problem i tried everything but nothing worked out for me. I hope i didnt waste the 70 Euros

  • Ahoy @jnhlsn!

    I think you should contact the support, I hope they have an easy solution :)

    Raise a ticket (it may take a while to fully load)

  • im getting this error too and nothing i do works to solve it

  • @MrUrban225 Your solution worked for me:

    However I did allot of reading and a really good tool best ran in safe mode is:

    Tweaking.com - Windows Repair

    Its awesome and in many posts of people having store related issues it came to the rescue. Posting this for any landlocked pirates who cant set sail.

  • I'm having the same problem but only when I try to download the game on my (E:) drive. When I download on my (C:) drive it works perfectly fine. However, my (C:) drive is very low on storage so I would prefer to keep it on my designated storage drive but that is impossible when I can't even download it.

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